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fabulous Fabulous Cheated Me

This is a discussion about the domain name register/company Fabulous.
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Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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I don't have to prove anything and NO all domains were advertised prior to parking at Fabulous.. I only had them parked for 6 days at Fabulous.. I had marketed the hell out of them prior... And FACT is that Fabulous earned money using my domains.. And pocketed it.. therfor I am entitled to the money my domains earned.. and Peter said right out that I would be paid and this was AFTER he decided to remove my domains because he didn't like the traffic... What can you do?.. if you've already had your domains marketed and then park them.. Then what?... What you are saying is that a domain isnt supposed to have any traffic at all when you park them??... That's knida ironic... Also I hired someone to market everything for me.. So hrmmm..

Regardless he asked me to move the domains.. and promised to pay all my earnings.. EVEN after the fact that he pointed that out..


Again just because a domain has traffic and marketing prior to parking... They should have asked that question during the sign up period.. I didnt even know where the TOS was until the second day parking and at no time in the six days was anything said at all... All I expect of them is the 988 USD for the clicks they got paid for and that's it.. I don't give a crap about anything else..


It's quite simple legally..

I'll also be visiting the person I hired to market this for me from my local town since I had no idea it was going to end up on usenet... NOT COOL..

The bottom line still is that Peter already pointed this out and to be honest I agree with him in respect that if they are going to be getting traffic like that then the domains are better elsewhere.. but Fabulous has earned money using my domains for six days and I would like my 988 USD that Was my share.. See if he doens't pay it.. basically they've lined thier pockets using MY property and that is theft.. I completely see thier point about wanting the domains off thier system.. I agree if thats not the kind of traffic they want..BUT he has promised to pay me what they earned off of me in the meantime.. That's where integrity comes in...

It's not my fault .. not to mention another person who owns a service jsut like Fabulous spent three hours on the phone with me last night and his exact words were (If fabulous didnt like the traffic they could have simply blocked it or put up a dummy page ) Which as a Linux admin over here I recon would have been very very simple....

Again what matters here is this

Fabulous made money using my domains for 6 days
Fabulous didn't like the traffic and offered to pay me all earnings until the domains were moved..
Fabulous again stated all earnings will be paid (After Peter decided he didn't like the traffic and after he already pointed out the usenet info)
Fabulous must have made a sickening amount of money when my earnings are 988 USD and All I want is the earnings they promised me when they asked me to move the domains.. Moving the domains is NOT an issue it's been done... The traffic is much more suited to a CPA instead..

But again the bottom line is.. They made money off my domains for six days.. and I should be paid the six days worth of earnings... if they don't intend to pay every penny back to the advertisers at which point I want to see proof in writing from all advertisers that the money was refunded.. which is a hell of alot more than 988 USD...

Think Fabulous will part with thier earnings?.. NO... Therfor they need to pay me.. and Peter promised he will .. as you can all see... SO now I just wait..

I am pretty confident that Peter will step up and pay this and if anything comes of it perhaps they will come up with a better system and rules about previous traffic one way or another so that this doesn't happen again...


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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ok, seems as if they will, luckily. So let them do so...I know they did'nt pay me and I had received just like maybe 5 or 6 visitors from another typo domain that was pointed at a poker name (previously there was like 100 domains pointed at it as it was the generic poker name I was using for a website before parking it!) and it accounted for ZERO clicks..funny that they would pay you and not me when they immediately deleted my account and took my funds after it had been up many days...and there was absolutely only real clicks from my domains which were mostly type-ins and thus resulting clicks. I love the way the rules can be so "set in stone" yet so different.

It seems to me that the reason they took my funds and removed my names was that the traffic did not convert for whatever reason, thus they searched out some technical infraction with which to thus "punish" me.. crooks!



Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Keep in mind all clicks on mine were people who wanted poker as well.. I never held a gun to anyone's head and said click poker or die.. Every click was voluntary ...

I have to say I am pissed that the guy I paid to market spammed the newsgroups though.. but regardless Fabulous was paid for clicks using my domain they made money.. so therfor I only expect my 988 USD earned and I'll be on my way.


Domain Buyer
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Oct 23, 2002
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namestrands said:
With regards to the comments on I think that really speaks for itself, and it is the unwritten rule in business practice to allow special consideration for your more profitable clients whether it is right or wrong, thats between Fabulous and Its Advertisers, obviously the advertisers are converting enough to justify its continuation. If all parties are aware then no fraud exists.


The point was that GeorgeK alleged that all the parties WERE NOT aware. I think GeorgeK alleged that a rather large fraud existed on Schwartz's, and that at least one of the advertisers knew nothing of the situation until GeorgeK informed them of it.

And now, today, once again, is still using Fabulous, according to the NSI WhoIs.

So, it appears that Fabulous "looked the other way" for Schwartz. I'd love to hear their side of the story, but I am not holding my breath waiting for their explanation.

Legacy Exclusive Member
May 17, 2002
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DaddyHalbucks said:
As I recall, a while back, GeorgeK found what he said were serious and blatant Fabulous TOS violations on [] which gets ALOT of traffic. I think GeorgeK alleged framing, and the display of irrelevent high value search keywords

To clarify (since the thread does appear to be gone from here, again), was framing on Fab (, for example), which isn't allowed. Apparently Fab can quickly detect that through their systems.

However, the high paying irrelevant search terms (mortgage, Viagra, poker) were from XML, not from Fabulous. So, I don't think Fab sponsors had the problem (it was the ones advertising on SearchFeed).

P.S. Just finished catching up with this thread (7 pages, yikes). Until the 10th comes along (when all publishers get paid now), it's pointless to jump up and down demanding EARLY payment.

I don't see how could generate any direct navigation (type-in) traffic either, so if Fab removed it from their system, kudos, as such low quality traffic lowers the bids for those who do have quality poker domains parked at Fabulous.


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Either way important update.. Peter. has been donig the right thing and emailed me asking me to sign into my account and update my payment information so he can pay paypal.. "It's been done!"

Kudos so far for the step forward..

NOw I guess we see if I get paid .. Sure seems like I will be.. Wish I had a 100% answer already so I could delete all my posts in here and apologise already but I won't so that until the payment is indeed in my account but thus far.. It's a step in the right direction..

I don't see how could generate any direct navigation (type-in) traffic either, so if Fab removed it from their system, kudos, as such low quality traffic lowers the bids for those who do have quality poker domains parked at Fabulous.

For the record I ask.. Is there really such thing as any real quality poker domains at all?.. I mean other than the obvious short famous .coms?..


DNF Regular
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May 1, 2002
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Promediary said:
There is something fundamentally wrong with DNForum policy when DNF members are given free reign to publicly defame and libel people and providers, with seeming impunity. The bold line which separates legitimate criticism from malicious, abject defamation is neither observed or enforced here, leaving both the poster(s) and DNForum subject to considerable liability. And although that line is clearly defined in law, it is best governed by simple common sense, decency and professionalism.
However, posting wildly libelous and defamatory slurs is NEVER a solution. It's a bigger problem waiting to happen.

End of sermon.

Thanks Scott.

Excellent Post.



Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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hiOsilver said:
Thanks Scott.

Excellent Post.


Contrary to your particular beliefs.. A forum should allow free speech..
Unless of course we are communists.. Which I certainly am not.. I run many big forums and one thing I have learned is you can't control what people say... For the record... What it seems to me is you are saying

"It's ok that big companies pocket the money they earn off your backs.. BUT you can't say anything about it.."

How fair is that.. Public Opinion is what keeps things in this world working.. I mean I don't see Hitler or Stalin or anyone like that running around the forums do you?.. Therfor I think it's our right to make noise when being wronged and our right to say what's on our mind.. If anything it's incentive to the big companies to behave a little more pleasantly.. Knowing they are under scrutiny.. Not to mention it also gives these companies a chance to change / review / modify policies with input of people who use thier services...

As you know I phoned Australia on my coin... and waited for a call back...
(No call. Then I emailed back and forth a few times and every time was met with disatisfaction..) However .. by making my point publicly that I wasn't going to bend on this.. I did a few things..

1. I ensured that I would be paid my earnings
2. I had the opportunity to share my experience
3. I learned a little about the whole PPC system in general
4. I also had the opportunity to Express my displeasure and perhaps keep this from happening again to other people and to the company itself by making public a known flaw in the system.. Perhaps now the company may include this kind of thing in some policy, rewrite or rethink how it works and make it very clear and include in the TOS .. (Not saying the TOS was lacking but with regards to prior traffic to a domain prior to parking I saw no mention) ..

5. I also gave Peter and Fabulous the opportunity to prove to the masses that they aren't some big pocket fraud artists which Peter is proving not to be by doing the right thing..

All in all I would like to say that Peter now is being very good about all of this and it's unfortunate that things didn't work out that great on either end but I am happy to report that Peter is more of a stand up guy than I originally gave him credit for.. If anything when they pay out what they owe.. It proves to the public that They don't have to worry about being paid by Fabulous for thier earnings.. I don;t know what happened to the others in this thread or how much they feel they were owed or anything about thier situations.. I expressed my own only.. Indeed once mine is cleared up I'll be quite happy with the outcome and have nothing bad at all to say.. Peter again and Fabulous are doing the right thing as of now and that's what counts..


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 1, 2002
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TTHosting said:
For the record I ask.. Is there really such thing as any real quality poker domains at all?.. I mean other than the obvious short famous .coms?..

Yes. Of course there are. And it is not necessary to infringe trademarks. Here are a few examples that come to mind: - site - site

It is unlikely that you will find names this good out there unregistered. Few this good will expire. These are just a few of many examples.


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Wow those are actually pretty decent names.. and are the ones that stuck out immediately to me.

Isn't TM?

Also I am curious who here knows how to build actual working poker sites?.. I am not sure I want an affiliate site when I could probably own my own.. I just haven't done enough research on how it all works.. I have a bunch of Programmers at my disposal but normally we build In house store apps...
or Linux apps. The poker area is kinda of new to me.. I'm generally used to working with high end business. If anyone could steer in the right direction a place to learn what's required I'd love to know..


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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all the good converting ones that get direct navigation are mostly typos...that's why fabulous allows them..they put mine right in 4.0 no questions asked...just like they do with all "non-permitted" TM infringing typos, that is until they get the itch to ban your account and remove your names, maybe because you are not in their "inner circle" or they don't make enough profit from your clicks..again NOT what PPC is about..


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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hrmmm Yeah they put my poker domains into roar and all my other domains into 4.0

I didnt even know the difference until recently...


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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245 just to verify Mike/Peter/whoever, you are making payment in full for his traffic and not mine? When my situation was MUCH less severe and any tiny amount of redirected traffic accounted for none of the clicks in my account?


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Well start by firing your marketing people.

Next time you are in this type of situation remember the 24 hour rule and sleep on it.

This whole scenario could of been avoided. I think fabulous have acted in such a professional manner and have stuck by there own TOS and not disclosed any information about you or your account.

Clearly fabulous were in the right on this situation, and I am not sure the message they are sending on this occasion based on the evidence at hand and the verbal rhetoric from yourself is justified.

But an amicable outcome is always the best course of action, my personal opinion of fabulous has increased somewhat, and I sincerely hope that you will publicly retract your comments and appologise to the staff members at fabulous.

Vicarious liability is noted here and action has been taken to protect the private information of the members..

TTHosting said:
Wow those are actually pretty decent names.. and are the ones that stuck out immediately to me.

Isn't TM?

Also I am curious who here knows how to build actual working poker sites?.. I am not sure I want an affiliate site when I could probably own my own.. I just haven't done enough research on how it all works.. I have a bunch of Programmers at my disposal but normally we build In house store apps...
or Linux apps. The poker area is kinda of new to me.. I'm generally used to working with high end business. If anyone could steer in the right direction a place to learn what's required I'd love to know..


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Mocus said: just to verify Mike/Peter/whoever, you are making payment in full for his traffic and not mine? When my situation was MUCH less severe and any tiny amount of redirected traffic accounted for none of the clicks in my account?

Mocus.. I believe I am only getting paid because Peter did promise to pay me and he's trying to do the right thing and keep his word.. I have respect for that... I don't know anything really about which of your domains etc.. you had at Fabulous or anything about your situation at all.. I am from what I understand the first one ever they have promised to pay so they have to honour that.. If I'm not mistaken they never promised to pay you which is what makes my current situation unique. I don't hold ill will against thier program and I do understand why they wouldn't want my traffic and domains further.. It makes logical sense.. and at the same time I'm sure they also realzie that they did make real earnings from my domains which means that I am entitled to the money earned.. I haven't heard you say how much your domains actually earned before they asked you to remove them. Could you clarify please jsut so I have an idea...? .. I mean 1000 USD is a far cry from 1.00 USD so I have no idea .. I d agree on principle if they made any money at all prior to you moving your domains away that you should be paid your earnings however... If Fabulous made money from your clicks you should be entitled to the earnings that were made while they were there.. and I guess they o have the right to decide what traffic they want which is fair.. but they should be paying what's owed during the period prior to thier decision.. In my case it seems like Fabulous is doing the right thing .. which is nice to see ... and in essence making thier public image better.. hopefully and all i can do is hope that for your case they consider your issues as well.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Mocus said: just to verify Mike/Peter/whoever, you are making payment in full for his traffic and not mine? When my situation was MUCH less severe and any tiny amount of redirected traffic accounted for none of the clicks in my account?

Mocus, I dont think fabulous where fully aware of the scope in which the members marketing team were breaking the TOS.. Perhaps your infraction was absolute and easier to detect, as I understand redirects from the absolute path of another domain does set off alarms.. and the other users traffic was less detectable as it was coming from NewsGroups (no referrer), Blogs and other Forums.

I think a huge lesson really has been learned here.

TTHosting said:
Fabulous is doing the right thing ..

Perhaps you should now do the right thing and donate all or part of that to a charity. :) good karma..


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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namestrands said:
Well start by firing your marketing people.

Next time you are in this type of situation remember the 24 hour rule and sleep on it.

This whole scenario could of been avoided. I think fabulous have acted in such a professional manner and have stuck by there own TOS and not disclosed any information about you or your account.

Clearly fabulous were in the right on this situation, and I am not sure the message they are sending on this occasion based on the evidence at hand and the verbal rhetoric from yourself is justified.

But an amicable outcome is always the best course of action, my personal opinion of fabulous has increased somewhat, and I sincerely hope that you will publicly retract your comments and appologise to the staff members at fabulous.

Vicarious liability is noted here and action has been taken to protect the private information of the members..

I said nothing but the truth however.. I mean when you get told to move your domains and your traffic stinks.. of course you are going to get paranoid to not get paid the earnings up until then . Fabulous as I said has standards on what they want in thier system.. Fair enough.. but they also let my domains earn for 6 whole days at which point I earned 988 USD.. which should be paid out.. I am glad for thier sake they actually ended this early because if the traffic wasnt quality traffic they liked I would have felt bad had I made 500 USD today alone... I mean at first they wanted to leave the domains in place until the 4th and let them keep earning.. By the 4th they would likely have owed me over 3000 USD.. as every day the earnings were doubling... I'm not here to rip them off.. All I wanted was my six days worth of earnings on the earnings they also made.. I see thier point completely .. but the moral of the story is if they earned money.. then they should still pay the usage of the domains in the meantime.. Which for the record they are willing to do.. Peter seems like a pretty good guy once I had a chance to rectify this with him..
The point is I could have had the domains earning money elsewhere for the 6 days but I had them at Fabulous so had they not pay for the 6 days I would be losing alot of revenue.. Anyhows.. It's jsut a matter of principle and at this time I have nothing bad to say about them.. he personally emailed me today telling me that mya ccount was active so I could login and change my pay system to paypal so he could pay the earnings owed...

Now that's good business.! I will update and publicly apologise as soon as the funds are in the paypal.

Also beleive me the Person I hired to market was more than fired today

namestrands said:
Mocus, I dont think fabulous where fully aware of the scope in which the members marketing team were breaking the TOS.. Perhaps your infraction was absolute and easier to detect, as I understand redirects from the absolute path of another domain does set off alarms.. and the other users traffic was less detectable as it was coming from NewsGroups (no referrer), Blogs and other Forums.

I think a huge lesson really has been learned here.

Perhaps you should now do the right thing and donate all or part of that to a charity. :) good karma..

I can't it's money needed for our new baby on the way in january and to get my son here for xmas .. plane tickets alone for an unaccompanied minor are over 500 bucks.. Besides.. 5 years ago We donated over 1 million dollars to Vancouver Childrens Hospital.. How's that for karma ? :)


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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1 mill? dude thats just dumb.

unless of course it was a tax thing..


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Mocus said:
1 mill? dude thats just dumb.

unless of course it was a tax thing..

No .. I lost a child there.. I donated what was left from her charity...

The place was great and needed money

Nothing to do with taxes...


Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 23, 2002
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GeorgeK said:
To clarify (since the thread does appear to be gone from here, again), was framing on Fab (, for example), which isn't allowed. Apparently Fab can quickly detect that through their systems.

However, the high paying irrelevant search terms (mortgage, Viagra, poker) were from XML, not from Fabulous. So, I don't think Fab sponsors had the problem (it was the ones advertising on SearchFeed).

P.S. Just finished catching up with this thread (7 pages, yikes). Until the 10th comes along (when all publishers get paid now), it's pointless to jump up and down demanding EARLY payment.

I don't see how could generate any direct navigation (type-in) traffic either, so if Fab removed it from their system, kudos, as such low quality traffic lowers the bids for those who do have quality poker domains parked at Fabulous.

So, DNF has censored the PORNO.COM thread, again?



Are you saying that PORNO.COM was violating 2 TOS agreements --SearchFeed AND Fabulous?
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