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Need Funds!. (220 uniques daily - 1100.00 earned last week 3500 obo

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GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Why is this so hard to comprehend:

Buyer would be happy getting his money back in exchange for the name.

If the name indeed makes $1100 per week, the seller will regain the amount equal to the purchase price in 22 days.

Furthermore, the buyer is NOT required to show proof of traffic - in fact, he should probably not post it here and save it for the courts anyway.

I'm sure you will both be happier if you can settle this the simple, quick and cheap way which is a basic refund...


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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TheLegendaryJP said:
I do not make such a comment because I disbelieved it truly generated that amount. My real question is why sale for so cheap? The answer was unfortunately that of misrepresentation of future revenue. The account was suspended, you decided to dump quick. I am sorry but not ethical imo.

Dump quick? Because of no revenue?.. Hardly.. He knows exactly where he can get 4 dollars per click if he wanted to continue CPC.. and they are grabbing Fabulous rejected domains like crazy.. I was told about 15000 of them already due to the Fabulous ripped me off thread... Now if there was 79 Clicks on the day I sold it at 4.00 per click that equals 316.00 Revenue in one day.. Seems pretty Obvious why Fabulous wouldnt want it if they have to pay this kind of money.. And at thier Rate at Fabulous it would have been even more Revenue and this is just for one day... Hence why it was advertised in the sale as being PERFECT FOR CPA... If he wants his money back after all of his actions today.. He can resell it or park it at the place that pays 4 dollars per clicks or turn it into CPA as suggested.. (Take note this fellow is as said bedpartners with Fabulous which is why he doesnt contact the other parking place which is not my issue) .. When you sell a domain do you follow what the buyer does with it?. .. And after he tried to steal the domain and both the money would you even deal with the guy? Not likely.. The guy tried to scam both and there is a paper trail he left proving it which is how Paypal caught him... I can't afford to "Buy it back" at the moment since the funds have already been reinvested and the soonest I could buy it back is in December when our next funding becomes available or I If I sell some more domains in the meantime.. But regardless he built his own boat when he tried to defraud paypal and Amex when he had the goods in hand.. That's something he brought on himself.. They are the ones who informed me of it after they did thier own investigation..

If he really wants to give it back.. I'm willing to let him earn rev with it until December 30th which is our next funding date and purchase it back.. ESCROW of course.. Or buy it back sooner if I can sell off more domains but that's about the best I can do and I'm bending real far to do that even after everything he did and the way he does business... I would want the domain transferred to a third party prior to him ever touching the cash after what he tried to pull.. I figure that is a fair offer.

Furthermore, the buyer is NOT required to show proof of traffic - in fact, he should probably not post it here and save it for the courts anyway.

No but the screenshot of his Sedo rev would certainly show him a liar since it's one day later than the sedo stats I provided and that was the domain's BEST day in the whole week and it grew and grew.. Growing traffic doesnt just die because a domain changes hands.. especially banner, text link, and pixel add traffic... To even think it would makes no sense.

I mean really there is no way this thing won't generate enough revenue by December to more than pay for itself.. either CPA or CPC at the secondary offered parking place.. Worst case scenario.. He doubles his money including the buy back.. The only way I am doing this however is if he states in this thread he will return the domain in December on the 30th no matter how much it's made.. and I'll simply make a crap load of money with it afterwards as a CPA which the domain was intended for as stated in the sale to start with..

I've bent over backwards to deal with this guy who has attempted to steal both the domain and the money back, made repeated Vulgar threats all day in the nature that a 12 year old might, has proven his ability to commit fraud and theft and the intention to do so, has slandered and commited libel againt me , and had not even provided the truth about stats and earnings.. therfor.. It to me and a slew of others who are reading this that I'm not the person in the wrong here.. But I am willing to make a deal based on the terms above.. and that is pretty fair. As for the third party who holds the domain in question until the deal is over on December 30th I would like it to be someone here with high reputation and good word not affiliated with either one of us so that he gets his money and I get the domain and all revenue therafter.. That's how confident I am that I can take the CPA domain and make money


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2005
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He did state it was a CPA (affiliate), and not a CPC. You should sort it out better than threaten him, did you pay and then try and get the money back?


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2002
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I am sure they are are sufficient comments already included in this thread apart from the actual misdemenor ( If there was one one) to keep two teams of lawyers in funds for some time.

Don'y give them the money, sort it out yourselves and preferably not on the forum, although it does make interesting reading - good luck!


Jedi Master
Apr 8, 2002
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TTHosting said:
Who's the crook here?

Does anybody else see anything amiss with this whole situation?

1) TTHosting spams the newsgroups to get clicks to his name (which was documented by a member here and explained by Fab - all of which have been purged by the mods).

2) TTHosting gets busted and gets his Fab account terminated.

3) TTHosting throws a fit because Fab "illegally" terminated his account. TTHosing clearly violated the TOS of his Fab account, but yet Fab promises to pay what he has earned. I think this is more than fair, after all, the revenue was made against the rules. If I go rob a bank, and I get caught, do you think I get to keep the money? It is illegal activity like this that makes HONEST people like ME suffer. I take offense to all of his whining.

4) Then after artificially inflating the traffic numbers by spamming (all the while claiming "he never held a gun to anybody head and made them click on poker"), he sells the name and presents it as "220 Uniques daily" - which is obviously inflated. He got busted again, and won't fess up - AGAIN.

If you had taked the time to figure out the problem in the beginning (i.e. WHY Fab asked you to remove the name from their system) and UNDERSTOOD where they were coming from, then you probably would not be in the predicament right now.

Who is the crook?


Let me think.



DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 23, 2004
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Oh the drama


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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GT Web said:
When will people learn when someone is selling a domain for an outrageously low price (like 3 weeks worth of earnings) they should be slightly skeptical?

This is the reason pigeon drop schemes work so well, GREED.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2004
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I for one think, Dude should get his money back and is a good member and not trying to steal anything.

TTHOSTING, well I would never do business with you. Not today tomorrow or next year.

Scams come and go, someone always gets caught in the middle of one, and they lose their money. Atleast on here some of us watch out for scams, and try to help people keep from getting ripped off.

I hope that he not only gets his money back and you get that junk domain that is now blacklisted from every parking service back so you can sell it to someone else.

I hope DCG Bans you from the forum, and I will be sure to pass this information on to the owners of the other major forums as well.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 8, 2002
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Thanks for the feedback folks. Unfortunately, I woke up this AM to find more than 500 of these in my mailbox:

Title: Child Pornography - Free Videos and Pictures
Submitted by: [email protected]

Thanks for submitting your site to our high-traffic F F A Links page.
IP originates in BC - Same place that Mr. Fox is located.

This will get resolved by the lawyers, but I must say, I am floored by this experience having been in this industry since 1999 and watching it grow beyond this kind of garbage. This is really the first time I've been out and out screwed. It feels pretty shitty, but makes me appreciate more, the honest, ethical hardworking business-people that do domain deals here and in other forums on a regular basis.

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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The outcome of this thread should have been obvious to anyone who had read:

Why would anyone expect a .cn to get significant poker type-in traffic from North Americans?

This is why hard-hitting questions should be allowed in sales threads, instead of making any negative question off-limits. I'm sure I'm not alone in knowing this thead would end up like this, after having read the related Fab thread first.
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Reactions: Bob

Mr. Deleted

DNForum Mod
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 24, 2004
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Why would anyone expect a .cn to get significant poker type-in traffic from North Americans?

I agree. The only traffic that name is to get is from promotion, and although it has the poker kw, it is nothing more then a reg fee name.

Can anyone say too good to be true?


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 23, 2004
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Should this be in the people to avoid dealing with?


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Bob said:
Does anybody else see anything amiss with this whole situation?

1) TTHosting spams the newsgroups to get clicks to his name (which was documented by a member here and explained by Fab - all of which have been purged by the mods).

2) TTHosting gets busted and gets his Fab account terminated.

3) TTHosting throws a fit because Fab "illegally" terminated his account. TTHosing clearly violated the TOS of his Fab account, but yet Fab promises to pay what he has earned. I think this is more than fair, after all, the revenue was made against the rules. If I go rob a bank, and I get caught, do you think I get to keep the money? It is illegal activity like this that makes HONEST people like ME suffer. I take offense to all of his whining.

4) Then after artificially inflating the traffic numbers by spamming (all the while claiming "he never held a gun to anybody head and made them click on poker"), he sells the name and presents it as "220 Uniques daily" - which is obviously inflated. He got busted again, and won't fess up - AGAIN.

If you had taked the time to figure out the problem in the beginning (i.e. WHY Fab asked you to remove the name from their system) and UNDERSTOOD where they were coming from, then you probably would not be in the predicament right now.

Who is the crook?


Let me think.


1. I never spammed any newsgroups.. I hired a marketing team.. They did it.. I fired them.. The only advertising I've done with it has been banner ads on high pr sites, Pixel ads, and some text links on high pr sites.. as well as search engine submission and some google ad sense.

2. If my traffic is so inflated then why are people actually clicking.. I still want to see stats from this fellow.. People clicking with a high click through shows that people who click are indeed interested in poker therfor the site is perfect for CPA not CPC

3. The thing is he tried to steal the money and the domain .. Threatened me, Then when he found out he couldn't posted in here to try and cause defamation which he also threatened.

4. I never submitted that guys information to anyone.. DrDomains as pointed out that submission was done by someone else who didnt like the things you were saying... Frankly after what I showed him he thinks you're a (BEEPING BEEP) and wouldn't be afraid to say so to your face and I did indeed tell him that was wrong as pointed out earlier)

5. Now the question here is why everyone is so quick to point out that this guy is right when here are the facts

1. He won't provide actual screenshots to prove the domain only had 77 uniques like he claims .. (I provided a screenshot of the days earnings when it sold - (Again here it is )

2. He bought the domain when the sale said PERFECT DOMAIN FOR A CPA SITE. I never claimed this would be a good cpc site .. Although he does have an option to use it as one... and was provided with someone who would take it on as one knowing the history .. The fellow said sure you can tell him to contact me .. (Never did). AGAIN for the record.. The domain has HIGH clickthroughs so CPA would be best.

3. He spent most of the day threatening me with things like this.

Private Message: You are ****ed
Yesterday, 07:18 PM
DNF Addict

Join Date: Jul 2002


Posts: 198 | F$: 787 |Donate

You are ****ed




Private Message: Jail
Yesterday, 08:49 PM
DNF Addict

Join Date: Jul 2002


Posts: 198 | F$: 787 |Donate



You called no one. You have no lawyer. You are a broke little prick registering shitty domains. Mark my words: You will be paying me a huge sum of money and you WILL see the inside of a jail cell.

Then after harrassing me all day after I told him to deal with our legal dept he sends this

Private Message: STOP HARASSING ME
Yesterday, 09:05 PM
DNF Addict

Join Date: Jul 2002


Posts: 198 | F$: 787 |Donate



PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN. You'll meet my process server next week.

When uh was I harrassing this guy.. it's the other way around :rolleyes:

He blantantly tried to do chargebacks while the domain was in his name and when paypal looked at hsi complaint they did a whois and thought WHOAH red flag...

AMEX also red flagged this for a fraud intervention.

He could have handled this much nicer since I mean it was HIS mistake to buy a CPA domain that he never had any intention of using as a CPA but as a CPC... and after the research I did proved why he was so bent on Fabulous parking because he's in bed with them through T.R.A.F.F.I.C. which is going to also make it necessary for him to get another lawyer other than Howard Neu who also is a member of T.R.A.F.F.I.C therfor a conflict of interest. Sorry but you can't use Mr Neu to sue me because he's a part of your bloody scheme with Fabulous. Also now if you sue me .. I'll be happy to counter sue for this Libel and defamation which As proven by the comments I won't be able to deal with people now on this site meaning you just caused me GREAT financial harm

DrDomains.. You've lied, you've attempted to steal, commit fraud, and Commited Slander, Defamation, Libel, All I did was sell a domain and you flipped right out ocne you saw your mistake... Come on anyone should know a domain that gets 77 Clicks per day should be able to make money as a CPA..

Also why won't you post the stats?.... Screenshot pls... 4 th request...

I'll hold my word and buy the domain back Dec 30th on funding date.. Provided on Dec 21st you transfer it to someone not known to either of us and mutually agreed upon until the funds are transfered at which point I get the domain back. Feel free to keep earnings up until then .. Funny. You know how I am starting to feel this site works?.. You can lie, steal, cheat, etc and then just because you've been here longer,.. Are more credible... I ask you all how many of you actually met this fellow face to face..?... I've done nothing but provide facts and stats to everyone who asked IE BEACHIE and a few others.... I never denied the fact there was ads all over for the domain. So I guess all in all what it's boiling down to here is because this guy has been here longer.. He's a better member than me.. I mean that's how it's coming across.. And again I ask how many of you have met this fellow off and apart from the internet. I'd love to know how everyone seems to feel this guy is incapable of this kind of thing. Especially when I don't think anyone knows this guy in real life.

If I sell one of my sites today that I recieved an offer on which is PR5 I may just pay you back sooner and reap the earnings on the clicks myself. I will update you if it's possible


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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I have to admit, this guy did state CPA and not C. Is it his fault if an experience domainer pays too much or has no judgement in regards to the workings of paid parking? Perhaps he should have asked more questions?


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Here is an email I recieved from someone I work with over this whole incident.. I didn't even know he was reading but here goes

Hey, would you show this on the dnforums, just want to help you out if I can.
Hello dnforum goers.
I have known Mr. Fox for sometime now, and have nothing but the
highest respect for him. I dont know how else to get my message out to
you all except by messaging him.
I currently have hosting services with Mr. Fox, that I have had
nothing but greatness from. Always up, always speedy, and he is always
willing to assist me if I have any problems.

Sometime ago he was in need of some funds and I lent them to him, not
too long after when he got funds, I was paid back in full with no
We have since then dabbled a little together in the world of domains.
I funding him to get some sites, and in assisting with the sites
creation and getting it out there. I have had no problems, and
everything has gone smoothly till this.

>From a personal view I find this whole matter absurd. I have no gain
or loss by speaking out on this, since I hold no percent of, I did not fund it, nor did I help with it in anyway,
yet it does outrage me that even with all the clear and obvious fact
that Mr. Fox has shown, that many of you are blind. I was aware of
Fabuluos scandal not through just Mr. Fox but others who have been
having similiar problems with them and who I am in contact with.

This situitation with DrDomains is simply absurd. The information on
the domain was clearly stated, and trying to do a buyback through the
likes of paypal and AMEX while the domain was in his custody is simply
In hopes that I can in some way assist, this message was sent to Mr.
Fox from the email account [email protected]ou may message me if you

Just to show that I'm not what I'm being made out to be here .. Feel free to email the Fellow.. his name is Tony. I didn't blame Fabulous for not wanting the traffic .. Thier business model is directed in direction not suitable.. which is why this was set up for sale as CPA (Affiliate) to start with.

Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2004
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TTHosting -- you are a joke.

your gonna find out the hard way that none of this was worth the $3k


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Have to go to Wal-Mart to get some more popcorn fellas.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 23, 2004
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I got some as long as you like kettle corn. Mike can you pass the soda?


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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I'm a joke?.. pfff..

Jump some more on the wagon puppets..

I didn't do anything other than sell a CPA domain .. Not CPC...

And now he's going to run me through the ringer..?.. Good luck finding a legal leg to stand on DrDomains.. The sale CLEARLY STATES PERFECT CPA DOMAIN..

Not to mention Paypal and AMEX nailed you..

I guess hanging around here for a few years bought you some online buddies by the looks of it.. ones who will overlook your attempted fraud and such...

I guess it's my fault that someone didnt read the sale and ask any questions prior to buying the domain..


Nothing further to say.. Go ahead and supina.. I'll counter sue .. and we'll see who ends up paying.

GT Web

DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Luckily, I went to my local supermarket and bought 2 big bags of those Fuzzy Peach candies. Better than popcorn when enjoying a show like this - no grease on the keyboard.
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