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.Mobi is not a scam. The proof

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Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 14, 2006
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"Domainers" who didnt buy any .mobis at landrush already missed a big opportunity, that's just a fact.


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 26, 2006
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And cooldomain your clinging to that rhetoric about some companies supposed investments in a tld and web standard that are becoming obsolete as fast as they were created is getting tired. Shareholders are fickle creatures and when they figure out that they have been spending money on a project that is being passed over by the advances in technology they will demand that this spending stop post-haste. Companies like Samsung, yahoo, and google are making it clear that mobile makers/providers are not reliant on or even thinking about .mobi.

It is not supposed investments. They are real.

Example: .mobiTV by Motorola.


Old DNF'ef
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 6, 2003
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funny thing about cell phones..i was one of the few people in my area that had one..yes i am old.

it was a tandy from radio shack, and was as big as a cinderblock. i cannot even remember the carrier, i believe sprint or mci or someone like that.

point being, a lot of people made fun of me for having it. my, how times have changed. back then there was no caller id, internet, or other fancy smancy stuff...just a basic phone.

i wish i would have invested in something mobile phone-related, but of course, i didnt. i listened to everyone else.

could .mobi be the same kind of situation? who knows? one thing is for certain tho, we will find out one way or another.

oh, and that phone is about 16 years old and i still have it. maybe i should donate it to the cell phone museum? ;0)


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
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I would LOVE to see a picture of that phone :)

Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2006
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To all Web Slingers and Pirates of Silicon Valley,

Now it seems the Apple iphone is the shot heard around world. The moment in time where an obvious leap will have trasported us into the galaxy of unknown.

The standard of computers, internet and information as a whole. One device, one person with access to the world. The promises have been realized, the years of R&D and a "computer on every desktop"...
(See Triumph of the nerds, Pirates of Silicon Valley and for info)

The historic Apple commercial is playing from beyond the grave, can you hear it? Can you feel the billion dollar companies shaking... trembling... The world shifting beneath us... The triumph of the the new generation is NOW, the NEW internet the NEW entreprenuers...

For .mobi the revolution is upon us, gather ye sword and Musket and I will see you atop the hill... Do not be afraid boy, for ye be left with old beliefs and cling to what was and ignore the revolution that is. Your not a dainty lad are ye? Then strap thy boots and grab a loaf of bread. To the victors is a new world and beyond...

I Love It! :lol:


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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The thing is with the price of the iphone alot of people will laugh it off when they can get most phones for free, maybe hardcore apple fans may pay out the money but not the general public thats for sure!

It's only the first of new generation of phones that will make .mobi and its imposed web standard useless. price will come down very quick. i paid over $600 for top of the line dvd player in 2000 - I just got another top o the line one last month for a third of that and it can do five times what the other could.

A year from now all new mobile devices will be reading the web just as we see it on any desktop today. Why .mobi fanatics refuse to acknowledge that is beyond me. And i say that as someone who owns .mobi domains himself.


Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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funny thing about cell phones..i was one of the few people in my area that had one..yes i am old.

it was a tandy from radio shack, and was as big as a cinderblock. i cannot even remember the carrier, i believe sprint or mci or someone like that.

point being, a lot of people made fun of me for having it. my, how times have changed. back then there was no caller id, internet, or other fancy smancy stuff...just a basic phone.

i wish i would have invested in something mobile phone-related, but of course, i didnt. i listened to everyone else.

could .mobi be the same kind of situation? who knows? one thing is for certain tho, we will find out one way or another.

oh, and that phone is about 16 years old and i still have it. maybe i should donate it to the cell phone museum? ;0)

i remember those. the 80's, ah yes. never owned one as too young. however by GB standards owned a one-to-one (whatever happened to them? ;) ) around '93 & they were small, size of palm, but you had to pull aerial out. even then people were saying what do you need them for?
LOL dicks! they'd deny it now.
who knows what will happen. rarely do things in life follow as they should.
that gives me hope.
bring it on.
in private Pred's life is not so great so he's hoping at least that there's gold in them thar hills! ;)
Pred :smilewinkgrin:


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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.mobites should enjoy being near the top of the pyramid. The days are numbered. Fewer and fewer suckers means the inevitable fall to the bottom of the pyramid.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
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I've already said it once...The more I think about it, I don't really give a damn about the iPhone and what effect it has on .mobi, good or bad. I bought my names, I like the name that I bought, and I'm going to develop them because it gives me something to do outside of my crappy job. There is not a person in this forum, mobi supporter or not, that is going to stop me from doing that. A good site is a good site, regardless of the extension. So I'm going to work my butt off to make a good site, and that's that. I recommend that all of you do the same, with whatever names you have, whether its .mobi, .com, .net, .org or even (shudder) .biz :)

And Aerrial, you're got to find a pic of that phone!


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 14, 2004
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Seanboy how long you been in this business? How much do you know about markets? Congrats to you for wanting to develop your mobi sites even if no one cares or visits them. However this is a dedicated domainers site which in general are for those who conduct BUSINESS and attempt to make profit. Your enthusiasm is admirable but enthusiasm doesn't make you a savvy investor.

And for the comment about me posting anger...what anger? I have none. I post my opinion and my analysis of the market of mobi same as everyone else. Except that normally my posts are well thought out with solid points made while others are posting self-serving dribble intended to continue the hype they hope will make them more money. Good for them.

funny thing about cell phones..i was one of the few people in my area that had one..yes i am old.

it was a tandy from radio shack, and was as big as a cinderblock. i cannot even remember the carrier, i believe sprint or mci or someone like that.

No one denies mobile internet is coming in a BIG way. However just as you can't even remember your old one will remember .mobi. It's standard will be outdated rather quickly by technology the same as cell carriers have advanced their networks and phone technology. Technology will drive the mobile internet not some cut down standard of internet site creation. It just doesn't make sense that people will be at home at their favorite site .com and then hit their phone and try the .mobi version. I don't see the shift and a reason for it to occur. More people will get web-enabled phones when they can browse sites frequent. They won't go and buy a web-enabled phone because they heard of this new .mobi internet. To the common person...the internet is one internet. I see nothing in mass media or marketing that will change this. I am sure the retort will be "well it's been just 4 months"....yeah well the iphone has been announced. What's been announced about .mobi? NOTHING.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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Seanboy how long you been in this business?

You're wasting precious keystrokes.. Seanboy at least claims he wants to develop, you should visit the for sale section and see what people are registering in .mobi extension.. then you'll realize the extend of misinformation, hype and quick profiting which will come slamming down the face of the noobs who pay top $$$$ for 3word .mobi domains.....


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
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Jesus christ, all i said was that I wanted to develop a few sites, and so attacked for no reason? Of all the domains that I own, about 5% of them are .mobis. I've sold 3 of my least favorites because I needed the money, not that its any of your business. Excuse the hell out of me. Your attacks on me are unnecessary. If you want to attack some of the people here for going way overboard with .mobi (which I would like to think that I'm not, just because I said that I want to develop a few of them doesn't make me a zealot), then go ahead. If want to jump down my throat without a good reason, then knock yourself out, I don't really give a sh!t, since I did nothing to warrant such an attack. I could say a few more things to both of you , but since I like this forum and (most) of the people here too much to get banned, I'm just going to end it here.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 14, 2004
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lol...apparently I offended seanboy by asking him his experience in domaining. lol

My 2 questions to you were very reasonable and pertinent to the conversation and my assessment of your opinions.

Seanboy how long you been in this business? How much do you know about markets?

If you were Donald Trump I might listen closer than if you were Donald Duck. You can tell the opinion of experienced domainers here at DNF vs the inexperienced ones at NP who are very recent in the game.

You're wasting precious keystrokes.. Seanboy at least claims he wants to develop, you should visit the for sale section and see what people are registering in .mobi extension.. then you'll realize the extend of misinformation, hype and quick profiting which will come slamming down the face of the noobs who pay top $$$$ for 3word .mobi domains.....

Oh I am well aware of what people are selling, appraising, and registering in the mobi arena. It's part of what has helped my opinion form that it's doomed. Yeah...I said it...DOOMED. Eventually it will be just another extension and those that sold will be very glad they did..hence it's why so many are for sale. at least gives us something to discuss for now. Domaining has been sort of boring for me the past year.

Seanboy...feel free to add me to your ignore list if I am upsetting you too much. It's not intended but I won't censor myself for your percieved attack.


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
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Check your PM labrocca, we're cool. And if I was Donald Trump, I wouldn't be here right now. I'd be too busy making fat jokes about Rosie O'Donnell :)


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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Check your PM labrocca, we're cool. And if I was Donald Trump, I wouldn't be here right now. I'd be too busy making fat jokes about Rosie O'Donnell :)

LOL you forgot the fat prefix :p


Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 14, 2004
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3 is available who wants to take it!


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2006
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Ugh...all of this Rosie talk reminds me of that one episode from the past season of "Nip/Tuck" where her and Christian were...ugh, nevermind. Wow, what an episode that was. I apologize for bringing up her name :)


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 26, 2006
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I don't really give a damn about the iPhone and what effect it has on .mobi, good or bad. I bought my names, I like the name that I bought, and I'm going to develop them...

That's what matters. I think you'll be successful.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2006
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Seanboy, my friend, lets just keep typing and ignore them.

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