It might not be nice to hear, but Raider is 100% right.If you used Paypal and got burned, you have nobody to blame but yourself and the guy that ripped you off.
It might not be nice to hear, but Raider is 100% right.If you used Paypal and got burned, you have nobody to blame but yourself and the guy that ripped you off.
Originally Posted by DotComGod
I can also tell you that in the next few days I will be initiating manadatory member verification to cut down on this stuff in the future
I see nobody says the most important thing in this matter. All of us which were victims of these scammers, all of us wanted to make a big profit very easy. I was glad when that scumbag Miholdem offered to me a very good deal, very close to my BIN... I reviewed some of his (or her) posts and I must say that almost all of his offers were very big.
Just look at the course of negotiation here:
Look at the seller's reaction when some other user told him that Miholdem's offer was too big...
What I want to say is that is obviously we are encouraging the scammers to cheat on us... creates a level playing field, and it's worth the fee, IMHO. And the forums wouldn't be full of horror stories if sophisticated, professional domainers used it at whatever the cost.
But, that's just me, I guess.
Stephan, If Paypal reverses the chargeback, theirs nothing preventing the scammer from calling his credit card and disputing the charge, claiming he never made it.... And we both know who's side they will take when a signature is not captured and no proof of delivery.
Raider, that's not really applicable here. It has nothing to do with a credit card. If the Paypal account is verified (you shouldn't do business with anyone that doesn't have PP verified acct) a reversed chargeback (putting the money back into the seller's account) isn't going to involve the buyer's credit card, unless the person accepted a credit card payment by Paypal. That can't happen unless the buyer is verified.
Your correct about the verification required for CC, What I'm saying is that whether it's Credit card, ACH or Echeck, The buyer/scammer can go to his/her bank or credit card and reverse that charge, (on virtual items) once reversed, Paypal goes into recover mode targeting the sellers PP account.
If the buyer used funds that were in his/her paypal account, then Paypal would be in control an can decide the outcome.
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