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Secrets behind UltSearch and Buydomains

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Dave Zan

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2004
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Chaiki said:
I guess in the end none of this really seems to matter. The same faces still show up on the whois records. Regardless of which system which drop thread aggregator, registrar etc. At sun-down, the registrants remain the same.

What would really change things or be interesting is if BD or ULT bought poolor snap. 'That' would be a shift in the sense that it would deny everyone else access to those resources.

Fat chance in seeing any of those happen...unless the owners of Pool or Snap
are interested. :-D


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 28, 2004
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If they do buy over pool or snap, I wonder how are end users like me ever going to afford anymore nice domains :(


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 13, 2003
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This was just food for thought, but you have to reason -- if you see BD, ULT etc buying from all the drop services.. the only difference between those registrants and the services that cater to them is money.. the registrants are providing the money to fuel the drop services.


Level 1
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Sep 23, 2004
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donsimon said:
For example, today we tried something with two different registrars, each had the same list. One knew when the domains were dropping one just randomized the list. Each had 1000 domains to register. The one who knew the order of the drop registered close to 500. The random order version got 246. So we registered close to 75% of the domains we went after, but the one that knew when the domains were dropping got more than double the amount of domains.

How do they know the order of domains being dropped?


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 3, 2004
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Verisign published the list for com/net in the order that they will drop.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2002
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I would have thought that the difference between knowing when names drop and not knowing, would be considerably greater than 2 times. More like 10 times or greater.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 3, 2004
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Simple statistics - number of commands brought to bear during the period in which a name drops. There's more variables involved than just knowing when the name drops.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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One of the secrets behind Ult (perhaps BD too) in addition to everything else mentioned here is that they seem to try to grab just about everything being dropped lately.

Most all the names I have let expire as worthless ended up being reg'd by them. It has me so disturbed I rarely let a name drop anymore no matter how little I value it, and end up renewing almost all (and get the names working) as I do not trust my own judgement due to this - thinking why is the name good enough for them to use resources both grabbing and reg'ing but not worth $7 to me?


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 23, 2004
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cambler said:
Verisign published the list for com/net in the order that they will drop.

I searched through their website and netsol and found nothing ?


Level 7
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 4, 2002
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Chaiki said:
What would really change things or be interesting is if BD or ULT bought poolor snap. 'That' would be a shift in the sense that it would deny everyone else access to those resources.

1. Why buy them when they could probably just start new registry businesses for resources at probably less cost.

2. Pool and NW tend to make names go up in value by the auction system, which in the long run is good for BD and their portfolio. Removing one would remove some of the hype they live on.

3. BD does use these resources without having to fully invest in them. It's already their backup plan to buy there when they can't get themselves.

4. If they bought Pool, NW, or Snapnames, it's just likely another service would pop up to replace them and fill any gaps in the market. They would be better to hire the staff for knowledge and registrar contacts than buy the companies.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 3, 2004
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googlegod said:
I searched through their website and netsol and found nothing ?

The list, in order, is only available to registrars.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 23, 2004
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cambler said:
The list, in order, is only available to registrars.

I feel like some of the posts here are just for pure trolling purposes. My company has an icann accreditation and we didn't ever get such information as the list in order of domains being dropped. We also found out that the drop of com/net domains do not take 1-2 hours like someone said but just a few minutes.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 17, 2003
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I hope that this promotes discussion.

Expired Domain Name Diamonds in the Rough...
by Bjorn Snorrason,
IM Group Iceland
22th November 2004

Pursuing a dream can be time consuming and costly. Your dream can come to an end with one bad investment. Expired domain names are no different.

Around 40% of registered domain names are deleted each year and about 25,000 domain names are deleted each day. Most of these expiring domain names still have people visiting. This visiting traffic is valuable in dollars and cents.

Elliot Noss, President and CEO, Tucows Inc. one of the largest Internet domain name registration companies states that 2-5% of expiring names have a value reasonably in excess of what each would cost to renew it and at least one name per month, often more, sells for over $10,000.

The market of reselling pre-owned domains that have expired now generates about $60 million a year in revenue.

Most expiring domain names were once developed and marketed by their previous owner, and some are still listed in the Yahoo!, Dmoz and directories.

Domain owners generally fail to renew because they:

1. Were too busy to develop the site,
2. Couldn't afford to maintain it any longer,
3. Went out of business,
4. Lost interest (this is usually the main reason),
5. Simply forgot to renew and therefore the domain is now free for re-registration.

Such expired domain names can have a high re-sale value, but they are a lot like a used vehicle. You have to be careful to find the Diamonds in the Rough. You need to look under the hood to understand why the previous owner let it go.

There are many ways to profit from existing traffic to these newly expired websites. Most popular are:

1. Affiliate/Pay per Click programs such as; a domain still receiving traffic can generate from 2 cents to $50 per visitor depending on the quality of the traffic.
2. Redirecting the expired traffic to your existing website you can receive a potential paying customer.
3. Developing Expired Websites further and selling or using them to launch your own immediately profitable site.
4. Resell Expired Domains on eBay; already hundreds if not thousands of dollars have been paid for a domain with high link popularity, and/or that is still listed in Yahoo!, Dmoz or
5. Restorations of existing official sites using with a tip jar for donations from grateful visitors; see for example.

There are two types of traffic; expired traffic from links on other websites and directories such as Yahoo!, Dmoz and Looksmart and targetted traffic from search engines such as Google, Overture and MSN.

Finding a domain that is fit for use to make the owner money is not as easy as it seems. You will need help to avoid making expensive mistakes. Luckily there are several sites that offer the tools you need to find a domain worth grabbing.

One such service is which makes finding and evaluating such soon to expire and expired domain names easier. It gives a detailed link popularity report with each expired domain it finds for members listed in the major directories such as Yahoo!, Dmoz, as well as secondary niche directories such as Looksmart. (Google bases some of its results on Dmoz listed domains.)

You can instantly know how many links are pointing towards the domain, the directory positioning, rating, PageRank and a direct link to the Internet Archive Wayback machine at to see what was displayed at the domain in the years before it expired.

A live link to this information at is also included.

Research is needed to understand if a domain is worth registering and never believe claims without doing a little research on the domain before you decide to buy. Links pointing to a domain are not necessarily enough for you to get enough traffic to even pay for the registration cost of it.

The value of a domain is not solely about the quantity of links pointing to it (although that is a good indication) it is quality of the links as well that counts. Where the domains are positioned in directories or on other sites also matters.

The Wayback machine (Internet Archive) is a good way of understanding the reputation of the domain you are considering to register as it shows you the previous site at the domain name (sometimes going back several years) and from there you will see if there is any risk of the domain name having a bad reputation, or that you will receive a lot of spam because the domain name has been posted on the Internet for several years with the usual email addresses there at the domain having been harvested by the spam bots.

Of course if the domain owner never had a site up there but the domain name is memorable as a type-in then you will have neither of these problems.


Search engines hate spam. It infects their search results and annoys searchers and turns them away from the search engine.

The search engines have taken aggressive steps to identify link farm sites and punish them. In some cases the offenders are punished with the Internet equivalent of the death penalty; their domain name is permanently banned from the search engines.

If this has happened before or now to a domain you recently registered you may as well drop the domain if you are after targetted traffic from search engines (many of such domains are permanently black listed) as the domain becomes worthless for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes.

(If the previous site had a robots.txt blocking the previous version of the site - see for an example:

User-agent: ia_archiver
Disallow: /

Then you may need to resubmit the domain to Alexa to have it crawled again by the Wayback machine:

If a site you are considering buying has been blocked in that might be a red flag that it is a previously blacklisted domain.)

Many domains are available for sale by auction on places such as eBay, and as well as direct from the registrars before they drop using services such as or's OLS (Open Listing Service).

Even if there are many apparent backlinks, and some expired traffic and it looks like a good domain to be used as the primary domain for your business, avoid blacklisted link farm type domains. They will not show up in the major search engines no matter what you try to do.

So, always do research on a domain name before you decide to buy otherwise the dream of having the perfect domain soon turns into a nightmare!

Unfortunately, there's little that can be done about it as when Google for example (the biggest source for targetted traffic) bans a domain name as a spam site that is it. When Google bans a domain name for spam many to date consider it to be a permanent ban.

So if you are looking for search engine traffic (targeted traffic) blacklisted domains are not for you although the domain could be useful for its expired traffic from the back links on the sites even if that will not get you the exposure in search engines and thus the click throughs for targetted traffic from people searching.

So take your time when you're buying a domain name listed for sale and do research!

There are ways to decide if domain name is potentially on one of those black lists:

1. Who is the previous owner? (Has he only one, few or thousands of domains like UltSearch?)

Owners that have thousands of domain names are likely either speculators like UltSearch who only sell when the traffic becomes too low to justify the hosting of the domain and registration fee, or spammers who routinely get the domain blacklisted through link farm schemes.

2. Do research using Internet Archive (Wayback Machine).

3. Do a search on Google using search terms like " spam" or " scam" or similar and see what pops up. You might find some complaints about the domain in forums.

A blacklisted domain may be worth the registration fee if you like the name itself but generally sites held by domain speculators such as "Yun Ye" of UltSearch that they then let drop after a year or two are let drop for a reason.

So, never let your Internet business get ruined by not checking the facts about the expired domain you are about to register or buy from its existing owner!

On behalf of the expired domain name service

Bjorn Snorrason
IM Group, Iceland
domains and expired traffic from the Land of Fire and Ice
Contact: [email protected]

Copyright 2004 Bjorn Snorrason. This work is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License:


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 3, 2004
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googlegod said:
I feel like some of the posts here are just for pure trolling purposes. My company has an icann accreditation and we didn't ever get such information as the list in order of domains being dropped. We also found out that the drop of com/net domains do not take 1-2 hours like someone said but just a few minutes.

You've always had access to those lists. They're in your reports directory at Verisign's FTP site. You'll need to log in with your registrar login and password, of course.

As for the drop itself, it used to take upwards of 45 minutes or so for a typical 25,000 name drop. These days, it's faster, as there are fewer names dropping and Verisign's back-end tends to run quicker.

No trolling from me.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 23, 2004
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cambler said:
You've always had access to those lists. They're in your reports directory at Verisign's FTP site. You'll need to log in with your registrar login and password, of course.

As for the drop itself, it used to take upwards of 45 minutes or so for a typical 25,000 name drop. These days, it's faster, as there are fewer names dropping and Verisign's back-end tends to run quicker.

No trolling from me.

whats the ftp url? is this the same password as for the registry access? I still feel you are kidding me with the ordered lists of domains being dropped.

I am waiting for someone else comment on that


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 3, 2004
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googlegod said:
whats the ftp url? is this the same password as for the registry access? I still feel you are kidding me with the ordered lists of domains being dropped.

I am waiting for someone else comment on that

My reputation is far more important to me than a joke about this. I'm sure just about anyone here will verify that I'm not making this up.

It's on the same FTP server from which you get your daily and weekly reports. If you can't find it, call Verisign customer service and they'll point you to it.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 3, 2004
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googlegod said:
yes, so I called them and they said its bullshit

No, I don't think you did. Would a moderator please ask this gentleman to stop, and/or remove his posts? This is somewhat insulting.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 23, 2004
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cambler said:
No, I don't think you did. Would a moderator please ask this gentleman to stop, and/or remove his posts? This is somewhat insulting.

sorry but I really called them and they said "it's false", anyway I will not comment any more on your troll answers
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