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Presidential News Conference

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Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 11, 2002
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Originally posted by WebHold

If you remember Mr. Bush's 1st speech after 911, He said " If your against the United States then you are a terrorist". It is my belief he needs to hold the people of the united states to this same standard. Mr. Bush would then get the respect he deserves.

It is the leaders and military of this country (USA) that makes us the best in the world. At this point 110% support is needed for the troops of this military action.

I support Bush. I support War.

More than likely those who are through with diplomacy and endeavor war shall meet their objective. One can only wonder if the aftermath of this crusade shall prove to be

To call American citizens, those who have dissenting views of going to war at this juncture, terrorists is amazingly brazen considering the constitution is based on the freedom of speech.

They will have their war. They will spend my tax money. And I will have to live with their legacy in the world community. I am an American with every free right to disagree with the policies and actions of my government in the executive branch.

George W Bush appoints John Poindexter to oversee the Total Information Awareness project as part of the defense department. In case you missed my ealier post John Poindexter lost his job as National Security Adviser under Ronald Reagan, and was convicted of conspiracy, lying to Congress, defrauding the government, and destroying evidence in the Iran Contra scandal.

Now he is the head of this highly secrative military organiztion for the miltary that spies on American citizens.This is all documented. And I'm suppose to think this is appropriate behavior from my president?

I'm suppose to put on my blinders while George Bush Sr. profits from his son's war from his involvement with . The Carlyle group is the 10th largest military contractor in the US with huge international ties and it's offices are just down the street from the White House.:

Vice President Dick Cheney is covered in oil deals from Enron to where he denied Halliburton, a company where he was CEO from 1995 to 2000 had involvement with deals to Iraq:

Oh look! Halliburton gets the contract to clean up oil well fires in Iraq if we go to war:

Money is being made hand over fist by the companies with ties to the top politicians selling this war.

There are many reasons to oppose war at this time:
1. Collateral Damage. Also so known as children, women, and the elderly.
2. World opinion on our reasoning and rational for rushing to war rather than continuing with tough and consistent diplomatic efforts to disarm Hussain.
3. The use of depleted uranium as an armor piercing agent that is both toxic and radioactive.
4. The fact that US troops have contingency plans to use pepper spray, tear gas, and calamity gases that are banned under the chemical weapons convention. (International law that we helped draft)
4. The idea that Iraq will allow itself to be ruled as a right wing dictatorship by General Franks is incomprehensable. If we really want to look like Imperialist bastards out to conquer the world, this will be our crowning achievement.

Regardless, it is my prayer that Saddam will go into exile rather than go through a war that will harm the lives of so many innocent people.

Sorry for being long winded but I am offended by being compared to a terrorist for using my right to free speech.


Cash Is King

Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 20, 2003
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Your response was well thought out, wriiten and you bring up some interesting points for debate.

We still need to support the leadership at the end of the day.

We do not need another Vietnam from a public opinion standpoint.

Saddam is the master of disguise and needs to disarmed by the US and GB and then be exiled from power or physically eliminated.


Cool Member
Legacy Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2002
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As someone else said:
If it was about to eliminate Saddam himself - that could be done with a $2 bullet.No war needed.
Unfortunately it's not bout that, it's not about bringing freedom and democracy either - it's about oil, religion, power and the U.S. governments oldfashioned wish to be "Number 1"(=to rule the world) which might have been understandable in times of cold war but nowadays is the reason why this world might come to an end sooner than we thought.
Btw - as far as religion goes:
One main element of a democray is to not mix politics with religion.
Note how often Bush speeches include the words "god" etc.To an extent that his advisors told him to strike the word "crusade" off his speeches because even they thought it was too obviuous.

Democracy, uh ?
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