Originally posted by DotComGod
Anyone else think user to user praise should go?
I like the idea of a count of negative and positive transactions!
Imagine two sellers:
one guy's record says.... 34 positive/2 negative
other guy's record says... 07 positive/19 negative
Who would you feel more trusting of with respect to $$$ transactions?
Ofcourse, there is alwys the possibility of abuse! So maybe some system of account who votes is appropriate, providing accountablilty. More a rating screen like this (pardon the crude graphics!):
. Voter........Positive | Neutral | Negative
1) buyer
2) seller
3) seller
#2 _____X___|_______|__________
4) buyer
OVERALL SCORE: Positive 2, Neutral 1, Negative 1
So- is this TOO complicated? This would be a fairly simple PHP script, using one SQL database. Sure would be useful and MUCH more realistic! Sort of like a BBB for DNForum, LOL!