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fabulous Fabulous Cheated Me

This is a discussion about the domain name register/company Fabulous.
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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 24, 2002
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I hope you end up getting paid - not that long to go, now...

I also hope you will do the right thing and post a clear, unambiguous retraction of your accusations if they DO end up paying you on November 10th. The door swings both ways...


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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If they pay me I've stated very cleary I'll retract everything .. delete posts and apologise...

Of course I am going to be concerned when I see the exact same thing in this thread that they tried to pull on me.. Since they have already stated they will pay me I guess if they do they've saved face... but if they don't then I surely wasn't wrong.. I'm just protecting my assets as any smart person would do.. When someone owes you 1000 USD and such it's not a small loss ... especially when they used your domain to make money on top of the money of yours sitting in thier pocket... If they pay then it's all good.. hell I'd even promote them but at the same time if they don't well.. I am prepared to go the whole mile and file the police report..

The whole thing seems way too shady for me...

The funny thing is that they even went ahead and iced the account completely.. why would they do that? .. You'd think in the middle of controversy they wouldnt want to do ANYTHING that could potentially damage thier image further... Cap it at the 988 USD fine.. but close the account prior to paying? How am I supposed to get paid now considering it's likely automated? .. I generally feel they have no intention on honouring thier word and paying these funds... at which point they DO prove that I am correct...

If they didnt want my traffic fine.. that's one thing.. but after reading everything I read here.. and they exact things that were being said and had been said to others and no pay... I have indeed suspicions that there won't be money coming...

You know for a company as big as they seem to be this should be like farting dust and wiping the excess.. It shouldnt be a big deal like this for them ... Makes no logical sense... The one thing I can say is that you've all seen the proof that they claim they will pay.. so If they don't then what?... What will happen if they don't pay? are they going to be allowed to continue to rip off domainers?

I think there has to be some kind of penalty if they don't do what they've said.. By claiming they will pay on Nov 10th they acknowledged they owe me revenue.. of 988 USD

Promediary I see you reading.. Nice site..! impressive..


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 10, 2005
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i think you should really wait until 10....

What is the use of you yelling here... arent you tired? (no offense, a real question)

and i think, Fabulous is a decent company....
I understand why they do what they did....

try putting yourself in their shoes...
and wait till 10

i am not siding with TThosting or Fab...
this is my view on this matter. :)
peace peace peace


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Yep I'm not saying a further word about this.. If they pay in the ten days.. (I'll give them that even though they've gone to great lengths to tick me off) Then all is good
If they've paid on the tenth then I'll remove my posts .. make a statement of apology and move on.. This will give them a chance to show domainers that they aren't so bad and have some character.. Since they have promised to pay after all.. However if they don't pay I guess we all have our answer.. Steven I will say right now before hand even that I do apologise for telling you to *&%^ off but I mean .. Look what you were trying to do ..

Again .. I'll be the first one to come on board and say YEP they paid me.. if they indeed do

It's simply a legit concern that seems to be arising here and people want solid concrete answers.. Apparantly I am the first person they have PROMISED to pay so I guess we shall see.

It's not personal .. Which is why I didn't feel comfortable discussing this with the poor account manager stuck in the middle.. I went straight to the source.. I do feel kinda bad that they make the calls then force the account managers to deal with the outcome.


After going into my email I found this

I will keep my word and pay you for traffic to date, however all of your domain names will be turned off within the next few hours.

I suggest you move them away now.


Peter Stevenson

Operations Manager
Dark Blue Sea

Therfor I am giving Fabulous the benefit of the doubt.. I have emailed Peter about specifics and I am sure he will reply.. I will withdraw myself from this thread until it's paid .. At which time I will delete all my posts and offer an apology.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 7, 2003
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There is something fundamentally wrong with DNForum policy when DNF members are given free reign to publicly defame and libel people and providers, with seeming impunity. The bold line which separates legitimate criticism from malicious, abject defamation is neither observed or enforced here, leaving both the poster(s) and DNForum subject to considerable liability. And although that line is clearly defined in law, it is best governed by simple common sense, decency and professionalism.

Some of the crap which has been posted in this thread is unconscionable. Accusations of theft and fraud are serious charges. If you have a legitimate grievance, have the courage of your conviction to file a case (or class action) with the appropriate jurisdiction and let the law sort the evidence into truth. If you can't contain your rage, then at least contain your rhetoric. Words hurt. If you must vent, offer substantiated facts, hold the vitriol, and keep it professional.

Over the years, I, too, have had a few similar issues with Fab/Roar. But in each instance, resolution was reached with mutually respectful dialog ... not always in my favor, mind you, but never with any lingering animosity. I have never found the folks at Fab/Roar to be unreasonable, unbending or in any manner dishonorable. Surely, Mike Robertson's post in this thread typifies the professional -- if not restrained -- manner in which Fab conducts its business.

Bear in mind that no PPC provider is going to toss names which are producing meaningful results for their advertisers, nor alienate clients whose names are producing valuable corporate revenue. Still, their first responsibility is to protect the best interests of their advertisers, for which each invests in costly, proprietary analytical systems to ensure the integrity of inbound traffic and clickthroughs. Those systems quietly digest and break-down what you see as one-dimensional numerical stats into logical patterns of origin and performance. And when the system alarm rings on a domain name, there's likely to be a good reason for it. You don't necessarily see it (in one dimension), nor necessarily understand it's source cause, but simple logic dictates that it is not in the provider's best interest to yank names without reason and careful consideration.

For example, Fab recently asked me to move one of my names. Oddly, the domain was not producing much revenue, nor even recording much visible traffic. Yet, their analytics detected that it was somehow being pounded by bots. Point is, it's not always about the money.

Conversely, last Friday, I proactively alerted Fab that my PPC revenues inexplicably spiked to about 12-times (12x) their normal daily average and asked, for my own comfort, that they verify the authenticity of the day's revenues. "Hopefully," I wrote, "they're legit clicks. However, should you find otherwise, please feel free to adjust the day's revenues in accordance with your analytics." This evening, Mike Robertson responded, "I have run a complete analysis on the traffic your domains generated on this day and it appears to be legit." Surely, if Fab was the nefarious, thieving provider alleged by some in this thread, this would have been an easy opportunity for Fab to reverse the revenues and pocket my windfall.

To those of you who are inclined to rush to judgment and indict, incite or join the frenzy, perhaps you should look at the big picture, rather than occasional isolated conflicts. Step back, consider how a difficult decision effects the best interests of ALL parties, and try in earnest to understand the other party's perspective. It's not always about your ox being gored.

However, posting wildly libelous and defamatory slurs is NEVER a solution. It's a bigger problem waiting to happen.

End of sermon.


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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All I can say is we shall see..
I haven't recieved the same satisfactory service as you have... Although I will admit they are prompt to respond this could have been dealt with yesterday with a return call which I left my number and the nature of my call and the urgency to return it.. and no one did... I waited until today to post...

I'm sure many have had good experiences with them however not everyone has apparantly

Also I am curious to hear what 12 x your revenue actually amounted to? was it multiple hundreds?

Like I said Peter has indeed promised to pay the agreed amount 988 USD owed so I am happy with that.. So long as they pay.. I was however under the impression and gut instinct after reading the comments in this thread that I need to protect my earnings.. I mean half the stuff said to others was said to me in the beginning .. I also at the same time am going to give Peter credit for stepping up and clarifying that I would indeed be paid.. but until it's here it's not money in the bank.. I am not mad about having to move the domains.. That's water under the bridge but I was concerned when I learn they dont like my traffic so I did some research and find this thread...

I'm quite confident after reading thier last email that I shall be paid and as soon as It's been done I will remove the posts and such.

Also to those preaching the greatness here.. If you were in my shoes you would have been concerned as well.

As for facts I beleive I provided great statistics with screen shots even. To back up my earnings info because had I not my account wouldnt exist to even log into to prove they owed me money..


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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The nice thing about living in America is the right to your freedom of speech, I am glad that DNF strongly upholds that vital and important human right. None of us made this stuff up, this is I said "wait until it happens to you" then see how you feel. Fabulous sucks and they have bad business ethics in my professional opinion and I trust them about as much as a common thief.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 7, 2003
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TTHosting said:
I'm quite confident after reading thier last email that I shall be paid and as soon as It's been done I will remove the posts and such.

DNForum is spidered daily, so the defamatory content contained within this thread is already likely propagated and cached in perpetuity across the major search engines. That's something for everyone to consider before ever again posting public indictments. Personally, I hope the mods have the good sense to delete the entire thread.

TTHosting said:
If you were in my shoes you would have been concerned as well.
I've been in your shoes. I just chose to handle it privately.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Anyone who parks valuable domains there and wants to have any long term stability had better put them somewhere else... I find it funny and puzzling how Fabulous is making it seem almost a RULE that it's the domain owners responsibility to provide high conversion rates so they can get paid more on the back-end of their programs which obviously must rely on CPA payouts from their sponsors..if anyone does'nt realize that thats the only way they pay so much per click is crazy or does'nt know much about advertising and CPM vs.CPA..but you knuckleheads at Fabulous overlooked one small and key detail in your whole cluster of mistakes that will eventually lead to your ruin...and it's as follow.. We are simply parking domains to make revenue off of your PPC (PAY PER CLICK) program from the traffic we provide, what you or your advertisers do with it is NOT our problem if it is legitimate traffic, obviously a TM infringing poker typo of a site like "" will surely convert much much more than something more general like "" etc. And that's why you continue to allow THOUSANDS of typos in your system because they CONVERT well for you and you make alot more money on the back-end from your advertisers where as the people like myself and others that have actual real "OTHER" traffic are being victimized and singled out because you did'nt get 10 sign-ups out of 100 clicks...simply put- THIS IS NOT OUR PROBLEM. You have a PPC program, if you have designed a bad business model or can't provide the conversions you need to make money from your advertisers and still pay us for our REAL clicks and traffic then you need to seriously evaluate your program and consider putting everyone on a CPA deal...since obviously you ARE not giving us true PPC for our traffic & then if it does'nt convert for you/them you are just pulling peoples domain names and accounts and not paying most of them for revenue earned. This is called FRAUD and FAULTY ADVERTISING here in America..not sure if you have sat down and thought about these things noted above, but you should..and in closing, I have no personal issues against you other than the fact that you owe me money I rightfully earned and you still have made no effort to contact me or pay me. You should not offer PPC to us for our traffic if you CAN'T afford to pay it due to a bad business model. Very simple.

DNForum is spidered daily, so the defamatory content contained within this thread is already likely propagated and cached in perpetuity across the major search engines. That's something for everyone to consider before ever again posting public indictments. Personally, I hope the mods have the good sense to delete the entire thread.

What are you a communist? Ohh..I'm sorry you're right..let's just all be quiet and not say anything...maybe it will "just go away" you kidding me dude? If you don't have anything to say related to this thread and our issues with fabulous concerning our non payment, their bad business ethics and uncouth and downright RUDE behavior towards us that ALOT of people are experiencing than get out of our thread about this matter and don't post here, there are certain threads for certain issues and this one happens to be about fabulous and how bad they suck, if we cannot defend ourselves and speak up then it will keep happeneing to others and ethically I feel it a duty to help out my fellow domainers...don't you? :worried:


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Privately is generally a good option but it won't get results..
Normally I would have handled it privately and I had given them the opportunity both by me wasting my coin to call australia and never even recieved a return call and secondly in a couple emails prior..

Sometimes statements need publicity to cause some thought.
I've run out of comments and I guess I just wait .. Peter does as I said seem willing to honour his word and if he does then that's 1 point to Fabulous -1 point to TTHosting.. and a handshake at the centerline ..


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Yeah, I emailed back and forth dozens of times only to end up with the same rude or robotic responses..this is what everyone get's from fabulous when they are "outcast" from the program for their own selfish reasons that are totally profit related...which seems to be more and more people lately, almost as if a trend is developing..I was even warned about them from a few people over a year ago before I parked any of names there but I guess I had to learn the hard way...If I had any of my valuable domains registered there I seriously would not be able to sleep at night, they would likely come up with some way to take them from me...just like they did my money that I earned with them rightfully. BE WARNED.

If you want to get paid for sure and make good revenue off of your traffic domains try which is owned by Adam the owner of this great domain forum, they pay on time and are highly reputable with very high payouts, I can personally recommend them. :)


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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I reg with dynadot... Here is one product I will endorse!

Instant.. quick and painless and cheap!

Awesome domain management system


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I just want what they owe me. Is that too much too ask?


Domain Buyer
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 23, 2002
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The biggest problem I have with Fabulous is this.

OK, so it appears they will terminate small accounts if they find a violation, perhaps even a technical violation.

But.. how about larger accounts? Do they apply their rules evenly? Do they bend their rules for big entities or for their buddies?

As I recall, a while back, GeorgeK found what he said were serious and blatant Fabulous TOS violations on [] which gets ALOT of traffic. I think GeorgeK alleged framing, and the display of irrelevent high value search keywords, and other click fraud activities. As I recall, GeorgeK said one of the advertisers was upset about the situation.

I don't like conspiracy theories, however, I think at one point GeorgeK's thread on his findings about this situation involving PORNO.COM was even censored on DNF.

In general, as a matter of law, is a fraud legally worse the larger it is? I think the legal answer is probably YES.

But, Fabulous is listed as a sponsor of Rick Schwartz's TRAFFIC EXPO and they may be buddy buddy.

I just checked the WhoIs and guess what nameservers PORNO.COM is still using?



The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Different Strokes for Different Folks.

I am the first to Slam any program, but I am suprised at fabulous for agreeing to pay this user even though it could be construed as a clear violation of the TOS. And after all the rhetoric from TTHosting, they still stand by on paying out.

I cant understand why they would pay one and not the other. If they do actually pay, there will be such a huge fall out from all the people who's accounts were terminated and not paid.

What make's one person different from the rest? this is a dangerous game to play.

With regards to the comments on I think that really speaks for itself, and it is the unwritten rule in business practice to allow special consideration for your more profitable clients whether it is right or wrong, thats between Fabulous and Its Advertisers, obviously the advertisers are converting enough to justify its continuation. If all parties are aware then no fraud exists.

Right and Wrong seems to have this little gray area these days, in a world where man was to be created equal, the creator did not factor in the power of the mighty Coin.

Fabulous could now set a precedence with this pay out, Its a tough call to make.

I do believe that fraudsters harm the industry and that if it is proven then the domainer should forfeit the payments and move on and hopefully learn a valuable lesson, however I have seen so much spin and underhanded tactics by some programs lately that it has put given me mixed opinions.

Is it just Karma for the programs? or does it influence all our bottom lines?


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Either they pay me or I start a criminal investigation .. I mean..It's still clear no matter what.. They promise to pay the 988 USD that I earned because they have indeed collected money from the advertisers and They did use MY domains to earn the money in thier pocket.. If they don't pay then that becomes theft and fraud.. It's really clear.. I already found out the entire process to nail these guys if they don't pay and it wouldn't be a pretty one for them.. not to mention if they sit here and blantantly promise to pay me and then don't how much trust is anyone ever going to give them again??

This sets precedence

If Peter had agreed to pay me. Then he should and especially now that everyone knows he made this promise other wise they only make themselves look even worse and then they also would become liars along with thieves and fraud artises.. (Im only saying this is what they will be if they don't pay)

If Peter holds his word... Then I gotta give him props.. It's the right thing to do.. but he also hax to remember how many people are watching this.. perhaps that may indeed bump him to do the right thing...

Point is the money they have in thier pocket WAS made with MY domains so to not pay after promising they would would be criminal theft .. SOmething the Brisbane police won't be too happy with considering they are also following this thread..


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I am in the process of filing an international complaint against them as we speak, the amount of money is irrelevant here whether it's $100 or $10,000. It's the principle here that counts. Maybe when they have to appear in court over a few hundred bucks and realize people are'nt taking their tough guy tactics anymore then there will be change.


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Not Me Mocus.. I'll just wait to see if I get paid but keep the case number handy in case I dont because I too will refer to it..

On a side note I was just offered a real nice penny for



The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Ok I am going to play Devils Advocate here. I ran a search on google for the domain in order to get a feel for TTHostings plight and to understand fabulous's point of view.

Now the situation is this, it is obvious that someone has been spamming the newsgroups in a vain attempt to dupe people into visiting and in turn clicking on the links,GGGL:en&

It seems that someone has been using automated newsgroup posting software to achieve this.

There is also listings on several other forums/blogs with the same taglines:
<p>Did you know that online Poker pays huge money? In the last three
days my wife and I have made over 343.00 USD with online poker while we
<p>Want to know our secret? Click <a
and visit a link of your choice. </p>

These newsgroup posts were made in the last 7 days.

Now I am not saying that this user is responsible and he maybe the subject of some sinister plot to discredit his domains. However, in light of this one can understand why Fabulous no longer wishes to have said domain as this type of advertising is against its TOS.

TTHosting.. Did you make all these posts on the Newsgroups and Forums? sorry I have to ask.

But in order to understand the situation one must first take a step back and evaluate.

If you were in part responsible for these postings then let me offer some advice. Sit back, be quiet and hope that fabulous come through with these funds.. you have an advantage over all as fabulous normally operate a Zero Tollerance Policy when it comes to this type of infraction.

If fabulous dont pay then it is your resposibility to prove otherwise that these post where made by a third party in order to discredit you. I am sure should you take legal action, your lawyers can get a subpoena for the IP records of the person posting the messages.

Now is your time to sit back and wait till the 10th to see what happens, its only a few days away.

Best of Luck and I hope you get what you deserve..


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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you surely are flipping the coin on that one..

good luck dude...
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