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Huge adjustment for yesterday

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DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Let's get out the ruler and just measure them once and for all..

LOL. We can have a triathalon. Everybody submit their manhood measurements (length and girth) as well as Tax return and mortgage payment stub. DCG can tell us who are the big dogs and who are the lil fellers.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I'm okay, kelly is okay, donnie is okay, Parked is okay, Acroplex is okay, and everyone loves every one.

Or else start a new thread. This is old and done and over with. I am sure Donnie would like for this not to be an issue. This whole issue of reviving of an old thread has backfired.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2004
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Doc Com - You are the one that threatened a lawyer, or that you might show up at's office and insinuated some kind of retaliation (sounds scary to me!). Who needs customers like that. That sums it up to me. That is out of line. Try saying those things in any public office situation and you may get beaten or arrested. That was what I was trying to relay to you.

In regards to an old thread: I spend my time on domains not on the boards a lot and I will say what I want, when I want, just like you, ARCO, Donny, etc....

My BIO: I'm not here to impress with the BIO. I did not live up to your expectations? Fine - I can live with that. You wanted to know, so I told you and I made it clear my points were not coming from a 15 year old as you as you implied. I told you nothing much about me really.

Anyways, rocks, so does Fabulous. But not Sedo or Sedo Pro, unless you got trash.


That's cool with me. I agree with you there. I did not see your truce post before the last post I just made.

There truely is nothing constructive left to be said really.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Go away, troll.

Parking his own full name - what a loser! :D

Back on topic: this thread is about how Parked did not work for me, and Sedo works fine. Dot Com witnessed the exact same results. We both own quality domains.

Kelly is a sock puppet but he (she?) entertained my boring evening.

You won't have truce in a thread that I started when you hop in with generic statements. My experience is documented. If Donny promised you a lolly go cry to him. I won't soften my blows.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2004
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You can't let it go Acroplex b/c this is what you do professionaly. It's definitely not domain buying.

Actually, speaking about generic statements, your attacks were generic. Without access to their log files, what is your point of reference for an attack. Just comparisons with SEDO? Initial estimate stats, that you got from Parked, and then later got from Parked again upon final stats?

Like you said earlier - no transparency. But without doing it yourself, starting your own parking company, what else do you expect?

LOSER = Your Domains : ` ` ` ` ` ` ` has adult ads on it. Why? Becuase it is lame and you need adult to get someone to click on that lame subject.
This domain may be for sale by its owner!

For Satirist Humor try these sponsored results:

#1 Sexual Performance Aid
New Provigro is Doctor Approved Safe - Powerful - 100% Guaranteed!

lame domains = lame payouts, usually

I think that is all I am going to say and will try to let you go back to your dissatisfaction with Parked in this thread without anyone left to check you when they think you are wrong. Afterall, that is what you want.

We'll see if all your future posts about SEDO are rosy. Good night.

I am open to a truce, but I realize you won't accept, and I can accept that.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Ummm, what are we arguing about again? So where's that ruler? I think I go to like 8.5 or so on a "good day" :spy:...and I just stroked good ole' Uncle Sam a $xx,xxx check for taxes last year...even though I did'nt actually "work" anywhere..other than on my laptop checking my ppc stats & changing nameservers around, buying/selling domains on dnf, etc... selling one word generics for $xx,xxx+ ...ok, who's next? :eek:k:

btw - I have most of my domains at & am happy with them, they even let you customize the domain title now! (literally whatever you want it to say) works great for typos...just moved some domains from trafficclub over that got like 0.38 - 0.75 or so per click, and they are doing the exact same at parked...and since I can customize the keywords, pictures and now the TITLE...I expect the CTR to go up which = more's all in the little details my friends..the "park it and forget it" approach is for idiots who don't maximize their revenue.

Did I mention we are all on the same team? :hippie: :love: :hug:
Yes, that means even Acroplex....and Kelly too.

And Doc Com might just snipe your ass with a night vision scope and a sound suppressed .308 - so try to be nice to him if for no reason other than sleeping well at night. ;)

Ok, I'm done...who's got some zig zags? :eek:k:=~


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Kelly, I never needed your opinion about my domains because frankly, I deal with assholes like you all the time. You're just a poseur clown that somehow got ticked off by reading my posts. The mere fact that I spend time lashing your ass here is payback for licking Donny's ass while not contributing anything to a thread that documents inconsistencies with Parked.

Kelly, thank you for advertising my premium domains. Losers like you think that I own them just for parking revenue. Tough luck, moron. I flip dictionary domains all the time. While your big fat loser "" is parked! I laughed my ass off so hard with that :D What sort of MORON parks his own full name! Do you get clicks from family members, grandma on Christmas etc. But like I said, I clicked on it so that Donny can buy you some brains.

Get back when you change your name to that of a guy's.

By the way, here's another thread about Parked where AlienGG claims Donny ALLOWED him via PM to consistently click on his own ads!

If that's not scandalous, I don't know what is.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Hold on dipstick...truce off:

Doc Com - You are the one that threatened a lawyer, or that you might show up at's office and insinuated some kind of retaliation (sounds scary to me!).
Go back and get your lies straight.

Thats after noble sir Donnie posted lies regarding my account. Lies that he knows perfectly well were lies and then tried to change the story.

Getting back to the car you think if I show up at Parked corporate and meet with the CEO and handed to him a copy of the lies and then produced the real stats and dates and have Donnie sitting in the room he would say the same thing he printed? Not a chance in the world.

Now, if you want to be a character witness to a character like that, then that's all on you.

And if Donnie wants to chime in and ask what lies, then we'll go back and reprint and rehash every damn comment made. I've got plenty of time when I am not a work.

And if that scares you, you really do need to get out and quit watching tv. The lawyer thing? Sure, slander is slander and lies are lies. Retaliation? Sure, if you call civil proceedings and seeking an apology retaliation then so be.

But am I going to go that route? Naw. Like I said. This is not a life and death situation. But the thought of getting on a plane and going to sunny Florida is not a bad thought. Stop in, say hello, sit a spell, and write it off as a business expense. Then we can all have a good laugh.

Again, your paranoia is the end result of your desire to stick your ass where it doesn't belong or your nose up someones anus sphincter.

Who needs customers like that. That sums it up to me. That is out of line. Try saying those things in any public office situation and you may get beaten or arrested. That was what I was trying to relay to you.
who needs customers that are willing to park over 3000 domains but before doing so notices some screwy doing and dealings and questions them? I can't think of any parking company that can use such a large portfolio, can you? Got any recommendations. To rephrase, who needs companies like that? The ones who lie and deceive.

Saying those things in a public office? Never an issue. If I feel myself or my wife are treated like shit being a customer, I have no issue seeking upper level management or even the president or the CEO. That, again, is the difference in dealing with people face to face. If anyone wants to keep my business and have me as a loyal customer, you don't dick around and try to screw someone over and treat them like shit. Again, easy to do on the internet and forum but not so easy on the street.

Get arrested or beaten? Again, not going to happen. Not in your life time or mine.

And that's what you were trying to say? Then say it and quit wasting time trying to say it or find the right words.

In regards to an old thread: I spend my time on domains not on the boards a lot and I will say what I want, when I want, just like you, ARCO, Donny, etc....

My BIO: I'm not here to impress with the BIO. I did not live up to your expectations? Fine - I can live with that. You wanted to know, so I told you and I made it clear my points were not coming from a 15 year old as you as you implied. I told you nothing much about me really.
Every one has that right (I think) in regards to old threads or saying stuff.

Where the hell were you when it was an issue? Why make it an issue now.

Your Bio? No one cares about you or my bio. No one cares about half this crap. This is not life and death situations.

Anyways, rocks, so does Fabulous. But not Sedo or Sedo Pro, unless you got trash.


That's cool with me. I agree with you there. I did not see your truce post before the last post I just made.

There truely is nothing constructive left to be said really.
then why didn't you edit or erase your last comments?

Truce on or off?


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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This guy is a joke :D

Truce? What do you think this is, the school yard? Sorry you got sand kicked in your face, Kelly Pitts. Now please go play in another sandbox.



Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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And Doc Com might just snipe your ass with a night vision scope and a sound suppressed .308 - so try to be nice to him if for no reason other than sleeping well at night. ;)
:lol: I don't own a night scope. I am totally harmless. I'm a good boy now.

Anyways, shannon went home but she still wants a pic. Pm me.

By the way, we were just wondering...

why is everyone still awake? We don't have a choice.

With a nationwide shortage of health care professionals, there are some great career opportunities with great benefits and pay.

And you can work nights!

Okay, sorry for the public service announcement.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I just won $2500 at riverbelle casino online...woohoo


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Doc, my diagnosis for Kelly is severe "underachievement gravis" and "domainica neurosa". Will you pass the catheter please, while I am lubing my latex gloves? :D


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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you clicked it...haha

this thread needs more of this:


ok, I'm going to bed..some people have to work for a living ya know! :pound:

...and they are all waking up and going to work soon while I get some sleep! ;)


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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When you get Greg to comment in a thread, that's an achievement :p

"If this doesn't convince you, nothing will!" - Greg's exclamation when I signed up as one of the first dozen paid members, several moons ago (of course then NamePopper (R.I.P) had to get mad at me on a sad summer day and banned my old moniker).

Sorry, got carried away with memories from the domain business....*sniff* My sensitive side is coming forth. I might give Kelly a hug after all - when he gets off the short bus :D


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2004
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Kelly, I never needed your opinion about my domains because frankly, I deal with assholes like you all the time. You're just a poseur clown that somehow got ticked off by reading my posts. The mere fact that I spend time lashing your ass here is payback for licking Donny's ass while not contributing anything to a thread that documents inconsistencies with Parked.

Kelly, thank you for advertising my premium domains. Losers like you think that I own them just for parking revenue. Tough luck, moron. I flip dictionary domains all the time. While your big fat loser "" is parked! I laughed my ass off so hard with that :D What sort of MORON parks his own full name. But like I said, I clicked on it so that Donny can buy you some brains.

Get back when you change your name to that of a guy's.

You see.... here you go again.... a true professional instigator, that you are.

For Christs sake .... the truth is you were using their stats to complain back to them with, and some related personal experiences with your domains at SEDO. Not a "real" point of reference for you to even begin an attack.

Big creditials it takes to be a domain flipper. Yes, indeed.

Your domains, premium? Ya' think?

No, I was just simply reading some posts tonight for fun and questioned your logic in attacking without any point of real reference, and that put your teeth spitting diatribe in checkmate and made you blow up. It appears no one is allowed to ever contradict you without the crap hitting the fan. And, that is at any forum on any subject.

What is wrong with parking a personal name? I'm fail to find offense in that.
Is there a punchline to that?



Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
I just won $2500 at riverbelle casino online...woohoo
Thanks for the pic. Shannon went home. Christen said she'd do you (get my butt beat for saying that).
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