GT .. you don't even know everything.. Only what's been disclosed.. This goes for everyone really.. People are sure quick to judge even though I've provided hard facts and he's provided what?...
Seems pretty interesting that people seem to know everything about someone they don't even know... Amazing..
If you reread the facts I have done everything in my power to show what really happened here ... If you can't see the value of the domain period ... from what it's capable of earning why even post?.. The domain has the potential to litteraly make ALOT of money and it has been.. The only reason he is mad is because HE screwed up and bought a domain advertised as CPA and not one he can use for CPC... He by my guess figured he could just throw it into the rotation at Fabulous .. and never bothered to even READ the ad... does the term "THIS DOMAIN WOULD MAKE A PERFECT CPA (AFFILIATE) not mean anything?... I mean when I see CPA I know Affiliate.. and If I didn't I'd certainly ask and since he's a member of T.R.A.F.F.I.C. and all and super domainer apparantly you'd think he would know the term.. He never bothered to ask ANY questions what so ever about it prior to purchase.. only complained about his supposed 77 Uniques which was likely do to Sedo moving the domain from one persons account to another.. And it seems really fishy he won't post the real stats here ...Because It's more uniques and clicks than he claims.. .. Then he has the nerve to try chargebacks on the domain while it's under his name thinking he's going to make off with the cash and the domain and he got caught which ticked him off even further so he then decides to flood my pm box with threats , obscenties time and time again and not even in a manner a mature adult would speak...??.. Is it just me here or does anyone here see who is in the wrong?... All I did was take a domain from nothing... make it have some serious traffic that clicks and advertise it for sale as a CPA... and someone bought it... which he knows damn well he could capatalize on the traffic.. He just doesnt want to do the work required.;.. He figured it was a easy riches thing where he just parked it at Fabulous and made a fortune.. CPA is a little diff than that.. You actually make a site... Become an affiliate and then capatalize on all the clicking traffic and get paid a percentage of every single player and rake and it pays a hell of alot more than CPC in the end.
*There are probably a tonne of people who would love to have that domain based on it's potential now that ground work is done*