but if the market is dominated by resellers instead of end users it's a sign the market is not that healthy.
We all know resellers are usually not going to pay top dollar for domains.
Speculation example: the LLL buyout in extensions like .mobi .biz .info (.us too) is artificial (sustained by domainers) but the speculation (aka 'demand') is not driving prices up.
There is no point in renewing names that have a negative ROI. When I said negative cash flow of course it means you spend more in renewals than you earn in domains sales, development and parking revenue.
I fell out of my seat!
Someone "gets it"
zero supply does not equate to demand if the names are being horded.
By some estimates, 42 million .com and .net are nothing more than parked.
This my, friend nameslave, is why Economics 101 is 100% bunk in domaining. The supply and the demand can be artificially inflated by domainers.
If you want a true life example, look at the silver market being horded by the Hunt brothers to decrease the supply of silver thereby increasing the prices. The demand was moderate by some standards but the market for silver plummeted when ordered to liquidate.
The same is true with oil prices hitting $150 a barrell. The supply was available but the percieved demand was artificially inflated by speculators. This is why oil went well over $5.00 per gallon. But, once the "perception" of demand was hit with the "reality" of supplies then oil prices came tumbling down to less than $1.50 earlier in the year.
The issue here is domainers are attempted to corner a market by buying up names in hopes of controlling the supply thereby increasing demand.
Because industry, countries, people are not playing that game. There is the occasional exception to the rules.
What is happening right now in the domain market? Why are there over 270 extensions? why are IDN's being released? Why are new TLD's being released?
Because THAT is where CONSUMERS have placed the DEMANDS of the market.
Domainers had NOTHING to with this WITH THE EXCEPTION they helped CREATE these new markets by HORDING domains. Thus the term CYBERSQUATTING.
Other factors include language, national identity, heritage and pride regarding IDN's. Some factors influencing new TLD's are simply identity and the concept of using the BRAND as the NAME.
To me it is exciting NOT FROM A DOMAINER's POINT but from a consumer point. It will further add to the identity and branding of a PRODUCT, PLACE, PERSON, or PERCEPTION.
Domainers DO NOT CONTROL the internet and DO NOT CONTROL the future and the fate of the internet.
Domainers only control AN INDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIO and their PERCEIVED VALUE of their own names.
GLOBAL CONSUMERS do not care what domains are being held and in what extension. All they care about is finding the product, place, or service that they need. They use NOT WHAT THEY ARE USED TO but what has been successfully promoted and branded into their consciousness. Next up will be IDN's that will further distance itself from any perceived notion of business as usual. Even more so than ccTLD's alone, IDN's will further isolate countries and peoples to use that which is new to them and has BIGGER meaning to them than a .com. Think India (Hindi) and China (Mandarin, Chinese) each country with over a billion people. Suddenly the WESTERN way and the DOT COM will decrease in usage to these people. YES, .com will remain but will DECREASE in usage thereby decreasing in value.
Now if people (aka domainers) can not recognize this concept and how it relates to the proposed .music, .sport, .nyc and the increased usage of .fm, .travel, .me - suddenly a domain is not just about connecting to the internet but how one connects to THEIR INTERESTS AND THEIR BRANDS.
ANY increase in usage by ANY other domain extension is a DECREASE in usage of an existing domain. FORGET ECONOMICS ONE-OOO-ONE (didn't GM, Chysler, FORD teach us this?), think REAL ESTATE 101
An internet extension, a URL, any domain represents AN ADDRESS. Nothing more. It is their MAP of how to get to where they want to go on the Internet.
Honestly? Keep your eyes open. This is going to happen and it is going to happen in one huge swoop that it will take many people off their feet.
Buy into all the new extensions? Hell no.
The only .me I bought is my last name to use as an email for my family and the only .tel I bought is to match a charitable thing my wife and I are into.
So, why .mobi?
Look at the infinite number of ways ALREADY that people can connect to the internet. Then look at the INFINITE number of ways people connect to the mobile internet. I say INFINITE because perhaps the only thing we can agree on in this thread is there is no ONE STANDARD established to connect to the mobile space.
Look at what we have already. It is a mess.
Look what is getting ready to happen with all these new releases of IDN and TLD's. Mass confusion, chaos and an INFINITE ADDITIONAL number of ways to not only connect with the internet but with mobile.
YES, iphone and itouch are great. BUT, the iPhone is less than 20% of the market. New technology with other devices are coming and will catch up.
BUT, IDN's and new TLD's are not waiting for TECHNO to catch up with ALL CONSUMERS! The flood of names, places, brands, etc is going to take place first. Other wise, you are going to have to wait until every person (6.5 billion) on earth have a smart phone like iPhone that can surf the web in any standard. Currently there are 4.5 billion global mobile phone subscribers in the world.
Do we tell China, Japan, India, Russia, Spain, New York City, Berlin, etc that we have to wait for the other 80-85% of the world's inhabitants get their shit together and buy a real mobile phone?
So with all this chaos, what CURRENTLY (
it has to be current because the flood is about to happen and the technology in a person's hand is not) what current extension is going to be branded and is set to be the STANDARD RIGHT NOW to ensure TRUST THAT THIS SITE WILL WORK ON EVERY WEB ENABLED MOBILE DEVICE?
It is all about the consumer, it is all about branding, it is all about place.
It is not about domainers.