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The "Domains in Trust" Porn avoidance ploy

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Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Beachie
Don't moderate this one, guys :D

BTW, I'm sure a quick IP check will show who "NameBox" really is.. ;)


Aren't you the very pathetic, soul, wracked with insecurities, just hoping and praying that you too can make a dollar selling a domain, who sends, unsolicited, your crappy names to DnPowerful, begging him to buy a few, only to scream in rage when you don't receive the answer you crave ...

Pathetic really. You must be consumed with such self hatred to call others freaks, and cowards. Granted, come face to face and you won't be quite so "brave" I'd venture.

Now be a good boy and go back to your hole. Wankers have never annoyed me in the slightest. They only serve to remind one of those pathetic souls at a high school dance, sitting forlorn in a corner, wondering why they can't get any of the pretty girls.

Of course, these same sad souls discover the internet, and when their right hand is not otherwise engaged while surfing on the likes of, they spew their hatred on the forums using profanity or calling others 'cowards'.

Your wrist sore yet 'Beachie'?


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 29, 2002
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Originally posted by
NameBox - in reference to the "old" regime of moderators.....

I have much respect for MattyP. As for Safesys - I have no comment at this time.

What does that mean? You have no respect for Safesys?

Originally posted by

Now as far as this thread is concerned - it falls into the 'exception' category. We have found that on occasion there are some arguments and conflicts that are better left to be settled on their own. Oddly enough - they usually involve either You or DNPowerful VS. GeorgeK. ;)

When we edit and delete - we are "Wrong" and "Dictators".

When we let things go - we are "Wrong" and "Allowing Filth".

No matter what we do - somebody is not going to be satisfied. So we have to try and be consistent - and please the majority. That's exactly what we do - and we do it quite well.

Moderation is not censorship You find GeorgeK's language acceptable? By not moderating or explicitly warning him, you are in fact, explicitly condoning such filth! It has nothing to do with ones argument or position. Such profane language is completely uncivilized and, I dare say, doesn't reflect to well on the party in question (GeorgeK).

Originally posted by

Please respect the fact that I have said nothing rude or negative to you. Please give me the same respect in return.
I realize that You - DNP and George are not on each others Christmas Card list. But until & unless Greg instructs us otherwise - we are not going to interfere with your spats. If we are wrong for that - fine. The number of times that we are 'right' however - will hopefully make up for it.

All due respect to everybody involved in this thread. :)

Your concerns are misplaced. Do you see me using profanity in these forums? Perhaps you should take a look, if you haven't already done so, at the same thread on (if GregR doesn't "moderate" the link):

Ask yourself why civility seems to reign in one forum, yet on a member is allowed you use the basest, filthiest, vilest language without castigation from the owner or the "moderator" in the thread.

Something to think about. My questioning the total lack of moderation and allowance for profanity was rhetorical. I knew that GregR wouldn't do the right thing and "moderate" properly.

It someone wants to use such filthy language, thereby destroying their reputation in many people's eyes, far be it for me to intervene. Good ahead and continue to destroy yourself. Get an even bigger shovel and bury the tattered remnants of your reputation once and for all.

Question remains: Does GeorgeK operate the porn site "". Simple answer without profanity would have been advisable. This is a question that GeorgeK brought upon himself by starting an unprovoked attack in this thread. As it stands, most observors (who aren't delusional) would have easily drawn their own conclusions to that question, along with their own views regarding anybody who utters such filth, along with those who condone it.

Cheers :) You really find such profanity acceptable? Or are you a decent chap who finds it as reprehensible as any right thing invidual would?

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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Well said, Beachie.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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First of all NB, I seldom moderate. I leave the moderation to my excellent staff of moderators, who are over worked and under paid. In case you haven't noticed, it's a much bigger task to moderate here, especially when we get people, such as yourself, that come here for the sole purpose of getting under the skin of one of our members. Yes you succeeded in getting to GeorgeK. Are you happy now?

Do you get a thrill out of agitating people in an industry that you're not a part of?

No I don't condone vulgar language but when it is obviously provoked by someone that has no business being here, I understand why my over worked and under paid moderators stand back.

BTW I've yet to get one complaint from any of the 2,500 members about GeorgeK's replies in your thread.

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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GregR: he didn't "get to me". :) Those words were chosen in lieu of "none of your business", or "no comment". Note the smileys after each time. If he was a user who had earned some respect on this forum, the words chosen would have been different.

I already pointed out that has identical WHOIS, for similar reasons. He seems to have not caught that, or chose to overlook it. And one can see that the last updated date of that WHOIS is months ago. Just like DomainsByProxy, I have no obligation to answer to NameBox's voyeuristic questions.

I actually feel pity for NameBox...obviously I must have hurt him a lot in the past, for him to have such an obsession with me. I'm sorry I hurt him so badly. He must be hurt doubly so now that no one seems to give a "rats ass" about his questions -- no popular support for his agitative behaviour.

So, in conclusion, NameBox has the chance to reform his identity on this board....if he doesn't, he'll continue to be treated like a member of the 'peanut gallery'.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 20, 2002
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Greg summed it up perfectly - and let me add the following responses to your questions directed at me.

Originally posted by NameBox
What does that mean? You have no respect for Safesys?

I did not say that. Please don't put words in my mouth. "No Comment" means I didn't have anything to say.
Nothing more. Please don't try to invent something that isn't there.

Originally posted by NameBox
Ask yourself why civility seems to reign in one forum, yet on a member is allowed you use the basest, filthiest, vilest language without castigation from the owner or the "moderator" in the thread.

That's just not true - but I already pointed out that there will always be exceptions. That's the case with everything in life. I will also point out that the other forum has about 500 members - while we have about 2500 members.
That's 5 times larger. So of course - there will naturally be more 'good' - 'bad' - and 'in between' here. There will be more of 'everything'. Do the math.

Originally posted by NameBox
Question remains: Does GeorgeK operate the porn site "".

I honestly don't know. I honestly don't care. Why do you?

Originally posted by NameBox
You really find such profanity acceptable?

Of course not. However - as stated previously - these things only happen when You or DNP go hard after GeorgeK.
George is a real person - a good person - and a significant contributor to our forum. When he is repeatedly attacked by You and DNP - we believe he has every right to fight back. As also stated previously - if we are wrong for allowing him to fight back in what amounts to 'less than 1%' of the posts here - than so be it. I'm very satisfied to have things under control the other 99% of the time. When you manage a forum of 2500 members - and do it as well as we do - then you can come talk to us.

For the record - I thought George's language was terrible. Greg even commented that he needed to wash his mouth out with soap. However - the fact still remains that George only gets this way when You or DNP mess with him. This too falls into the 'less than 1%' category. George is normally a very polite and friendly person.

Peace! :)


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 29, 2002
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Originally posted by GeorgeK
GregR: he didn't "get to me". :) Those words were chosen in lieu of "none of your business", or "no comment". Note the smileys after each time. If he was a user who had earned some respect on this forum, the words chosen would have been different.

I already pointed out that has identical WHOIS, for similar reasons. He seems to have not caught that, or chose to overlook it. And one can see that the last updated date of that WHOIS is months ago. Just like DomainsByProxy, I have no obligation to answer to NameBox's voyeuristic questions.

I actually feel pity for NameBox...obviously I must have hurt him a lot in the past, for him to have such an obsession with me. I'm sorry I hurt him so badly. He must be hurt doubly so now that no one seems to give a "rats ass" about his questions -- no popular support for his agitative behaviour.

So, in conclusion, NameBox has the chance to reform his identity on this board....if he doesn't, he'll continue to be treated like a member of the 'peanut gallery'.

Earning respect on this forum from the likes of you, profane vulgarian and (we can now assume in the absence of your denials) a porn site operator, is hardly a badge of honor that ANYBODY should crave.

Fact is, you simply can't answer a simple question, which is admission enough. Next time you rant about ethics, honesty, crebility, etc., ad nauseum, slander and libel others, reflect on how, to the public at large, if not to the delusional "yes men" and fawning hangers on here, you've completely shot your credibility.

Ask yourself this, would you proudly show your "clients" or family the contents of this thread, your statements therein, and direct them to the porn site ""? Waiting for the answer with baited breath.

For shame, GeorgeK. Such vulgarity and profanity is inexcusable! At what price does one sell one's dignity for filthy lucre? For shame!

GregR: most of the reasonable members of these forums left long ago. Fact is, the tone of the forums is set at the top. If a "non-fawning yes man" uttered the filth which emanated from GeorgeK's mouth, he'd be banned in an instant. So stop the hypocritical drivel about not moderating, etc., etc., etc.

Sadly, you seemed to have purchased these forums as your own private mouth piece. Continue to be the King of your own Domain, even as it erodes into a haven for the vulgar. Doesn't look good on you frankly :)

Something rotten in the state of Denmark so to speak .....

Hyprocrites all, you'll never learn (at least not admit your errant ways publically).

My question: In the quiet of the night, when you are left with your thoughts, and the deep and disturbing self realization of your true natures sinks in, how do you live with yourselves?

But then, some never learn, tomorrow is another day. For some another day without a WIPO action, or with another Kara's Playground conversion, is a good day indeed!

Look within yourselves and reform before its too late. Karma or the Fates, always play their hand in the end.

I, for one, sleep soundly, I know that I can't say that for the rest of you!

Cheers :)

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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You still don't get it, and probably never will....c'est domage.


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 29, 2002
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Originally posted by GeorgeK
You still don't get it, and probably never will....c'est domage.

No, I do get it:

1. You won't answer a simple question. Are you or are you not operating a porn site? Simple: Yes or No.

2. You are prone to use vulgar, profane, abusive and vile language. Looks really good on you! Bravo! Everyone's impressed.

3. People prone to No. 2 only reveal the bankruptcy of their arguments.

4. If you think you're fooling anyone, rest assured you're not.

5. Self delusional people who willingly slander and libel others seem incapable of self reflection, and therefore, will never change.

6. You've done more to destroy any remnants of crediblity that you thought you may have enjoyed, with your purile, childish exchanges, and profanity laden diatribes.

There, nice neat summation!

Be man enough to answer the question. Porn Site Operator or Not? In this case, we can all assume that "no comment" means Yes. So why hide? Your anger and lack of reason in this thread betrays you I'm afraid.

I must remove myself from this cesspool before it poisons my mind, and I get dragged down into the depths by those drowning in their delusions and hypocrisy :)

PS: GeorgeK - why don't you post (copy and paste would be good) your vile statements on Could it be the prudent moderation wouldn't allow it?

For shame :sad: :sad: :sad:

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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1. What obligation do I have to answer your question? Who are you? Do you think you deserve an answer?

2. Those words were chosen, especially for you.

3. Some would call it style.

4. According to this thread, no one else but you cares.

5. I've slandered no one. I've made no false statements about you.

6. Your obsessive rambling just shows you for what you are. If you have nothing new to add to this thread, don't expect folks to confuse "quantity" of replies, vs. quality of replies.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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NB why don't do a favor for the reasonable members of these forums that left long ago (as you say) and set up shop at domain state.

You should start a thread there announcing the biggest thing to hit the domain name industry in a long time, Live Domain Name Auctions. I just happen to notice that it's not mentioned anywhere on domain state. You would be doing a service for your buddies there by letting them know what they are missing out on.

Or is it that you have zero interest in Live Domain Name Auctions because you don't buy or sell domain names.

I ask you again, what keeps you coming back here? :confused:


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 2, 2002
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I frequent both forums and enjoy both just fine. Safesys, MattyP, and Snoopy run a good site, and GregR, Bob, and NamePopper run a great ship as well. Just wanted to note that it doesn't matter where you set up shop, it's just the matter of fruitful content and insight you get from whichever. Don't know if this should even be in this thread (eeks, if not) or even if this thread pertains to legality any more!


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Originally posted by Mizzoula
I frequent both forums

Then you're not a member of these forums, that left long ago.

Neither NB or me was referring to you.

Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 31, 2002
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How you have felt, O men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost made me forget who I was - such was the effect of them; and yet they have hardly spoken a word of truth. But many as their falsehoods were, there was one of them which quite amazed me; - I mean when they told you to be upon your guard, and not to let yourselves be deceived by the force of my eloquence. They ought to have been ashamed of saying this, because they were sure to be detected as soon as I opened my lips and displayed my deficiency; they certainly did appear to be most shameless in saying this, unless by the force of eloquence they mean the force of truth; for then I do indeed admit that I am eloquent. But in how different a way from theirs! Well, as I was saying, they have hardly uttered a word, or not more than a word, of truth; but you shall hear from me the whole truth: not, however, delivered after their manner, in a set oration duly ornamented with words and phrases. No indeed! but I shall use the words and arguments which occur to me at the moment; for I am certain that this is right, and that at my time of life I ought not to be appearing before you, O men of Athens, in the character of a juvenile orator - let no one expect this of me. And I must beg of you to grant me one favor, which is this - If you hear me using the same words in my defence which I have been in the habit of using, and which most of you may have heard in the agora, and at the tables of the money-changers, or anywhere else, I would ask you not to be surprised at this, and not to interrupt me. For I am more than seventy years of age, and this is the first time that I have ever appeared in a court of law, and I am quite a stranger to the ways of the place; and therefore I would have you regard me as if I were really a stranger, whom you would excuse if he spoke in his native tongue, and after the fashion of his country; - that I think is not an unfair request. Never mind the manner, which may or may not be good; but think only of the justice of my cause, and give heed to that: let the judge decide justly and the speaker speak truly.

Socrates Apology - by Plato

Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 31, 2002
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Shame, the translation is very faithful to the original. I highly recommend it to all the finger pointers in this thread.


Mr Flippy Returns..
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Originally posted by NameBox
Beachie, Aren't you the very pathetic, soul, wracked with insecurities
Oh, that's the other thing - they usually repeat themselves.
..just hoping and praying that you too can make a dollar selling a domain, who sends, unsolicited, your crappy names to DnPowerful, begging him to buy a few, only to scream in rage when you don't receive the answer you crave...
Actually, none of my adult domains are for sale so I certainly haven't asked DNPowerful to buy them. It's odd how you keep mentioning him though.
Originally posted by NameBox
Ask yourself why civility seems to reign in one forum, yet on a member is allowed you use the basest, filthiest, vilest language without castigation from the owner or the "moderator" in the thread.
The other thread is 'civil' simply because the person you're accusing isn't defending himself in that thread. We could make accusations about you on forums you don't read, and the result would be 'civil'.
Pathetic really. You must be consumed with such self hatred to call others freaks, and cowards. Granted, come face to face and you won't be quite so "brave" I'd venture.
I'm certainly not consumed by anything other than my ability to recognize a nameless coward. I'll be in Italy in June, come along then and I'll say it to your face. Although I doubt you could even afford the taxi ride to the airport :D

You're still avoiding everyone's questions. You aren't going to get any respect until you answer. We all know who you are, we're just waiting to see if you have the guts to tell us :laugh:


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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It's about time you woke up Beachie. :)


Mr Flippy Returns..
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 13, 2002
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Originally posted by gregr
It's about time you woke up Beachie. :)
Hahaha I slept in late this morning - it is Sunday, after all :D

A very apt quote, 2003 :)


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Apr 29, 2002
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Originally posted by GeorgeK
Wow, NameBox can go through threads to see domains I reference. What is hypocrisy about having registered a name for one of my company's client, in my company's name? Is the domain illegal in any way?

Check out the WHOIS for :) Same method as GoDaddy's Domains by Proxy.

And notice the WHOIS for was last updated in May of 2002, so no monkey business on my part. :)

What name(s) do you own, o mighty friend of Cameron? :)

One of your company's clients? Interesting that you claim OWNERSHIP of in this thread:

But now you indicate that a "client" is the real beneficial owner? Which is it? Can't have it both ways? Who would want a "client's" site which is now an affiliate of C*M FIESTA associated with one's company? I suggest that you diassociate yourself from the "client" right away. Let the "client" enjoy the benefits of public notoriety through the ownership and operation of the porn site!

Oh, I forgot, you claimed to "own" in the earlier thread .....

Alas, still confused .... :eek:
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