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Report TM Infringers Who Post on DNForum

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Sonny Banks

<span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2008
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I own zero TM's a choice.

But I know of guys dealing with...they have BIG BIG BALLS.

And remember this: big g is the first squatter of the web.


Internet Real Estate
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 25, 2004
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Good comments everyone. I see the various degrees that exist in-between the extremes. The example is a good one and more what I was thinking when I started the thread.

Carter - To answer your question, my main issue with the blatant TM infringers is the general public reaction that has grown over the years in which all domain investors get lumped together with the blatant infringers. It has gotten so bad that a majority of people think all domainers are cybersquatters. I thought, perhaps incorrectly, that most domainers were against the smear that the industry had garnered that everyone was an infringer.

Infringers do harm the industry ... especially when the press is so abundant and so negative. I don't like that cybersquatters have come to define the entire industry. When I decided to post this topic today, I assumed that DN Forums members were, for the most part, steering well away from obvious TM domains.

Sonny Banks

<span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Good comments everyone. I see the various degrees that exist in-between the extremes. The example is a good one and more what I was thinking when I started the thread.

Carter - To answer your question, my main issue with the blatant TM infringers is the general public reaction that has grown over the years in which all domain investors get lumped together with the blatant infringers. It has gotten so bad that a majority of people think all domainers are cybersquatters. I thought, perhaps incorrectly, that most domainers were against the smear that the industry had garnered that everyone was an infringer.

Infringers do harm the industry ... especially when the press is so abundant and so negative. I don't like that cybersquatters have come to define the entire industry. When I decided to post this topic today, I assumed that DN Forums members were, for the most part, steering well away from obvious TM domains.

Sometimes in life it's better don't give a **** about the general public reaction.
There are things more bad than TM domains in this industry (like the scammers/stolen domains we need to invent a solution to stop this shame).
Or you just read the rick interview? :lol:
Last edited:


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Also, I don't think they should be posting them for sale here on the forum..but if they want to risk the domains and their "rep" then so be's ultimately up to the forum owner to decide but it's not their legal responsibility to intervene.


þórr mjǫlnir
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 26, 2007
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Sometimes in life it's better don't give a **** about the general public reaction.
There are things more bad than TM domains in this industry (like the scammers/stolen domains we need to invent a solution to stop this shame).
Or you just read the rick interview? :lol:

I agree, we have larger issues than someone trying to monetize on someone else's TM (with money they most likely wouldn't have gotten anyway).

Scammers and phishers are the largest threats we (as the domaining) industry face today. We had a bit of a rush with stolen domains a few months back but it's slowed down a little (but it is not gone). These people are blatantly trying to steal from us and other people. If there needs to be a crusade and an educational campaign, this is the one.

We also have issues with some registrars and parking companies by changing policies making our lives difficult and cutting into the money we get paid. This is another avenue we should go after or do something about (like develop or go to other pakring companies).

If I owned and someone went to my parked page, syre I'd make a little money off of the click but they would still be directed to someone seling MS products and MS would still get the sale.

(I am not supporting TM domaining / squatting, I just think we habe larger issues).

Also, I think Focus' enter key is broken. :smilewinkgrin::lol:


Internet Real Estate
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 25, 2004
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... you are in essence playing the judge & jury of whats right & wrong and you might not even know all the facts or contributing factors.
Thanks for your post and many interesting points. I will concede that there are many factors to consider.

I'm not interested in being a snitch so to speak. My angle, if you will consider, is that cybersquatters have their hand in MY pocket ... and yours. That is my motivation for confronting the issue. The general public perceives blantant squatters to be exploiters of others' hard work. And when all domain investors get lumped in with cybersquatting, then their opportunities and sustaining income get diminished.

Click fraud is another example. PPC and people who derive honest parking revenue ... suffer ... because cheaters abuse the system. Everyone ends up suffering because of the cheaters.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I think you are jumping on the Rick S bandwagon honestly..ppc is bigger and better than ever and online advertising is at an all time high..the only people taking money out of our pockets lately is the big bad "G" imo.


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 6, 2007
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... Ironically even your own user name on DNF is a slight infringement ... "Carlton" Yeah Carlton cause under it you have internet Real Estate hmmm are you from Carlton Hotels ??? Carlton Real Estate that is confusing. Is that your company? I'm sure Carlton wouldn't like you acting like you represent them ..of course im assuming you arent, if you are then buy some of my Real Estate domains :pound: Let me check something>>>> ok in less than a min, i'm not a lawyer but there might be an infringement here somewhere >>>>>

but don't worry nobody here is gonna Rat on ya!!!

I need a beer now :cheers: LOL

"spend your time wheeling and dealing instead of squealing"


Internet Real Estate
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 25, 2004
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... Ironically even your own user name on DNF is a slight infringement ... "Carlton" Yeah Carlton cause under it you have internet Real Estate hmmm are you from Carlton Hotels ??? Carlton Real Estate that is confusing. Is that your company? I'm sure Carlton wouldn't like you acting like you represent them ..of course im assuming you arent, if you are then buy some of my Real Estate domains :pound: Let me check something>>>> ok in less than a min, i'm not a lawyer but there might be an infringement here somewhere >>>>>

but don't worry nobody here is gonna Rat on ya!!!

I need a beer now :cheers: LOL

"spend your time wheeling and dealing instead of squealing"
Nice try. But no way. Stick to good argument if you will. :eek:k: Worthy topic imo.

I see that there are definite lines being drawn by posters about different abuses that should not be tolerated. So good discussion, really.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 30, 2006
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And I see all of Charlton's names in his signature: | | | DETROIT.US | are all Trademarked.

Look them up. It's a fact. What's that thing about throwing stones....


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I think we all agree, in all areas of life..not "snitching" is really the best policy unless it's a life or death matter.


þórr mjǫlnir
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 26, 2007
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IMy angle, if you will consider, is that cybersquatters have their hand in MY pocket ... and yours. That is my motivation for confronting the issue. The general public perceives blantant squatters to be exploiters of others' hard work. And when all domain investors get lumped in with cybersquatting, then their opportunities and sustaining income get diminished.

Click fraud is another example. PPC and people who derive honest parking revenue ... suffer ... because cheaters abuse the system. Everyone ends up suffering because of the cheaters.

How are TM squatters / abusers taking money from our pockets? The only negative towards us is the reputation that a lot of people think domainers are all TM squatters. If I register and park it, you are not losing any money.

I do agree, click fraud is one issue but it is very hard to track without the parking company's IP and access logs. I'm sure they don't complain unless it is seriously abused since they probabaly pocket well over half of the money.

I think you are jumping on the Rick S bandwagon honestly..ppc is bigger and better than ever and online advertising is at an all time high..the only people taking money out of our pockets lately is the big bad "G" imo.

I agree. "G" makes the most money out of TM infringement and squatting since most of the domains are parked and the vast majority of parking companies use G's feed, and people who develop usually start off with AdSense and that's run by G. Yahoo is also there but they are a distant second.

But when you look at it, say big G gets paid $5 for one of your clicks. Then, they give the parking company $1 for the click and they turn around and give you $0.10. Who's taking your money?


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Jul 10, 2007
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TM issues are never a clear cut case. There is plenty of gray area. Also - many countries treat TM differently.


Internet Real Estate
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 25, 2004
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The only negative towards us is the reputation that a lot of people think domainers are all TM squatters.
Right! That greatly affects the market that domainers operate in. Dragger, please don't make me spell it out. Think on this a bit before responding or we're going to digress into 2+2=7 and we want to keep this on a realistic, constructive level.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Also, who really cares what people think...are we politicians now? Nose to the grindstone grasshoppa!

Sonny Banks

<span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Also, who really cares what people think...are we politicians now? Nose to the grindstone grasshoppa!

This is the point.
Who cares?
Media talk bad with TM domains inside this industry or without.
The same media talk good when a big sale make a news.


þórr mjǫlnir
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 26, 2007
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Right! That greatly affects the market that domainers operate in. Dragger, please don't make me spell it out. Think on this a bit before responding or we're going to digress into 2+2=7 and we want to keep this on a realistic, constructive level.

Reputation doesn't mean much - look at the reputation that lawyers, used car salesmen, and insurance companies have but all of those are still gigantic industries.

No, I don't want to be looped in with those people but most of the public will eat whatever the media feeds them which leads to:

This is the point.
Who cares?
Media talk bad with TM domains inside this industry or without.
The same media talk good when a big sale make a news.

The media is just an outlet for their own views and has been since the beginning of time (I even consider the bible "yellow journalism"). The media will say based on two things:
- Their own views and agendas
- Whatever the most people will go over to watch

Facts are irrelevant and can be manipulated to the point that fiction becomes fact and fact can become fiction.

If we really want to open people's eyes to this then we need to get the general public to tune into our channels but unfortunately we're too sophisticated for them. They look at us as snobbish because we don't dumb down our reports and outlets like the media does (ever notice how your average 5th grader can tune into the news and understand it?).

I'll stop before I get too far into "Behold a Pale Horse" but the general public's opinion of us won't change. New bills (Snowe Bill for example) are circulating in the US's senate that would make domains a TM free for all and don't think it won't affect people outside the US. If it's any US based TLD (.com, .net, .org, .info, .us) or even crosses the US (host, registrar, DNS etc..) then it will also be affected by this.

the only way the general public's views will change if the media starts to feed them different bits of already chewed up steak but since what they're reporting has the populace hypnotized to the TV, then don't expect them to change.


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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How are TM squatters / abusers taking money from our pockets? The only negative towards us is the reputation that a lot of people think domainers are all TM squatters. If I register and park it, you are not losing any money.
Bad rep is the major issue. But it's bad enough.
Also, who really cares what people think...are we politicians now? Nose to the grindstone grasshoppa!
Actually we should care.
It's no wonder politicians like Mrs Snowe come up with silly bills that have the power to destroy our industry. It's because they were giventhe ammo in the first place.
Anybody who is not a domainer would welcome the Snowe Bill, after all in the mind of many people we are evil cybersquatters and Internet parasites that must be eradicated. The good times are not forever.

Sonny Banks

<span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Reputation doesn't mean much - look at the reputation that lawyers, used car salesmen, and insurance companies have but all of those are still gigantic industries.

No, I don't want to be looped in with those people but most of the public will eat whatever the media feeds them which leads to:

The media is just an outlet for their own views and has been since the beginning of time (I even consider the bible "yellow journalism"). The media will say based on two things:
- Their own views and agendas
- Whatever the most people will go over to watch

Facts are irrelevant and can be manipulated to the point that fiction becomes fact and fact can become fiction.

If we really want to open people's eyes to this then we need to get the general public to tune into our channels but unfortunately we're too sophisticated for them. They look at us as snobbish because we don't dumb down our reports and outlets like the media does (ever notice how your average 5th grader can tune into the news and understand it?).

I'll stop before I get too far into "Behold a Pale Horse" but the general public's opinion of us won't change. New bills (Snowe Bill for example) are circulating in the US's senate that would make domains a TM free for all and don't think it won't affect people outside the US. If it's any US based TLD (.com, .net, .org, .info, .us) or even crosses the US (host, registrar, DNS etc..) then it will also be affected by this.

the only way the general public's views will change if the media starts to feed them different bits of already chewed up steak but since what they're reporting has the populace hypnotized to the TV, then don't expect them to change.

Great words. :yes:
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