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Not liking $100 + subforum ONE BIT.

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Andrew Shaw

Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 27, 2005
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I was pretty pissed off when I read the post suggesting that there be made two sub-forums, one of which would hold the domain names that cost over $100 and one that hold domain names that cost under $100.

I've been a member of this forum since 2004, left the forum for about 6 months for personal reasons, and then came back as Ashaw. I have contributed to this forum with close to 3,000 posts. I have held giveaways, I have helped new members choose domain names, I have helped old members choose domain names. I Have taken in everything that I could, and shared my knowledge with anyone that was willing to listen.

I may very well be an insignificant entity to this forum, but there have been times where I have brought up my very best opinion... and it has been looked over as if its not even there on SEVERAL occassions.

When the suggestion was posted to create another sub-forum, I quickly replied saying that a new subforum would take away a lot of potential views to the smaller priced domain names. Nothing was said about my response... It was a complete waste of my time.

This forum is too crowded? So what, that means we cut the smaller guys out of the picture, to make room for those that have already become successful? $100 isnt a lot, but with todays SLOW market, its not exactally easy to say that my domain names can fetch $100 a piece. As we all know, the new subforum ($100 +) has been placed in the exact same place that the old (fixed price and offers forums were) The $100 - forum has been stuck right under that. 265 people are currently viewing the first forum and only 11 are viewing the seccond.

Such a insignificant entity deserves no place here on DNF. When a member going on 4 years is not even heard, its time to move on.
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DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2007
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This forum is too crowded? So what, that means we cut the smaller guys out of the picture, to make room for those that have already become successful? $100 isnt a lot, but with todays SLOW market, its not exactally easy to say that my domain names can fetch $100 a piece. As we all know, the new subforum ($100 +) has been placed in the exact same place that the old (fixed price and offers forums were) The $100 - forum has been stuck right under that. 265 people are currently viewing the first forum and only 11 are viewing the seccond.

I don't know how many others use this site in the way that I do, but I have not visited an individual subforum since my first week here, aside from when I start a new thread. I always just view the latest posts, or when I am away for a few days, I usually just scan the days threads.

My understanding of how the vb software counts "current viewers" (Based on my own forum) is that is you visit a thread, then you are considered currently viewing that forum, for 5 or 15 or 30 minutes, or whatever the mods have it set at. There are certainly not 216 people actively viewing that forum at the exact same time.

Therefore, if many people are just scanning the list of new posts, or course, more people will view the actual posts of high end names then of the low end names. That does NOT mean that a lot of potential viewers are not looking at the thread title and simply passing, just like they might pass on going to a low end thread if all the sales were in the same subforum. In fact, if you look at the historic data of which threads were viewed how often, when everything was in the same forum, you will clearly see that the better names were viewed much more than the lower end names.

I am not taking a position on if there should or should not be separate forums for sales, but the way I figure, if a lot of people, especially a lot of the frequent bidders, view the forum in the manner that I do, then the difference in eyeballs to a thread is negligible.


Jedi Master
Apr 8, 2002
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Such a insignificant entity deserves no place here on DNF. When a member going on 4 years is not even heard, its time to move on.

You made your opinion known. The overwhelming response was to create the section for the lower priced domains. You were not ignored. There was a huge support for this new section.



Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 19, 2004
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I tend to agree with Ashaw, if a subforum was to be created, it should have been for domains priced $1,000 and under...$100.00 seems too insignificant in today's market.

Tia Wood

Web Developer
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Jan 11, 2006
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When a member going on 4 years is not even heard, its time to move on.

I don't think you were ignored. There are a lot of people at DNF. And a good number of members who have contributed just as much as you have. Not to undermine anything you do, but I get this "I'm so special and mighty and do so much for DNF that everyone should drop what they are doing and listen to me" attitude from you. Which you probably won't like I said that but that's exactly how it sounds. Still love ya though.

I think you're letting it get to you too much.

Deleted member 70843

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Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2006
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i agree with both posts to have and not to have, change it to below $1000
makes more sense to me, it wiil have more views and more sales for both forums
below $1000 and above $1000.

my 2 cents

Andrew Shaw

Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 27, 2005
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No, thats not how it is at all, which is why I incuded this statement "I may very well be an insignificant entity to this forum"

I think that everyone should have a say in how things work around here, not just the top guns. I consider myself to be an average joe around here. Though I've been here for quite a while, I am still considered by myself to be at the bottom of the food chain, by choice. Not everyone goes after top domain names, and not everyone has the same plan in motion. It just doesnt make sense. One day we have people complaining that there are too many forums. and the next, we have a handful of people complaining that the forum should have more congestion.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 16, 2006
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Ashaw, I don't think you explained the causation part of your argument. You think that:

$50 domains were separated, and now they are getting fewer views.

I think it's more likely that:

$50 domains were getting fewer views, so they got separated.

Either way, the domains aren't hidden. It's just a way to categorize the domains so a buyer can search more of what he's looking for.


The domains are simply more categorized. In the main section the smaller domains are being overlooked because of the higher value names. This way both sections are categorized and everything gets a fair shot at being viewed.

They all appear in Todays posts / Todays threads just the same as before. The only difference is from the index page and directly visiting a certain category.

There was a lot of support for this option.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2007
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I would think most members of the fourm would navigate via the latest posts link. I know its all i do on just about every forum i use. So i see the threads regardless but won't be clicking on them unless the name is good, which there aren't always many of at that price.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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I think that the view differences for each forum simply reflect the borads desire. People like nice things .

Heck Im still waiting to become the mod of the $XXXX and up forum :)


Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 3, 2006
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There was a nice demand for it

Andrew Shaw

Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 27, 2005
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The way that I see it, when I get on the forum, I tend to look in two differnt places for domain names to buy... I usually look in the recent posts link, which I know a lot of us do.. But also go right to the fixed price link, which use to be a general category, either fixed or offers. Right now, the new 100+ link is where the fixed pricing used to be.

Without knowledge of the change, I think a lot of people naturally click on the 100+ domain names link which I feel detures a lot of people from viewing all the domain names.

Im not bringing all this up to cause trouble, Im just stating my opinion. When something I feel is not right, Im going to speak up about it; as should everyone else. There are a lot of members here that dont own absolute premium names, a lot of which are just starting out as everyone here once had to do. Yes everyone is looking for good names, but I feel the majority of the people here on the forum have smaller budgets, so it doesnt make complete sense to me why the higher priced domain names are getting so many more views. Everyone wants the good names, but most people here are also looking for deals. It would make more sense to me that if the lower priced domain names would seem more appitizing to a lot of people that they recieve higher view rates.

(Meganerd)"I'm so special and mighty and do so much for DNF that everyone should drop what they are doing and listen to me"

As I said above, its not about placing their sole attention on me, and hearing my every opinion... but instead hearing what everyone that does business here has to say before making changes that I feel affect people more then they think.

(BuyandSwap)i agree with both posts to have and not to have, change it to below $1000
makes more sense to me, it wiil have more views and more sales for both forums
below $1000 and above $1000.

I agree with you on the $1,000 +/- forums instead, as it would really split the premium names from the lower class names. $100 - is a small category to fit domain names into, as many names would fit under there. Its already leading people into raising there prices to $99 or $100 just to fit into the upper class catigory.

(GT Web )ok....good bye then?

Is it easy to kick a dying horse? Ive seen your opinions spoken many times in the past, and you have always been one to stand by them. Ive always respected your opinions, even when I could have added a nice kick to the stomach. Not much else that I have to say to you man...

Maybe I am taking this the wrong way... but its exactally what this forum was created for... feedback and suggestions.

GT Web

DNF Addict
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Feb 21, 2003
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Is it easy to kick a dying horse? Ive seen your opinions spoken many times in the past, and you have always been one to stand by them. Ive always respected your opinions, even when I could have added a nice kick to the stomach. Not much else that I have to say to you man...

Your first post in this thread seemed a lot like a threat:

"If you don't listen to my opinion there is no point in me staying"

Dozens of members supported the idea to make the change. I'm sorry its harder to sell cheap names, but it makes the domains for sale section much easier to deal with.

Now either you're going to run away because we hurt your pride, or you're going to work hard and continue to succeed.

Andrew Shaw

Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 27, 2005
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This has nothing at all to do with my pride GT... You are obviously totally disregarding the main point of this post! I am no better then joe smo that joined 5 minutes ago... EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion! EVERYONE!

Deleted member 70408

This has nothing at all to do with my pride GT... You are obviously totally disregarding the main point of this post! I am no better then joe smo that joined 5 minutes ago... EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion! EVERYONE!
Exactly, everyone is entitled to an opinion.

You seem to want an admin to come out and say, "Ashaw, with your 3,000 valuable posts, giveaways... blah blah blah, we will rid DNForum of this subforum that you are outspoken against, as we don't want to lose your valuable blah blah blah."

Hate to say it, but that's not going to happen. There are plently of people that are happy this new subforum was created to clear out some of the clutter. I, for one, am happy I don't have to wade through a whole bunch of junk to get to some of the better names.

The other thing I'm not quite understanding is that you have mentioned how you are "insignificant", "an average joe" and "bottom of the food chain." If that's the case (and I would doubt that with your iTrader rating and amount of posts), why would you seemingly end your initial post with a threat of leaving the forum if your voice isn't heard? If that were to be the case, why would anyone listen to your opinion over everyone else who is in favor of this subforum? Incidentally, didn't you "retire" a few months ago (I think it was you who had a retirement sales thread, but if I am confusing you with someone else, I apologize)?

Andrew Shaw

Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 27, 2005
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Im backing down on this one... I went about this whole stance absolutely wrong. I in no way, shape or form ment to sound like I was more important then anyone else here, which is why I referenced myself to an average joe. If the new sub-forum is liked by most people, if not everyone else... I respect that, and have nothing further to say. I honestly and truely wish the best of luck to everyone here... My major problem is attaching myself way too much to this forum, and this business... I've let it grab ahold of me in a way thats not good. I dont dislike anyone here, regardless of what I once said, or what I will say in the future. If I had known that so many people were content with the way things were rolling, I'd have never posted this thread to begin with. White flag is waving.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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I think I understand your concern that cheaper domains were being dismissed. But the other point of view is that higher priced domains were getting pushed down quickly by new postings. By dividing the two, both cheaper and more expensive domains should get more visibility before they get pushed off the screen. If it's executed right, it should benefit both categories of domains.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 12, 2004
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$100 is insignifigant... It's just like having 2 forums w/ the same crap just one forum people think their crap is over $100. Make it over $1000 and it would make a lot more sense.
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