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Where did the .mobi haters go!?

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Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2005
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Maroulis, we know you live in the world capital of ignorance & backwardness, but you give Texans a bad name.

Maroulis, digest this.

Here are a few NON-Trademarked domains out of thousands that were hand regged by Fortune 1000 companies.....

Are these companies suckers too? - Disney - ESPN - Samsung - Microsoft - 1-800-Flowers - Target - Cingular
Cosmetique - L'Oreal - Microsoft - G.E. - Cablevision - Qualcomm -Johnson & Johnson - Disney Channel
I could provide you thousands of other examples....

1-800-Flowers placed a $190,000 offer for at TRAFFIC, was the CEO a sucker?

Several $xxx,xxx & $xx,xxx .mobi sales have happened in only 4, .eu , .info & .biz have all taken a dump in the toilet.

Several Fortune 1000 companies have launched spectacular dot mobi sites onto the Mobile Web that do not redirect.

Here is a summation by a Fortune 1000 firm Brand Marketer speaking about dot mobi:

- MOBI is not a technological breakthrough.
- MOBI is not a solution to easily surfing the mobile web.
- MOBI is not the birth of the mobile web.

- MOBI is an outstanding global alternate to COM in the mobile space.
- MOBI has some level of awareness.
- MOBI will be utilized to develop appealing websites for mobile surfers.
- MOBI is... the next ORG.

Maroulis, go maunder about mobi.


Well said!!!:clap2:

I actually have a theory that .info's will be looked at as the .mobi's web-based counter-part in the future.




Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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Maroulis, we know you live in the world capital of ignorance & backwardness, but you give Texans a bad name.

Several Fortune 1000 companies have launched spectacular dot mobi sites onto the Mobile Web that do not redirect.

Here is a summation by a Fortune 1000 firm Brand Marketer speaking about dot mobi:

- MOBI is not a technological breakthrough.
- MOBI is not a solution to easily surfing the mobile web.
- MOBI is not the birth of the mobile web.

- MOBI is an outstanding global alternate to COM in the mobile space.
- MOBI has some level of awareness.
- MOBI will be utilized to develop appealing websites for mobile surfers.
- MOBI is... the next ORG.

Maroulis, go maunder about mobi.


Michael - all your posts are hilarious, it's like having deja vu .....

Let me ask you this...

Do you have your OWN opinion or do you troll behind Jeremy copy+pasting all this stuff? Cause all the posts I've seen you make have an element of Jeremy behind it..

What is your problem and what is it that you do really please enlighten me? How do you even have the FAINTEST idea about the Mobile/Telco industry?

PS You obviously chose to live in a world of ignorance and the only thing you enjoy is capitalizing from the noobs that follow your "famous" posts..Anybody that has IQ > 30 would see where you coming from and what your personal agenda is (you're the new RubberDuck of Mobis) -- CONGRATS

PS2 You forgot your best & brightest example CHEESEBURGER.MOBI ;) now that had me totally convinced and I was ready to dump $XX,XXX into the extension


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2005
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How would it effect .com's prices should .mobi start to make any sort of credible challenge to its top possition.?. :yo:
Maybe this is why so many 'experienced domainers' are cautious of dabbling with :hail: .Mobi.



Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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How would it effect .com's prices should .mobi start to make any sort of credible challenge to its top possition.?. :yo:
Maybe this is why so many 'experienced domainers' are cautious of dabbling with :hail: .Mobi.


I'm quoting this, as it clearly deserves to be seen in Quotes to be appreciated. Thanks for making me laugh so hard...


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2004
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Maroulis, let me ask you this...

Do you have your OWN opinion or do you troll behind banned member, IGGY copy+pasting all this stuff? Cause all the posts I've seen you make have an element of IGGY behind it..

Maroulis, most of your maundering posts reek of arrogance, condescension & immaturity....keep it up.

What is your problem and what is it that you do really please enlighten me? How do you even have the FAINTEST idea about the Mobile/Telco industry?

Lets just say I did very well during Internet 1.0.

A gentleman does not brag.



Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2005
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I'm quoting this, as it clearly deserves to be seen in Quotes to be appreciated. Thanks for making me laugh so hard...

But, the possibility of .mobi actually overtaking .com's #1 spot is a real possibility. :noidea:
You may be sat at your static PC now, but in the furure PC's will be so small they'll be portable, portable = mobile = .Mobi. :typing: : :phone:
Investing in .Mobi is about investing in the future of the technology, which is fast advancing. :whoo:

Code scanners and voice control will make the keyboard history, fold-out-screens are allready reality (and avaliable to reg in .Mobi) Things are going mobile, surely its obvious, maybe its only my imagination..



Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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Maroulis, let me ask you this...

Do you have your OWN opinion or do you troll behind banned member, IGGY copy+pasting all this stuff? Cause all the posts I've seen you make have an element of IGGY behind it..

Maroulis, most of your maundering posts reek of arrogance, condescension & immaturity....keep it up.

Lets just say I did very well during Internet 1.0.

A gentleman does not brag.


I don't even know who you're referring to and unlike you (we've established that already) I tend to have my own highly educated opinion on Telco World + .mobi

You on the other hand, has yet to respond. What's your relation to the Wireless World apart from quite possibly aspiring to the actions & views of a speculator who has invested 6 figures in .mobi?

PS I really have much more better things to do, then sit and argue with a couple of .mobi fanatics which clearly don't even have *any* relation let alone use wireless technologies.. (and this is coming from a me sitting at a cafe, where I'm using my Cingular HSDPA max data card)

P2 and rephrasing my original question, is so touche "Michael"...


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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But, the possibility of .mobi actually overtaking .com's #1 spot is a real possibility. :noidea:
You may be sat at your static PC now, but in the furure PC's will be so small they'll be portable, portable = mobile = .Mobi. :typing: : :phone:
Investing in .Mobi is about investing in the future of the technology, which is fast advancing. :whoo:
.mobi overtaking .com ? How ?
Code scanners and voice control will make the keyboard history, fold-out-screens are allready reality (and avaliable to reg in .Mobi) Things are going mobile, surely its obvious, maybe its only my imagination..

Actually when fold-out screens are available on the market the need for trimmed-down content will be gone... along with .mobi.
That's why the TLD will be short-lived at best :-#:


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2005
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It could overtake by being more popular? .com's don't guarantee access to their sites , .Mobi does.If everything goes mobile where will people look?

The extension does'nt just deal with data-transfer problems, it also deals with compatibillity issues across the range of devices.their are so many different devices about, some sort of standard will ALLWAYS need to be in place, with or without phones with foldoutscreens.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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It could overtake by being more popular? .com's don't guarantee access to their sites , .Mobi does.If everything goes mobile where will people look?

The extension does'nt just deal with data-transfer problems, it also deals with compatibillity issues across the range of devices.their are so many different devices about, some sort of standard will ALLWAYS need to be in place, with or without phones with foldoutscreens.

I suggest you google IMS and see what it is, what it does, and who's deploying it before making mindless posts about device & content adaptation...

This is the perfect example of the .mobi representation in this very forum :) Ignorance, never have used a mobile device, and all they do is throw illogical, pointless arguments ....


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 10, 2006
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I'm waiting for the IDN .mobi landrush.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 8, 2005
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Should i search, or :eyebrows:


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2006
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PS I really have much more better things to do, then sit and argue with a couple of .mobi fanatics which clearly don't even have *any* relation let alone use wireless technologies.. (and this is coming from a me sitting at a cafe, where I'm using my Cingular HSDPA max data card)

Some of us DO have some mobile tech skills, ed, and work in the industry. The end to this is neither of us are right or wrong. You have met people and so have I. Perhaps big phone carriers in japan do not have any interest in .mobi, that is ok with me, but as for the small companies that want exposure in the mobile industry, they want them. I meet, email, and talk to these guys everyday. It is quite embarrasing and troublesome to carry around a Cingular HSDPA. The largest clients in Asia are women that do not want to carry around pda-thingies. they are so old here and have no use for them. .mobi here will do well. As for you in the cafe, perhaps that Cingular HSDPA will do you good.
So you know the technical side - I know the business side. Its going to do well for small businesses to get exposure in the market.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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But, the possibility of .mobi actually overtaking .com's #1 spot is a real possibility.
You may be sat at your static PC now, but in the furure PC's will be so small they'll be portable, portable = mobile = .Mobi. :

Hey Kid, here's a crazy idea. How about on my dotcom site that I've spend $3 billion to brand, I just put a button that says "Mobile Users Click Here"? Might that be a little easier than spending another $#3 Billion to brand a new website? Think maybe I could do that and save myself from being washed away by the Mobi Tidal Wave?


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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This thread makes my head hurt.

The .mobi propaganda machine is in full swing, like crooked preachers preying on the weak minded for every last dollar. Dont talk to me about fortune 500 companies buying .mobi's, it isnt because they believe anything, it isnt because they have to be .mobi or die. It's just the practical thing to do, buy your name in extension X for legal and potential useful reasons if need be, IF being the key word.

Congrats to those who have cashed in, good for you. But dont eat your own shit. Dont compare it to .com, dont say its the future, dont even try it. And btw if you havent noticed drop auctions from 2002 show info/org havent moved ata ll in 4 f*ucking years !!!!!! And yes Im generalizing, look at a price list from 2002. So those who have spent thousands, good for you you can look back in 2011 and great, broke even :)

To those who sale now, youre the smart one, the BS's but smart ones.


Level 9
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
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Hey Kid, here's a crazy idea. How about on my dotcom site that I've spend $3 billion to brand, I just put a button that says "Mobile Users Click Here"? Might that be a little easier than spending another $#3 Billion to brand a new website? Think maybe I could do that and save myself from being washed away by the Mobi Tidal Wave?

This is what I was referring to in my post, a simple button on the home page, makes a lot more sense than guessing what TLD to type in.

As for .coms taking a back seat to .mobi, Rick Schwartz doesnt think so, coming from a guy who spent 200K for, Rick said at Internext this month, that .coms are KING and will always be KING, and that .mobi is unchartered waters.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 18, 2002
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Where did the .mobi haters go!?

I for one havent gone anywhere, except as far away from most .mobi threads as I can get lately. I'm not a mobi hater I just don't like mega hype and don't really believe the ext has much of anything unique to offer. Even if .mobi does become some huge thing, it won't bother me, I just don't have any desire to place my bets there, too many other things that i believe in more.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Has anyone seen very many .mobi pages? Is it just me or are they very simple, bland and lacking content because of size restrictions? Seems to me Mobi replacing DotCom would be like Coloring Books replacing Novels. That would be quite a step backwards.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2006
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congratulations you .com people. wow. .coms are king. ok. good.

if you have a, then you should get an medicine on-the-go.

.mobi is a chance for mobile companies to get in the mobile industry/market. There are many companies here that are happy with .jp or .com, but with the expanding market of mobile phone services, how the F$$# can they get a .com!? buy it from owners who are hoping to sell!?!?! so F###ing what you got a .com and its king. whooptidoodoo.

I feel that some of you are like old people are telling us hippies how to invest. stupid, damn stupid advice. non-productive information is not what we want. dont want to hear:
"get your money back" or "only smart people know" or "you are newbies".
Grow up. If i wanted to talk to kiddies, i would go to kidschat or something like that. I need productive debates with WITH FREAKIN LINKS AND DATA that backs up your claim.
So far, the .mobi haters that have given productive debates are:
1. Arcoplex (hurry and come back!) i miss his replies! cracks me up! And productive! :)
2. maroulis (has proven information) and debates fairly. Learned some things from him.
Want to join the list, please, more productive information.....not just opinions. cool!? :blush:


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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Some of us DO have some mobile tech skills, ed, and work in the industry. The end to this is neither of us are right or wrong. You have met people and so have I. Perhaps big phone carriers in japan do not have any interest in .mobi, that is ok with me, but as for the small companies that want exposure in the mobile industry, they want them. I meet, email, and talk to these guys everyday. It is quite embarrasing and troublesome to carry around a Cingular HSDPA. The largest clients in Asia are women that do not want to carry around pda-thingies. they are so old here and have no use for them. .mobi here will do well. As for you in the cafe, perhaps that Cingular HSDPA will do you good.
So you know the technical side - I know the business side. Its going to do well for small businesses to get exposure in the market.

Why are we going down this rathole again? Just because you have a couple of sites linked to NTT DoCoMo seriously who gives a sh*t? You know business when you don't even know what HSDPA is? Did I ever say I'm some lonely engineer? Do these get a chance to ever present to Cingular's board of directors? I really don't get it...

congratulations you .com people. wow. .coms are king. ok. good.

if you have a, then you should get an medicine on-the-go.

.mobi is a chance for mobile companies to get in the mobile industry/market. There are many companies here that are happy with .jp or .com, but with the expanding market of mobile phone services, how the F$$# can they get a .com!? buy it from owners who are hoping to sell!?!?! so F###ing what you got a .com and its king. whooptidoodoo.

I feel that some of you are like old people are telling us hippies how to invest. stupid, damn stupid advice. non-productive information is not what we want. dont want to hear:
"get your money back" or "only smart people know" or "you are newbies".
Grow up. If i wanted to talk to kiddies, i would go to kidschat or something like that. I need productive debates with WITH FREAKIN LINKS AND DATA that backs up your claim.
So far, the .mobi haters that have given productive debates are:
1. Arcoplex (hurry and come back!) i miss his replies! cracks me up! And productive! :)
2. maroulis (has proven information) and debates fairly. Learned some things from him.
Want to join the list, please, more productive information.....not just opinions. cool!? :blush:

And you're telling me the EXTORTION and PREACHING That goes on amongst the .mobi GANG is better? Why? because it's missing a couple of Zeros in their asking prices? Get a grip on yourself...
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