Doc Com, If you use large text again I will ask that you be removed from posting in this forum again. If you disagree with something that I say, that is fine. We can discuss it in a civil way, not by using some text that does nothing but make you look like you can't prove your point across in normal words.
I am not trying to cover my ass, never have. See I get an email everytime somebody posts a message in the forum. I also have an RSS reader that reminds me somebody has posted and I haven't responded yet.
I am not sure why you say that I am lying and why you want to sue us. From the beginning I said they are estimates. People who have asked me about the issue personally, I have sent them the access log queries showing the clicks on their domains, with the keywords and the ips and no user agents. And even 1112, I sent him my personal estimate on how much wasn't going to be paid for almost 6 hours before the final stats were finished yesterday. So I guess I'm not lying about that.
I originally didn't know your username on Parked, but based on the one ticket Monte hadn't respond to which was sent in on 4/4 and it talked about our estimates, I assumed it was you. As I mentioned before I was on vacation Thursday and Friday of last week. This morning I had a meeting with our account managers and your ticket as well as the whole issue was brought up and we discussed the estimate issue that we had been seeing and the solutions we were putting in place. Again, not lying there.
Now let's post the whole message.
And yes, Monte still works here, the reason he didn't respond to your message the first time you sent it in was because you had removed all of your domains from your account and pointed them elsewhere. He wanted to wait and talk with me this morning which we had, since you had already moved your domains away from us.
and earlier
I'm not sure why Monte didn't respond to you, it could be because he was waiting for me to come back into the office, I'm not sure. But he definitely should have sent you something. But it seems like you removed all of your domains from your account anyway.
So what does that tell me, Monte didn't respond to you because he was wanting to talk to me about the problem. You want his phone number to call him to verify?
Monte was responding to your ticket as I was responding to your post last time, so I knew about that. So I wasn't lying about that either.
I don't see how I tried to discredit you, the only thing I said was we use estimates, you asked me about your ticket and I said I wasn't sure why Monte hadn't responded, then I told you he was waiting to talk to me about it.
I do not feel you are owed an apology for something that works exactly like it is supposed to work. I have not criticized you, threaten you or make fun of your domains. I didn't make fun of how you dress or what kind of life you lead. But you have done that me and you don't even know me. If there is an apology owed, you owe it to me!