I'm 29, Professional , 7 years in Telco Wireless Strategy (IMS, IPTV, Apps & Services) business including Corporate Foresight, M&A, at Senior Management level. I've worked with AWS, Cingular, BTCellnet, Orange, Vodafone Group, you name it over 120 carriers, I speak 4 languages, have a g/f and 2 puppies.. yet I was called by Vision ignorant, by mjnels drunk and by other .mobi proteges lots of other things
but seriously now - looking at your signature, apart from the obvious LLL/NNN.mobi which enjoy a high reseller value due to pump of the extension in the forum(s), do you think TEXANS.MOBI is worth what? I bet you you can pick up the .info for less than that...
And buying the "i'm into development" what are you going to develop? I'm really curious cause I live in TX (although not Texan obviously)? Just tell me what is that you'll develop that will make me, "the ignorant mobile user" to go there?
Do you know that 99% of the people on any network they just visit the portal of the carrier? I think you're confusing DoCoMo with .mobi.. .DoCoMo had a portal with millions of subs, and they had publishing/content/ecommerce engine to interface to *any* site and make money... Situation with .mobi is not even comparable..