I don't know how much they "put up", but the amount is quite considerable.
you dont know how much but you know it is considerable?! :greenconfused:
with arguements like that I..... :lol:
I don't know how much they "put up", but the amount is quite considerable.
Hey look! Its the funny guy.....hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
you must be doing so well from your .mobi investments that you clearly can't even afford a platinum membership.. Maybe we should raise some DNF$s for you
Just here to browse bud! The community spirit isn't what I expected!
No. one rule in internet marketing - never confuse your customers with 2 TLDs.
Trying to market 2 domains is marketing suicide.
Now let's have a dnforum.mobi, how's that?
Rick said that when he was bidding on flowers.mobi, that the owner(s) of flowers.com was bidding against him, I dont know whether or not they would market flowers.mobi if they got it, perhaps they were trying to maintain there internet presence.
No. one rule in internet marketing - never confuse your customers with 2 TLDs.
Trying to market 2 domains is marketing suicide.
Now let's have a dnforum.mobi, how's that?
I think it will depend on their biz model. For top generics, the situation might differ and flowers.com might think that the concept of ordering flowers from the mobilephone is powerful enough for them to come out with a new brand - flowers.mobi - that emphasizes on the extension.
But if i were flowers.com, i won't bother to market flowers.mobi until there is clear evidence of substantial orders (at least 3% to 5% of total orders) are being made from mobile phones.
In the meantime, i'll just use browser detect code to switch HTML depending on what device the user uses. It works the same as .mobi, and there's no need to spend money to educate users on the new extension.
Mobile internet isn't a new thing, i was experimenting with WAP back then in 1999, 8 years ago? One of the reasons WAP failed whereas imode took off was because of domains - people didn't like entering domains into their phone. The Japanese were smart, they knew this, and provided good directories that ensured people only need to click on links to get to various sites. They also provided a bar code scanning method that allows users to scan in URLs.
Now let's have a dnforum.mobi, how's that?
Rick said that when he was bidding on flowers.mobi, that the owner(s) of flowers.com was bidding against him, I dont know whether or not they would market flowers.mobi if they got it, perhaps they were trying to maintain there internet presence.
great, this alows someone new to come in and have the opportinity to start such a forum on a new catchy domain maybe talkdomains.mobi or **********.mobi (however, this type of site is not best suited for the mobile web imo)
I love the 'iphone is great for .mobi' posts - has anyone read the text from apple?
"Look at the Web browser, a modified version of Safari that displays actual Web pages, not a teensy crunched-down version of the Web"
Apple doesnt like 'lite' web, basically saying they want a proper web experiance not .mobi style.
The worrying thing for .mobi is that this is version 1 of the iphone, and 'a few years' is often quoted for .mobi take up. Where will this technology be in the future if this is what we can get now.
And how many focus groups do you think Apple ran to see what people really want...and not DOMAINERS who are basically self-serving. The average person wants to view the internet on a mobile device not have a seperate mobile internet. They want to go on the web as close to their desktop as possible.
I also gotta ask those selling their .mobi domains for $x,xxx. If you are so sure that .mobi will be a success why are you selling now? Wouldn't it stand to reason a $x,xxx domain now would be worth $xx,xxx later when .mobi really takes off. lol .mobi speculators are doing exactly as they should be....hyping it to no-end and selling at the first offers they get. I feel bad for those later on getting stuck holding the bag. It's very possible .mobi domains can diminish in value. What some are paying $x,xxx for now may be barely worth $xxx later and that's why mobi speculators are selling.
What I want to know is who are the idiots buying this stuff?
Congrats to early landrush people that have made their money. It's always good to make money but don't always believe your own bullshit.
you dont know how much but you know it is considerable?! :greenconfused:
with arguements like that I..... :lol:
I also gotta ask those selling their .mobi domains for $x,xxx. If you are so sure that .mobi will be a success why are you selling now? Wouldn't it stand to reason a $x,xxx domain now would be worth $xx,xxx later when .mobi really takes off.
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators