Originally posted by Larry
Think - like whois, you have chosen to tell us how you feel instead of presenting some factual evidence. Your assessment of deaths may be accurate in the end but to state this as fact simply puts you in the camp of the alarmists and shows your anti-war bias.
Nothing wrong with being against the war...I have reservations about how quickly we chose to act and the potential cost of life on both sides.
But there is no credibility in statements about the number of deaths before we know the length and breadth of the war.
I wont comment in this thread again...even if NS and beatz bait me .
I hope/wish/pray (inclusive ) that this is over soon with limited loss.
It is true I am speculating about the loss of innocent lives in Iraq. I neglect to remember that Saddam or the remaining part of his government could decide to surrender. However, Shock and Awe is under way and the possibilty of surrender is very small.
In the same fashion it is highly speculative for individuals to think that Saddam Hussain is insane and will use weapons of mass destruction against the US. Don't get me wrong, if Saddam had the military capacity to conquer us I would assume that he would do so. But a wreckless attack of terrorism would be the end of him or any other tinpot dictator. I have no illusion that he is to be trusted or allowed to rule Iraq unchecked.
I however, saw containment and sanctions, while enforcing disarmament, as a plausible solution to this situation. It would be nice to see the Iraqi people rising against this despot rather than the US military. It does not play well in the world arena where our previous support of right wing dictators still lingers.
I have not seen much about Iraqis in exile going back to fight. I realize some are, but not many from what I have seen in any of the media sources. The Kurds are prepared to fight but only in a limited capacity. The crimes of saddam are against his own people. They should be more involved in his overthrow.
From what I've seen state sponsored terrorism is tantamount to suicide. Not that countries have not engaged in such practices. Lybia and Syria have breached that gap at earlier junctures. However, the majority of terrorist activty comes from individuals who do not have positions of power to lose rather than leaders of countries that can be easily retalliated against.
I also detest the fact that many of the major behind the scenes players will reap great profits from this war. Richard Pearle, , Dick Cheney's former company Halliburton, Casper Weinburger with Beltek,and many other hawks will cash in quite handsomely from this. No wonder they are for war. In my opnion profiting from war at the expense of US taxpayers flies in the face of patriotism.