Have not had any issues with them so far taking domains out of there. Can be just good luck.-
-Have had other issues.- Would not worry too much about a delay taking a domain out of there.-
- Shows security is still very good even if your issue is unrelated to security.-
Have not had any issues with them so far taking domains out of there. Can be just good luck.-
-Have had other issues.- Would not worry too much about a delay taking a domain out of there.-
- Shows security is still very good even if your issue is unrelated to security.-
Not that I am on their side and against your comment.- Realize they are in very big trouble with domainers walking away.- Had been told Moniker had the best security for domains.- Comment I made here is that you'd rather have a case where your domains can't leave a registrar easy than one where domains can be taken out by scammers so easy.-I guess thats why there are so many complaints aroung the internet and on here
Not that I am on their side and against your comment.- Do realize they are in very big trouble with domainers walking away.- Had been told Moniker had the best security for domains.- Comment I made here is that you'd rather have a case where your domains can't leave a registrar than one where domains can be taken out by scammers easy.-
-Know of a known registrar with so so security which would not even send owners notification by email after transfers out had started.- Irritating it is but my domains with the Moniker folks I don't plan on moving out anytime soon unless their security reputation drops too which I don't believe it has.-
- If you're a seller and your buyer wants his domain taken out of Moniker then I agree with you.- Good luck.A lady from Snap has a post on this thread with her contact info- you may want to try calling her.
Miss Frida-The Moniker Operations team is working to resolve the problem affecting our sites. We certainly understand the frustration that you may have in regards to this issue and would like to sincerely extend our apologies for this inconvenience.
We strive to provide a quality service for our customers and the prevention of issues such as this in the future is indeed a top priority. We are currently investigating the root cause and once we discover it, we will make changes to prevent this event from occurring.
Once the issue has been resolved, we will contact you via phone or email.
Samantha Frida
VP Business Development
1800 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 440, Portland, OR 97201
Tel: 503.459.5737| Fax: 530.287.5203 | Cell 303.829.6112
[email protected]
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