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Huge adjustment for yesterday

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Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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For the last few days, a domain of mine shows "estimated" click rate at .26 a click. The domain recieved 22 clicks for the day. The following day the "estimate" was finalized at .11 a click. Though my clicks weren't determined to be fraudulent at all, my rpc was messed with.

I'm willing to give all the monetization services, including, the benefit of the doubt that advertisers pay differing amounts per keyword. Additionally, all the visitors aren't clicking on the very same keyword every time, so the average rpc amount gets tough to estimate, .26 for that click, .03 for that click, .07 for that click, etc.

So heres what I propose, why can't use 24 hour estimates, or 30 day estimates (though I'd prefer 24 hour estimates, since they are less subject to price swings, in the case of poker keywords the last 30 days averages are trailing downwards, so day 1 might be paying .25 a click, wheres day 30 is paying .05 per click. In that case it'd be better to use 24 hour average, since if the advertisers paid .05 a click yesterday, that'd be better to show as the "estimated" rpc for today, then .25 a click, what was paid 30 days ago. Showing us .25 a click for our estimate, then seeing .05 being actually finalized, thats whats ticking us off, because .05 is 80% down from .25) so that are estimates are more approximate. If you know what the advertisers paid yesterday, then why can't we use that as todays estimate? What has happened in the last 24 hours, that poker keyword advertisers are now paying .04 today instead of the .05 yesterday? But don't tell us were earning .25 a click (like we did 30 days ago), when were really only earning .05.

And why do we need an average anyway? Why can't use 24 hour known paid rpc numbers, to estimate todays earnings. But do it, not as an average, but as a total. So say, our domain had 3 clicks, 1 @ .40, 1 @ .20, and 1 @ .06, for a total of .66 revenue earned. Don't show our "estimated rpc" as .40, or a random number such as .26, show it as a more realistic, total earnings (0.66) divided by 3 clicks, or .22. Allow this number to change in realtime, so that an hour later, after our domain gets a 4th click, for .06, our total revenue for the day is now 0.72 divided by 4, equals .18. Our average rpc has gone down, but thats ok, because our total revenue has gone up, from .66 to .72. This tells us we got a .06 click in that last hour.

We are willing to accept "estimated" rpc, were just asking, can't that number be closer to accurate rpc (based on current numbers, not .25 when its .05) in realtime, then all be shocked first thing the next day when 80% of our portfolio evaporated, and thinking about moving all our domains to namedrive!

Just my 10 cents.

dnjackal, It's actually kind of funny that you brought this up. Even though I am responding a little late. Our system works very similiar to this, almost identical to this. If a domain comes in for the first time today, we obviously can't estimate based on historical information. So we either take the past 24 hour average of your account if it's available or the past 24 hour average of the terms that people are clicking on. Now I have thought of one improvement based on country which we don't estimate based on country today, just clicks, but you did basically hit the nail on the head on how our system works. If you have a domain with a lot of traffic we are better at estimating the next days numbers than a domain that doesn't have any clicks in the past. I know like Namedrive just does their x cents per click on an estimate and then changes it once the numbers are finalized, but I think both system are good.


Humor? if the issue is Parked is not paying for any clicks or taking clicks away, is that classified as humor? Imagine the other parking companies, your competition, getting a laugh out of this post and thread.
My joke about 1112, is because he has been with Parked for almost a year now and I probably talk to him about once a week whenever the domain on one of his domains drops. He is a good guy and I everytime it's the same question.

You indeed may be missing something. It's called customer service. 4 days since I emailed Monty and no response.
I'm not sure why Monte didn't respond to you, it could be because he was waiting for me to come back into the office, I'm not sure. But he definitely should have sent you something. But it seems like you removed all of your domains from your account anyway.

Coming onto the forum and performing a nice stroke job to get the business of the core customer base and then lamblasting anything contrary to your concieved notion or business model is not advisable to keep a customer and build trust and a business relationship.
I'm not here to stroke anyone or try to get any particular business. And I'm definitely not here to blast any of my competitors, if I was there would be a post "why not to use xxxx". Every parking company does things there own way, and every parking company can make certain domains money. We are all playing with the same information, it's just what we do with this information.

Many of us recently came to parked in good faith after having issues elsewhere. To present a display such as this when one questions a system one is not familiar with is pure unprofessional and irrational.

My suggestion would be more transparency and a civil tone when addressing customer issues. But if that is not your style then so be it.
I was being civil for a long time. I clearly stated on multiple occasions that they were estimates and we were working on ways to always make them more accurate. I was on vacation during this whole fiasco, so I was doing my best to try and understand the issues that were happening. Most of the problems were mainly because most of you were new to our system and how we estimate revenue for the current day. If you go back and look at Namedrive they had this same issue when new people starting using their system for the first time. If I remember correctly, you have been using Sedo which pays on their estimate, not on what is earned. We pay based on what is earned.

And if you suspect or think for a moment that any of my domains are sending traffic via bots or spiders, guess again.
I never said that you were running a bot, I never said that about anybody on here. There is somebody, maybe one of our competitors, maybe somebody else, that has a bot running that is hitting thousands of domains a day across thousands of accounts. We are counting them as being clicks, but Yahoo isn't because they can tell it's a bot. I've already gotten 4 responses from Yahoo on the situation and they are supposed to be sending me a way to detect it today, because so far I have not been able to easily detect the bot. So this is what I have mentioned about a bot, once I figure it out they will be stopped at the front door and no longer be able to get in.

Hope this helps to explain some things.


Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
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Feb 21, 2004
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Hello Donny I will love to give you a break just why I ask you a genuine question, that when you were away for your b/day there was no shaving is that coincidence?
I was around everyday when I was on vacation. I don't approve stats, nobody does. They are downloaded from Yahoo and Ask, processed and updated. No human intervention at all. I don't even find out how much money we have made until after it's already been posted.

I real had a great respect for due to your easy to use system and your templates and aslo as a greater domainer who can afford to pay $1.5 M cash for
It seems to me your doing very well but I start to wonder if this sucess is getting to you head turn you to this guy with snobby attitude!
I don't have a snobby attitude, I was on vacation and I have the same attitude I have had for 20 years. I tell the truth, the problem is sometimes people don't like to hear the truth, I don't sugar coat anything. I have never lied to anybody about how we run our business or our competitors.

Hello guys which one is better between Sedo pro and domainsponsors your feedback will be appriciate ?
Based on your domains, I would say domain sponsor. But I would try both, I have accounts at DS and Sedo.


I'll be more than happy to explain some things about this group people are talking about.

Klickerz is doing something like this it's a domain parking cooperative, they have a feed from Skenzo, actually it's not a real feed, Kilckerz is just getting a good deal from Skenzo and you are sharing in the deal. I don't really know how this cooperative works though.

To get a deal from Yahoo takes about 3-4 months and unless you have a portfolio over 500k domains, you will probably get a fairly low cut. To get a contract from Google, it takes about 3-4 months, but that's for an AFD contract, which is tier based, you also have to be generating a lot of traffic today. Now remember you will be getting paid 45 days after the month is over for Yahoo and 30 days after for Google. So yes, that's 75 days later in some cases. Ask takes about 2-3 months. Msn, doesn't exist yet. If you look at anybody else you are just wasting your time and effort.

Technology, you need to have somebody in charge of setting up a system to monetize the domains and stop fraud. I recommend 4-8 people for this.

Credit Checks and incorporations, this is one of the things that I was amazed that is done before you can get a contract.

So in my honest opinion unless you have a combined revenue of more than $1.5M per month and you can float yourself for up to 75 days, I'd think about doing it some other way.

Just my 2 cents.



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2002
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Donny, if I wasn't already hooked up with a Yahoo feed parking company and your system would send me my password, I'd give you a whirl. :)

To get a deal from Yahoo takes about 3-4 months and unless you have a portfolio over 500k domains, you will probably get a fairly low cut. To get a contract from Google, it takes about 3-4 months, but that's for an AFD contract, which is tier based, you also have to be generating a lot of traffic today. Now remember you will be getting paid 45 days after the month is over for Yahoo and 30 days after for Google. So yes, that's 75 days later in some cases. Ask takes about 2-3 months. Msn, doesn't exist yet. If you look at anybody else you are just wasting your time and effort.

Technology, you need to have somebody in charge of setting up a system to monetize the domains and stop fraud. I recommend 4-8 people for this.

Credit Checks and incorporations, this is one of the things that I was amazed that is done before you can get a contract.

So in my honest opinion unless you have a combined revenue of more than $1.5M per month and you can float yourself for up to 75 days, I'd think about doing it some other way.

Just my 2 cents.


All reasons I park with others. The rewards can be great but I don't need the headaches.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2005
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Fearless, sorry mate I don't think this threat is a place to get new customers, you should try other way, thanks for your offer anyway but I am not interested thanks,


Based on your domains, I would say domain sponsor. But I would try both, I have accounts at DS and Sedo.



Thanks Donny for advice and I am sure you got my point as I am not here to attack you or anyone in that matter personally, and I have a big respect to you of what you archived, But this is big eye opening for me that someone like you you still have account at DS and Sedo, That tell us something about all this parking game, and i recall someone saying that
parking game is "like red light district girls"

This industry still has long way to adjust itself

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 21, 2004
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Before we started Parked we were not allowed to pay our employees for Parking domains. So I have accounts at basically every parking company, I keep them open now mainly to keep track of what is happening more than anything. But I do on a normal basis take some of my own domains and point them to some to the different companies to compare results and payments as well. Kind of like does.

We always want to stay ahead of everyone if possible. Now I will say that I do still have two domains that no matter what do better at 2 other providers, I have no idea why, but they always do.



Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2006
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The actual revenue of one of my domains yesterday is over 2.5 times of the estimated one. The actual revenue is: $3.52. The estimated one was around $1.30.
There were days that the actual revenue of some specific names went from estimated $3-$4 to actual $0. I think it probably has something to do with the traffic source of those names, I have moved those names to another place.

Overall, have been fair to me. Among the 3-4 parking companies I have tried. I think is the best one.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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ACROPLEX I've come to the conclusion that the best system would be a co-operative of domain owners, utilizing feeds. DCG at some point announced such an offer, other domain owners as well. However, none has taken off the ground a complete project of this scope.

aZooZa Maybe it's time to 'think out of the box' and come up with an idea that utilises our power and relative proximity to each other in terms of being able to network easily and come up with some new ideas.

I'm giving this some serious thought.

I am following all this very closely. I am not excluding anyone in the thread, but there are some interesting ideas going on.

My idea would be to combine forces and talents to create our own parked pages. We need to almost create a barter system. That barter system can be in the form of swapping services or space to achieve a common goal.

Initial cost for this? $0.00.
It's called the barter system.

If a person were to do a template(s) for a parked page, someone design headers and nice graphics particular to that page so everything is one of a kind and unique, fill will google or yahoo relevant ads to generate the income, and swap links to each others sites to feed off of each other. Each person hosts their page on their own server or service.

The above is just an example. This is just an idea, a concept...that's how things get started!

see post #60


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2005
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I am following all this very closely. I am not excluding anyone in the thread, but there are some interesting ideas going on.

My idea would be to combine forces and talents to create our own parked pages. We need to almost create a barter system. That barter system can be in the form of swapping services or space to achieve a common goal.

Initial cost for this? $0.00.
It's called the barter system.

If a person were to do a template(s) for a parked page, someone design headers and nice graphics particular to that page so everything is one of a kind and unique, fill will google or yahoo relevant ads to generate the income, and swap links to each others sites to feed off of each other. Each person hosts their page on their own server or service.

The above is just an example. This is just an idea, a concept...that's how things get started!

see post #60

I can't see clearly yet how this would work , but if people what to give a trial please put me in the list, may be if is not going to work that way may be can think the better way but we have to start from somewhere . What I real what is to be able to see real stats from google and yahoo not other people decide us to see from google and yahoo . Now I strong bealive there is some weird stuff going on in the industry at the moment, but I am not sure if we have power to change it, but is better to give a trial



Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I can't see clearly yet how this would work , but if people what to give a trial please put me in the list, may be if is not going to work that way may be can think the better way but we have to start from somewhere . What I real what is to be able to see real stats from google and yahoo not other people decide us to see from google and yahoo . Now I strong bealive there is some weird stuff going on in the industry at the moment, but I am not sure if we have power to change it, but is better to give a trial

We are not changing anything except controlling our own portfolios.

Here's an example. I just recently parked all my Chinese traffic domains with Dopa. It has been a month of more since my control panel has worked properly. Not only that, no response from my account exec. or the help desk. For more than a month!

So I moved them to another parking company that specializes in Chinese traffic. I had to submit the domains for approval. I waited perhaps more than two weeks for them to approve my account. 56 chinese IDN's, in simplified chinese script, huge search terms. Waiting for approval? Bull...try domain tasting is more like it.

When I logged on and took a look at my names, guess what? They were Sedo Landing pages!!! What kind of BS is that? Park my Chinese domains with a company that supposedly specializes in Chinese traffic and they forward them all to Sedo??? That's where the hell they came from!

So here we have a middle man in between the middle man. How absurd!

That is what we can eliminate...the companies are making money off each one of us and off each one of our domain names. And what are we getting in return? Lip service. If we are lucky enough to even get that. Benefits? we get the benefit of wasting so much time on this subject and monitoring our accounts and trying to undo what some one has done.

In time, I will develop a site (parking page, lander) for each and every one of my domain names. Use RSS feeds to keep the page dynamic but relevant to your keywords so the ads change also. This I have no doubt I can and will do in time.

But it will take time, something I have little of. It will take skills that I do not have but will teach myself.

Or, I have the knowledge of marketing and advertising profession and background for many years along with being in the medical profession. I an also knock out graphics in a minute for small banners or headers.

This is what I am talking about...taking control of our own portfolios, eliminating the parking companies, exchanging (bartering) our services to each other to promote our selves. Create a banner exchange with all the members. Each site contains rotating banners of the other members products and services to promote their site. We not only are making making on our own sites and landers, we are promoting each other and hopefully driving traffic, legitimate traffic, to our co-members.

It is a big effort and will take a committment on many sides. But is certainly worth considering.

I am doing it for myself. So why not have some help doing it for me and for everyone else.

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2003
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I think you've made a good start at addressing the possibilities Doc. I believe in what you are proposing in essence. Another item to add to the list of commodities for 'barter' could be quality hosting provision.

I think the real gold in this idea is to start at the top of the food chain; i.e. to form an entity that can actually attract advertisers that are willing to pay 'us' directly for clicks on parked pages. I know this suggestion is potentially a marketing nightmare; I only offer it as part of the theoretical discussion.

It wouldn't be that hard to amass a database of who's advertising on your parked pages and to contact them through 'our' new marketing/sales division.

This then gets rid of G/Y.

Together, we have the skills, the domains and the community. All right here.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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'barter' could be quality hosting provision.
I didn’t consider the hosting to be an issue. Here’s why.

There are so many quality hosting plans out there for each person to control their own domains and host.

Look at GoDaddy. $9.95 per month on Windows, $8.95 on Linux. Unlimited aliases (designate one domain as the host, put as many as you can fit onto your own host!), 100gb disk space, 1000gb transfer. Their $3.99 Linux package also includes UNLIMITED ALIASES which is unheard of. Pretty soon it may all be free. Basically as long as you don’t exceed bandwidth and usage, you're okay.

To put this in perspective, I have the $8.95 Linux plan for my site Very complex site, heavy usage, 355,000+ users in 2006. Already in excess of 139,000 users in 2007. On track for 500,000+. I have used a mere 37 mb (0.04%) of disk space and less than 242 mb (0.02%) of available usage and I HAVE THREE WEB SITES ON THIS HOST!

So it looks like I could put several hundred or a thousand more parked pages and not exceed the usage. is a good example in this case as it serves primarily as a portal. Liken it to a landing page. It is loaded with links to take the user to other sites. I am seeing about 1500 users per day on this one site if that gives you an idea of the traffic. If some sites are getting more than that, then more power to you. You can still load it up. It may be less sites per host or a larger plan but I doubt it will come to that. If so, then that truly shows success and congrats!

Here’s a real kick in the pants…I am a GoDaddy reseller through WildWestDomains. So I get a discount. I am paying a whopping $5.30 a month for this. I have no idea what the discount is to other members if I open the account up to them to sign up on their own. It may be a few cents more. A yearly plan for me is about $63.00. You make that back in a few days or a week from parking. I am not pushing my reseller services as that is not what I am here for. I have not even mentioned the name of my service.

If everyone hosts their own on their own plans or hosting services, then you truly control everything!


DNF Addict
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Feb 9, 2006
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In time, I will develop a site (parking page, lander) for each and every one of my domain names. Use RSS feeds to keep the page dynamic but relevant to your keywords so the ads change also. This I have no doubt I can and will do in time.

Are you thinking you're going to use a Google adsense account for your ads? If so, I think you are going to be terribly disappointed.

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Hosting basically is a free commodity for parking pages. I too have a large setup in Vancouver BC, and can host hundreds of thousands of domains on it if they're just landers 'a la' usual PPC. I don't think one's own control of hosting for a parking page means much. You don't get any control of it with traditional parking anyway. I was really just trying to add another commodity to the mix. I'm sure there are some potential contributors of other services that would be pleased to receive reliable hosting as 'barter' but mind you, I agree that it would be very time consuming to add each domain to the host if they come in by the thousand :(


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Are you thinking you're going to use a Google adsense account for your ads? If so, I think you are going to be terribly disappointed.
Google, Yahoo. Are these not the same feeds that all the parked services use?

Possibly CJ and other link programs. Have to find out the restrictions.

Terribly disappointed? When I have 20 clicks and nearly $9.00 of revenue disappear because someone, somewhere does not think they are legitimate clicks (a seven year old NBA fansite)...THAT is disappointment. A click "estimate" of 33 cents but in reality pays 11 cents per click and 2 days later that same site and same click and same estimate actually pays 2 cents per click...that's disappointment.

Having to wait 39 days for payment on a sold domain name, being lied to by the very account execs that are managing your account, days and weeks of emails gone ignored, the only response you get is post a flaming thread here and then someone shows up from the parking company all bubbly and perky to save the day or a rep from a company coming on here to downplay everyone's concern and issue and give their damn customers grief...that damn disappointing.

To have nearly 2900 domain names parked and this is the service I get and this is the benefits and the best customer service we (I) deserve while I am making them money and providing them an income and this is the best that they can do for me? That's a ****ing HUGE disappointment.

Throwing ****ing pennies my way and your way and all around, telling me that they have the highest payout of any parking or monitizing one who DOES NOT make such a claim...this is pathetic.

Essentially I am renting them my domain names to make a buck but I am the one in essence paying their rent.

I've got better use of my names and will make better use of my names. If google or yahoo or CJ or any one else wants to pay me a fraction of what I am making then so be it.

I will at least not have to put up with the day in and day out bullshit that these parking companies want to hustle.

Look at the shit that is currently featured on Sedo's auction. Fake damn bids all over the house. Look at the domain names that have no bids. These are domains submitted by sedo brokers that are supposed to be "premium". Give me a damn break. starting with the letter B that are not even worth reg fee. Long Hyphenated .info domain names not even worth reg fee. Not a damn one of them have bids. And if these belong to some one on this forum then more power to them. The only thing premium I see here is a con job to get domains on auction. Yeah, and lets talk about the fake IDN words that were sold.

These are the type of companies that are supposed to represent us and our holdings. I view my portfolio of domains as shares just like stock. They can not even represent themselves in a professional manner and we want them to represent us? Would you trust your stock broker to act in your best interest and in your behalf this way?

Nope, not me.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Sedo still thinks that my keyword of "chocolates" for my domain,, should be ignored and instead lots of sexually explicit links are posted. Where does the headache stop?

There has to be an end to this exploitation of our traffic and time by corporations that became overnight "saviors", while they only save one thing - their own asses.

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Sedo still thinks that my keyword of "chocolates" for my domain,, should be ignored and instead lots of sexually explicit links are posted. Where does the headache stop?

There has to be an end to this exploitation of our traffic and time by corporations that became overnight "saviors", while they only save one thing - their own asses.
Sheesh. Try that one on NameDrive. I know the domains you're referring to. If ND can't interpret the keywords then nobody can in my experience.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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I'm sure there are some potential contributors of other services that would be pleased to receive reliable hosting as 'barter' but mind you, I agree that it would be very time consuming to add each domain to the host if they come in by the thousand :(
I see your point. It has to at some form or fashion be a level playing field and equal all the way around.

That is why I think if each were to provide their own hosting, then the management and parking is on them. I am not too savvy with the ftp and cpanel and all the hosting features. But someone can teach me, walk me through it. That is a contribution. Now I am loading up my own pages.

It would not be an even trade off if I was to give you three logos and a header for you to ftp or park 500 pages for me. There has got to be some value for value.

Barter in a different manner. With out knowing what you do, I need a template starter page. You charge $65.00 as a normal rate. You need a host. I can provide a superb hosting package for $65.00. Done. You eat your bill, I pay for your hosting package for a year. Done deal. You have your hosting and I have my template.

I don't have all the answers. But I have some ideas and concepts on how it can work. I have a great idea on how it should work...we control our own portfolios.

aZooZa, I am guessing you are in the UK, some 6 hours ahead of me here. It is nearly 3 am in the morning.

Granted, I am a night person. I work 12 hour night shifts at 2 different hospitals.

Acroplex and I are perhaps in the same time zone. It is 3 a.m. here.

What are we doing? Talking about the same crap over and over and trying to figure out what in the hell to do about all this mess.

Yeah, it is frustrating. I would hate like hell to be in a situation where I would have to depend on the honesty and integrity of these entities to provide me an income to live on...wholely or partially.

But that is exactly what many are counting on.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Google, Yahoo. Are these not the same feeds that all the parked services use?

Do you have much experience with adwords? I have only a little but I've never seen it come anywhere close to a parking site in terms of RPC. My RPC with parked domains is probably at least 2 times higher than with adwords. Adwords doesn't really allow any flexibility, once you have the site together you get what comes up based on your content.

I think you guys are probably over-reacting to an event that is temporary and isolated. Letting a 3rd party aggregate volume and then handle administration and management still seems to me the most rational approach. Are all your domains doing horribly or just a couple that get used as example?

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 24, 2003
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@Doc: I'm currently in Malaysia - 3:09pm as I write this. I think there's mileage in what we're talking about, but as Duck suggests, it may be more work than envisaged. I'd want to do the whole job as I've posted before, but that's a lot of marketing and selling to take G/Y out of the picture.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Do you have much experience with adwords? I have only a little but I've never seen it come anywhere close to a parking site in terms of RPC. My RPC with parked domains is probably at least 2 times higher than with adwords. Adwords doesn't really allow any flexibility, once you have the site together you get what comes up based on your content.
It is my undestanding that with RSS feeds the pages will be dynamic, constantly updating, and self re-freshing. So won't the ads appearing, from what I have been told by several who used this method.

No, I do not have much experience with Adwords (AdSense??? I am not sure). Only had them on one site a while back and paid an average of seven cents per click.

I think you guys are probably over-reacting to an event that is temporary and isolated. Letting a 3rd party aggregate volume and then handle administration and management still seems to me the most rational approach. Are all your domains doing horribly or just a couple that get used as example?
I would like to think that I am over-reacting. But I don't feel that way. My issues with Sedo go back to when they launched their auction service. I am happy for them. But they shifted their focus and many personnel to this. That left the parking in seemingly dissarrary. From last Thanksgiving through the start of the new year, it was nearly impossible for someone to respond to an email. These were all issues that I brought up time and time again. Not only with the folks here in the US, but the Sedo folks in Germany and in the UK.

I have been asking for a broker to contact me since last October. Nothing. One domain sold took 39 days AFTER payment was made by the buyer for me to get paid. Tom Fell saw to that over the holidays after all hell was raised. Tom did not have a thing to do with that fiasco yet took it upon himself to see to it that it was done. Two domains just recently have taken more than 30 days to transfer to my accounts. Again, more than 30 days and only after I raised hell about it again. One agent told me they could not get ahold of the seller to transfer. I contacted the sellers Registrar, produced the documentation, and it was done. For my effort, Sedo charged the seller 10%. Another agent told his superiors on another domain that he had called me but he did not.

Recently I inquired as to why February's payment was late or did I miss it. I was told that the tickets had been ready and I would be getting payment soon. A week went by, I asked on this forum who have been paid by sedo and by what methhod, every respondant had been paid more than a week previously. When I again inquired, I did not get an answer in four days. When I made a stink about it on this forum, some one from Sedo PM'd me asked for details. She then responded that the reason I did not get paid is I did not have a current W-9 on file. When I inquired to the story about the tickets being made and I would be paid, I was politely informed that I had been mis-informed and that was not what had happened. So I will be getting February and March payment in April.

March was beyond a doubt the largest drop in both revenue with PPC with traffic staying steady. When I inquired about this, I am told by two people at Sedo that 'some things are out of my control." This also happens to coincide with when Sedo made the announcement on changing feeds and pages regarding adult related material. Sorry Acroplex has Sweet Chocolate Babes all over his stuff. On the other hand, one of my adult related sites dropped nearly 80% in revenue and nearly 85% in PPC with the same amount of traffic with no explanation with the exception of "some things are out of my control".

In a long about way, to respond to your statement, "I think you guys are probably over-reacting to an event that is temporary and isolated", going on seven months noticing this downward spiral is not temporary and reading similar experiences on this forum and NamePros is hardly deemed isolated.

And in response to your question, "Are all your domains doing horribly or just a couple that get used as example?", we all have dogs. That's a given.

But we (I) also have a core group of performers month after month. It is that core group that make up the bulk of the PPC and revenue. That core group is what drastically dropped in March. Overall PPC nearly 50% of what it had been and Revenue also nearly 40-45% off.

My rants may appear to be an overreaction, but inside I don't think so. If I had seen this going on (which I did) and started noticing some trends going back to the fall of 2006 (which I did) and did not call this to anyone's attention time and time again (which I did), then it's on me for not raising a red flag.

I am sure the parking companies will and can do fine with out me and I am sure they will publically say so. I can potentially be fine with out them.

So I think in time I will test the waters with a few ideas just to get my feet wet.

@Doc: I'm currently in Malaysia - 3:09pm as I write this. I think there's mileage in what we're talking about, but as Duck suggests, it may be more work than envisaged. I'd want to do the whole job as I've posted before, but that's a lot of marketing and selling to take G/Y out of the picture.
Malaysia? You weren't taking on a rescue mission all by yourself, were you? PM sent.
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