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Apple iPhone could hurt the .mobi extension

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Level 11
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 21, 2006
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I posted this on a forum full of .mobi fanatics.

.mobi fanatics are in one of two situations. They either have resold some .mobis and want to keep the gravy train going or they've invested money in .mobis and they are desperately hoping they can at least get back even. The problem is that no amount of .mobi preaching by domainers will help much in these two situations. Bloggers like Frank Schilling are bringing in new gullible people to the domain name world. If myself and others didn't counter all this .mobi euphoria, they would certainly be the .mobi victims left holding the bag.

You're such a caring guy, LOL Don't be so worried about your coms dude. They'll still be valuable even when mobi gets bigger. Quit panicking. LOL


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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You're such a caring guy, LOL Don't be so worried about your coms dude. They'll still be valuable even when mobi gets bigger. Quit panicking. LOL

you're so right, Greg is only amongst the top 50 domain holders in US/NA.. he seems overly worried if you ask me...

/sarcasm OFF


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Back to the original comment:

Re: Apple iPhone could hurt the .mobi extension

Odd, there is absolutely no mention or supposition as to how Steve Jobs and the good folks at Apple could actually ENHANCE the .mobi...

and as this thread grows into the next few days and weeks and something else comes along, we'll be seeing a new thread about how THIS (whatever THIS may be...perhaps a stiff wind knocking down all the planetary signal towers) is going to be the death of mobi.

I wonder wait all the teenagers and young professional business people in China, Japan, and India are discussing on their forums? Surely they have no clue that .mobi even exists.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2005
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I wonder wait all the teenagers and young professional business people in China, Japan, and India are discussing on their forums? Surely they have no clue that .mobi even exists.

Domainers in china and india are also into flipping dot mobis - domainers. Dot mobi is like a modern day equivalent of a tulip bulb, people flip them for money. The ordinary people know nothing of them.

"A wealthy merchant had paid 3,000 florins (280 pounds sterling - the average yearly income at the time was 150 florins) for a rare Semper Augustus tulip bulb, and it disappeared from his warehouse. After thoroughly searching his warehouse, he saw a sailor (who had mistaken the tulip bulb for an onion) eating it. The sailor was promptly arrested and spent months in jail."


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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1.) MAJOR Corporations brand MOBI (The Weather Channel)
& countless others

.mobi fanatics always rattle off,,,,, etc..
Just because the .mobi hype machine has convinced some major brands if they don't get on the .mobi bandwagon, they will miss out on millions of cell phone users, doesn't mean every .mobi has value. These major brands will get a trickle of traffic to their .mobi sites by virtue of being a major brand. The .mobi people only needed to convince a couple of big corporations to sign on and then tell the others ACME corp is doing it. If I was .mobi, I'd even pay for all the development of those first couple of big corps and throw in a couple of extra perks. The only .mobis that will have dubious value, if .mobi gets past the hype stage, will be TM names. Selling your .mobis to the .com owner or getting a trickle of traffic because of the .com.

Someone is selling on another forum. He has a $650 offer but is holding out for $1,099. This is unbelievable to me. It's a worthless name. Maybe if the .com was some huge company it might have some value. It's not. There's also the cursory "develop it and sell it for more" post in the thread. Develop into what? A "this worthless .mobi is for sale page"?

One thing I don't understand is why .mobi doesn't wildcard like and sign up more .mobi hypesters outside the domainer speculator market. "If you missed out on the DOT COM boom, now is your chance to cash in on the massive and growing global demand in our $20 BILLION PER YEAR market. We'll show you how to create an income that will come to you for years and grow with each passing month."


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 7, 2006
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.mobi fanatics always rattle off,,,,, etc..
Just because the .mobi hype machine has convinced some major brands if they don't get on the .mobi bandwagon, they will miss out on millions of cell phone users, doesn't mean every .mobi has value. These major brands will get a trickle of traffic to their .mobi sites by virtue of being a major brand. The .mobi people only needed to convince a couple of big corporations to sign on and then tell the others ACME corp is doing it. If I was .mobi, I'd even pay for all the development of those first couple of big corps and throw in a couple of extra perks. The only .mobis that will have dubious value, if .mobi gets past the hype stage, will be TM names. Selling your .mobis to the .com owner or getting a trickle of traffic because of the .com.

Someone is selling on another forum. He has a $650 offer but is holding out for $1,099. This is unbelievable to me. It's a worthless name. Maybe if the .com was some huge company it might have some value. It's not. There's also the cursory "develop it and sell it for more" post in the thread. Develop into what? A "this worthless .mobi is for sale page"?

One thing I don't understand is why .mobi doesn't wildcard like and sign up more .mobi hypesters outside the domainer speculator market. "If you missed out on the DOT COM boom, now is your chance to cash in on the massive and growing global demand in our $20 BILLION PER YEAR market. We'll show you how to create an income that will come to you for years and grow with each passing month."

the thing is... there is no time limit really.. bubbles will pop, people will realize every random LLL isnt worth x,xxx, people will drop names because they will see mobi as "not making enough progress" in their eyes, people will drop names because a good percentage are crap, a lot of people planned to flip their mobi's within the 2 years...etc etc etc.. lotta factors here boys and girls.. once people see names dropping, it will have a domino effect on a lot of .mobi'ers.. combine that with the usual ".mobi is a failure" banter and we will see some minds change. this will happen. not everyones expectations will be met in 2 years (if they are at all)

but what if some company came along and could actually create a TLD from nothing... say after 10 years (which is a more reasonable expectation i think).. lets say they scheme, shmooze and bribe their way to the top and .mobi is actually known among people now, other than at the namepros mobi forum... wow, how friggin amazing... some company with a budget created something from nothing.. now thats never happened before....

what? they convinced us, the general public, to use something that isnt 100% completely necessary through clever marketing schemes and big business association. how dare they... this must be a new tactic, because i certainly have never heard of it.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2004
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Certain people make under the disguise of constructive criticism with the intension to make MOBI look bad because they consider MOBI a threat to their already established websites and PPC income. They certainly don’t want to lose any visitors to MOBI and the more potential a new extension might have to become successful the more it will be the subject of their constant attacks.

Case in point, do you see the likes of Fearless, Maroulis and others consistently hyperventilate, protest and bad mouth .eu, .cc, .biz .ws or the other 200 domain extensions?


MOBI is the most successful domain extension to emerge since .com.

Here comes St. Fearless, SuperFearless to protect you against the evil MOBI demons....
If myself and others didn't counter all this .mobi euphoria, they would certainly be the .mobi victims left holding the bag.

Hey let's get back on topic. Bashing .mobis. :)

Give me a break. The MOBIphobics are self-serving actors looking to "bash" MOBI to protect their assets.

Remember: Greater success breeds louder critics & jealousy.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Does anyone have anything original to add?

So people are flipping mobis. Big damn WHOOP!

How many people on this thead are flipping .com, .net, LL, LLL?

Let's start bashing the .commies wanting at least $10,000 for a piece of shit LLL. They want that much because, by golly, they saw one sell for that. I am seeing some of my very own domains sold being resold on this forum as, by golly, they want more money for it. It's friggin McDomains...we're

So lets say we all start a thread, irregardless of the extension, call it the POS (Piece of Shit) thread and trash the hell out of every laughable and inconceivably overprices hyped up POS domain.

I turned down offers last week for a few domains because, by golly, they saw one sell like that.

There are two opposite spectrums and two ends to the measuring stick. One on the low end and one on the high end. What is it worth? Only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

I went to an antiques auction last week. Two items being auctioned among the hundreds were a 1968 Ford F150 (?) and a 1957 Tbird, mostly original with about 70K miles, a cream and coral color, very close to being a creampuff of a car. The f150 was a piece of crap imo but went for nearly 8K. Holes in the floorboard, too many aftermarked pimped up stuff. Not worth 8K to me but it was to someone else. The Tbird came up. $10k, 15K, $20K, $21K, 21.5, 22, 22.250...just on and on. Finally someone got pissed and yelled out FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND AND LET MOVE ON WITH THIS CRAP! Shock, amazement. He won. Was it worth that much? It was to him. Actually, he probably already had a buyer for it. Either that or haul to Krause auctions and make a 20-25K profit on it. It was that nice.

To all the Frank Schilling wannabee's, it ain't going to happen. To those that adore the Frank Schillings and Rick Schwartzs of the world, keep on adoring them as they can not give themselves enough praise and self adoration.

Sure they have some good advice every now and then. They'll be glad (too glad) to tell you how they made it.

Not even sure when the last time they had an original idea. Oh, wait...that was how many years ago? They don't need an original idea now.

I read these every now and then and it is the same self-boasting BS that I read years ago. Basically, it goes like this..."that's not how I made my money".

This is on both sides of the coin here...the mobiphiles and the mobiphobics. Paying 200K for was and is a joke. But reading a blog site like Schilling's is a joke sometimes. Adding a commentary to an article he read? That's an original idea? Just give me the damn link and I'll read it myself.

If you need a blob (or blog as some call it) to guide and direct every move you make, then there is a tremendous amount of sheep being led to the slaughter.

There are CEO's, CFO's, COO's, Shareholders, stockholders, and board of directors all over the world who have never heard of mobi. They have also never heard or read a damn word spoken or printed by Frank Schilling and Rick Schwartz. And they could absolutely care less about the likes of two individuals who have nothing to say about or any influence over how the global economy and marketplace lives and is driven.

What these companies care about is the bottom line...the dollar. And if they can reach a new segment and new marketplace and keep current customers and gain new customers by using new technology and a new tool, that is what they care about.

And quite frankly, the could give two shits about what any one of us on this forum has to say. They listen to their customer and their consumer and their members and their fans and the ones who spend the money. And if they can reach them via cell phone via a .com or a .mobi, so be it.

But when one is quicker, faster, less time consuming, loads easier, scrolls easier and is made for a new platform, that is going to win.

If I bank at Wachovia and use my cell phone, going to take me a hell of a long time to scroll their site to find what I need. BofA is there.


Name of an opera by Verdi. Also a formula for marketing and successful business. Look it up.

Every major successful corporation in the world knowingly or unknowingly practices and lives and dies by this formula. Steve Jobs and the iPhone did it and will do it. Microsoft. Google, Yahoo, GE, and thousands of other successful companies do it. GM, FORD, CHRYSLER used to do it but recently have failed to deliver on the letter D. That is where Honda, Toyota, Nissan, stepped in. It's called "sitting on your laurels" when you are so damn content with what you have and where you are that it in itself breeds contentment and inactivity and failure to recognize the activity around you.

Success is that simple. Failure is that easy. You can not do one A.I.D.A without the other in that order. Fail to complete and capture either and the whole concept and principle collapses.

Like I said, let the thread rave on until the next product that comes out and is posted to signal the death of mobi.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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If you need a blob (or blog as some call it) to guide and direct every move you make, then there is a tremendous amount of sheep being led to the slaughter.

Keep promoting the blob concept. I own :)

But when one is quicker, faster, less time consuming, loads easier, scrolls easier and is made for a new platform, that is going to win.

If I bank at Wachovia and use my cell phone, going to take me a hell of a long time to scroll their site to find what I need. BofA is there.

Is there anything that keeps Wachovia from creating a thin text based website for cell phone users? I agree for some applications a text based system is acceptable.

Can a .mobi fanatic explain how there's any value in a .mobi beyond the established brands setting up a secondary cell phone website? How is there any value in or 17K+ other 3 letter .mobis. On another forum I asked how do these major brands setting up .mobi sites increase the value of I said assuming it wasn't taken. Turns out it was taken. Then I had to search for another example. It took me awhile. I finally came up with I understand there's value in something like and other cell phone category names. Someone explain how it extends way far beyond that?


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2005
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Can a .mobi fanatic explain how there's any value in a .mobi beyond the established brands setting up a secondary cell phone website? How is there any value in or 17K+ other 3 letter .mobis. On another forum I asked how do these major brands setting up .mobi sites increase the value of I said assuming it wasn't taken. Turns out it was taken. Then I had to search for another example. It took me awhile. I finally came up with I understand there's value in something like and other cell phone category names. Someone explain how it extends way far beyond that?

A bubble is when only a small segment of the community sees value while the rest do not. A tulip bulb is an enormous asset to the speculator, whereas to an ordinary man, it is like an onion!

Well, at least it casn be eaten at the end of the day. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

A wealthy merchant had paid 3,000 florins (280 pounds sterling) for a rare Semper Augustus tulip bulb, and it disappeared from his warehouse. After thoroughly searching his warehouse, he saw a sailor (who had mistaken the tulip bulb for an onion) eating it. The sailor was promptly arrested and spent months in jail.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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Case in point, do you see the likes of Fearless, Maroulis and others consistently hyperventilate, protest and bad mouth .eu, .cc, .biz .ws or the other 200 domain extensions?

Have you seen anyone who owns .eu,. .cc, .biz or .ws come here and post... WOW this is HUGE, THIS WILL BE BIG, WOW this is HUMONGOUS?!!!

Instead I've seen the same 7-8 people, come here and bust our balls, I can't do ignore on new posts I wish I could, cause every time I log-in and click on "XXX Unread Posts" I see the same CRAP .mobi threads by the very same people..


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I'm surprised Rubber Duck has not made a guest appearance here about IDN


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2006
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interestingly, i see large companies like Time, TWC, Bank of America, MSN, FOX, Forbes, etc making .mobi websites.

Strangely, i see only individuals who do NOT have any big companies writing that .mobi will be a faliure. Guess these are making themselves fools.

The evidence is clear and proven. The more you post on how .mobi is not successful, the more XXXXXX you seem.

.mobi hates, go ahead and keep posting. :smilewinkgrin:

Is it a hype? who cares! .mobi is here and successful.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2005
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interestingly, i see large companies like Time, TWC, Bank of America, MSN, FOX, Forbes, etc making .mobi websites.

Strangely, i see only individuals who do NOT have any big companies writing that .mobi will be a faliure. Guess these are making themselves fools.

The evidence is clear and proven. The more you post on how .mobi is not successful, the more XXXXXX you seem.

.mobi hates, go ahead and keep posting. :smilewinkgrin:

Is it a hype? who cares! .mobi is here and successful.

Maybe you should ask to "elected" as a .mobi gang spokesperson... What makes you a .mobi expert our of curiosity? The fact you lost a WIPO for a .mobi domain?


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2005
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I'm surprised Rubber Duck has not made a guest appearance here about IDN

There has been an evident pickup in native markets recently. This is inevitable as local governments start to promote idn cctld.

Now RD doesn't have to rely on preaching to mainstream domainers. Why waste energy when governments are willing in pour in hundreds of millions of dollars to promote idns?

Governments promote idns for strategic, political and cultural reasons, there's ROI constraints. It's like the American government pouring hundreds of billions in Iraq. The military contractors benefit.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2006
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not a spokesperson. just defending my investment and opinion. Yea, lost a .mobi to wipo....... so sad. was taken by a large company who has yet to develop it. They would probably do more with it then i could.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 30, 2002
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mobiledesigner are .mobi's actually getting traffic? I have never seen one in google. In fact a few times when I was searching for something in english a Chinese IDN showed up lol...



Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2006
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in fact, they are getting traffic. of course not as much as .com. if you want to search for .mobi in the search engine, here are some:

JAPAN (47,500 .mobi sites):

CHINA (780,000 .mobi sites):

UNITED STATES (1,230,000 .mobi sites - maybe combined with the world):

UK (177,000 .mobi sites):

India (1,210,000 .mobi sites):தேடல்&meta=

Strange that only a handful of .mobi haters say its useless. but hell, look at how many are developed in the world!?

Keep posting .mobi haters, keep posting...

YOU ARE WRONG to say that .mobi is not and will not be successful. what makes you think that it wont be!? just your opinion!?

OH! you think you know everything.

you know everything.
you know everything.
you know everything.
you know everything.
you know everything.
you know everything.
you know everything.
you know everything.
you know everything.
you know everything.
you know everything.
you know everything.
you know everything.

youre full of BS. you and a handful of .mobi haters against thousands upon thousands of developed .mobis!?!?!?!

YOU, my .mobi haters are living in a thirdworld.

Instead of your mouth, you got ANY evidence for us to see that you are right!?


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2005
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not a spokesperson. just defending my investment and opinion. Yea, lost a .mobi to wipo....... so sad. was taken by a large company who has yet to develop it. They would probably do more with it then i could.

Mobi designer, u might want to look into developing japanese idns for PPC. You got the advantage of language, you are a domainer, plus you are a developer - how many of us idners got to rely on cut and paste jp wikipedia articles for our crappy minisites. It's not easy and yet people that don't even know the language are reaping a couple hundred a mth from such minisites.

The japanese themselves are big time into idns, if you search, most of the top names are taken by japanese registrants in like 2001.

You need to reassess your strategy to maximize returns. As for your dot mobi, theres' not much you can do to protect them - check Google trends. No businessman that goes against the trend is successful.,,+&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=0


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 30, 2002
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in fact, they are getting traffic. of course not as much as .com. if you want to search for .mobi in the search engine, here are some:

JAPAN (47,500 .mobi sites):

CHINA (780,000 .mobi sites):

UNITED STATES (1,230,000 .mobi sites - maybe combined with the world):

UK (177,000 .mobi sites):

India (1,210,000 .mobi sites):தேடல்&meta=

just cause you searched for them on exite means they're based in japan or in japanese...... just go in the later results and everything is in english for an american audience.

With the other engines - after the first tens or so pages these all have the same content. Parking anyone? ;-)
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