Kelly Pitts dot're a nobody. You have no credentials, no track record, zero feedback and lots of nerve.
I've sold more than 1,200 domains. And I can tell you straight to your face: go **** yourself, loser. I don't get patronized by lame ass poseurs that try to impress and manipulate conversations.
This is my thread about Parked and how much of a failed investment they were to me and to others that used them. Sorry if your buddy Donny sent some $$ your way to come and post here. Since you're the poster boy for Donny you're the one that will get spanked in public.
Post a couple of domains you own, Kelly Pitts dot com.
Credentials-smentials, 1,200 domain sales? So? You lost all credibility at the onset of your blockhead thread here you created using absolutely no facts to attack a payout. You know no facts because you don't run the data. You "own" no facts, so your points are mute.
I've sold maybe, five domains in 12 years domaining :yes:
Nah, Nah..... you don't manipulate anything. But yet your pitiful doing is all right here in this long thread. These supposed intimidation posts you lambast at me and others is just more of the same from a paper tiger.
Donny has never given me an extra dime as far as I'm aware for anything except one referrel I sent his way on the first week of signup in June '06, and I sure would not ask it as that is not my style.
My favorite from your post is, "...your a nobody". Next it will be, "You don't know who your are fooling with MR.". Do you also address your family like this? Or are you actually a fuzzy, warm dad/husband/son?
No track record, you say. I registerd 500 of the first 15,000 domains registered on the Net. I don't know if that means anything, but I have never been out to prove anything either. But, I'm not here for bragging and swashbuckling showmanship like you.
Your only angle is a gutter trash talker, ARCO. Nothing more.