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Huge adjustment for yesterday

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Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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Get lost, brown noser. All the posts above are related to my experience with parked and its spokeperson on DNF, Donny - whose responses here have been rather obnoxious and snobby.

If you don't like my posts put me on ignore. My business ethics are spoken through my numerous business transactions here and elsewhere. I don't need little "conscience" blabber tirades like yours.

I don't use parked and I don't recommend it.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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Yup, talk that way in private and in public.

So, lets take it one step further. Let's put your nosey little ass in the fray seeing that you want to put your nose up someones butt.

You're talking to or addressing a Vietnam Vet who has made a life for himself first in military, then in the advertising and now the medical field. I have been through a great deal in life and treat people with dignity and respect. That is my job.

Domains, internet, and parking is not my job. It is an entertainment and amusement. Until someone like Donny or you comes along and wants to treat me like some ****ing little 14 year old.

Along comes someone like you wants to come along and stick up for a company who's total line of bullshit and salesmanship is some lame ****ing excuse. But I am not allowed to express my opinion about first hand knowledge and experiences with a company, am I. Especially if they are counter to your thoughts or feelings.

I think that is the issue with the internet. No face to face communication. Quite frankly, no one would attempt to look me eye to eye and feed me a line of bullshit like I have been getting. But if you're at the keyboard and not having to deal with individuals on a personal basis, all humanity and decency is lost.

But if I was sitting across the desk and perhaps the visual of my size, age and gender may come into play and garner some respect. It's like going somewhere and buying a car. I think a salesman is going to play a little different tune dealing with a customer on a one to one basis than me buying one on ebay.

I don't know your gender and frankly don't give a shit. But you should perhaps mind your own damn business. As for hiding behind a veil of a forum...where the hell are you right now. Face to face with me? That's not where you want to be.

I can carry on a civil tone and manner but if I make Acro look tame then so be it. (Quite frankly, that may be a compliment cause even I stay away from that Greek dynamo). But I will not and refuse to let cretins like Donny and some little ****ing know it all who actually knows nothing to lecture me on how to conduct myself.

And all this cussing and ranting right now? Simply me having fun with you, sweet cheeks. Someone unstable? I guess in my 54 years on this planet, I have met a few of those and perhaps served with a few of those. But that is where I am at in life. Life's experiences and dealing with people face to face and helping other in need...that is the real deal. Not some little pissant named Kelly gender unknown and Donnie at a computer is going to give me life's lessons or tell me how to conduct myself and act until you to have walked the walk and talked the talk.

I've enjoyed our little time together. Nice to get blindsided like this. But, you see, that's what the internet is all about. You can attack me sitting on your ass, in a chair, behind a screen, in your house, far far away but would not have the decency or respect or the balls to act the way you are acting in public.

Me, I have learned to adapt and adopt to the environment around me. That's why I am still here. The reality, I'm harmless. Wouldn't step on an ant.

I wish I could let people go on thinking I'm a little 15 year old just now experiencing puberty who doesn't know shit about life and has never been out of their room, and has no friends or people to turn to. Is that the psycho profile you were describing?

Have a nice night, kelly. And Donnie.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I think at night Donnie dons a frock and becomes Kelly? :D

After reading her (?) post once again I am convinced that while certain people are objective in their statements - I did mention Parked's keyword identification method is superb - there will always be the crazy bunch that yells "rape!" every time something is posted against their idolized company.

Doc, I would never want you as my enemy - what a superb response! :drum:


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2004
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Get lost, brown noser. All the posts above are related to my experience with parked and its spokeperson on DNF, Donny - whose responses here have been rather obnoxious and snobby.

If you don't like my posts put me on ignore. My business ethics are spoken through my numerous business transactions here and elsewhere. I don't need little "conscience" blabber tirades like yours.

I don't use parked and I don't recommend it.

You already know he responded that way b/c you are acting like an insatiable know-it-all, so don't twist what happened. Re-read your jerk posts.

Also, I asked you who you recommend? Yet....... nothing.

As far as tirades I believe you spend more time doing that than buying domains.

You previous business transactions don't give you license to be an ass to me or Donny or anyone else. How easy is it to be an ass hiding behind a forum. What a weak individual. How about just addressing folks with civility and if you don't like it you walk instead of crying.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I know that Parked sucked for me and that should put a cork in your little mouth. This is my thread about my experience with Parked's lack of delivering what they claim they do.

You're a shitty little troll; maybe one of Donny's many outfits.

Outta my face or I'll spit you like a pit. You picked the wrong thread to waltz your bare-ass outfit at.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Let's get out the ruler and just measure them once and for all.. :pound:


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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This is great. I am sitting here at work and letting my co-workers and associates read this. They know very little about domains and names and could care less.

These are the people that work as a team. These are real individuals. These are not members of the forums. These are also medical professionals. This is some of the people that I have tried to explain domaining to, how to build websites, and about parking.

This is also the same bunch who were outraged at all the nonsensical bullshit regging of tragedy and insensitivity shown by domainers over the Virginia Tech horror.

Medical professionals have a great sense of humor as they deal with real life issues on a day to day basis...sometimes with bad outcomes.

So, here I am trying to teach something to fellow associates and in the meantime I am letting them see what such nonsense these forums can be. They know me, they do not know Donny or Kelly, but here I am having to try to explain the roles of these members to them.

Instead, I think I'll just let them read this whole thread and try to answer any questions they may have. THAT will be their inservice for the night. Then when I cuss, they'll know why.

So thank you all for providing us with a night of entertainment and a break from the routine and Mundane. Feel free to post or publish anything you want about me for them to read. They won't be able to respond but just read as I will sign off and they can still follow along, if I am not mistaken.

The reality is...they know me, but they don't know you.

So here's your chance to let it fly.


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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I find all of you strangely attractive and want to have a big orgy...


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I'm at home, in shorts and t-shirt, listening to jazz while sipping some white wine (red is good but makes me gassy). Browsing some DNF threads, checking the FOREX, chatting with a friend on Yahoo.

Oops! Troll alert! kelly drops a stinker bomb accusing me of being insensitive towards a company that essentially does not deliver; earnings are 10x on one day and 48 hours later they are down to 2x.

Kelly, I suggest you grow some thick skin because it's a man's world out there and you need to have balls to make it.

PS I love you too, Focus.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2004
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Doc Com - You act like someone is stepping on your right to free speech. It seems to me you have made every point you wanted to make.

Likewise, I am allowed to comment on what I think is unfair about your free speech posts. So don't either one you guys act like your opinion is omnipotent b/c of your previous accomplishments/ sales/ purchases, and other DN members are not allowed to rebuke your incessant badgering. You can call it brown nosing if you wish, but if my opinion, or someone else's, was truely positive would you still call it brownosing? Of course, b/c you guys are pissed your payouts blow. Period.

I'm not sure what Vietnam has to do with domains, but congrats on all your life's accomplishments.

Since you seem to want to know. My BIO: Male, 37, Atlanta. 99.999 prime generic domains folks. Been buying domains since Aug. 1995. That in itself, I believe, qualifies my opinion on this board. I started registering domains when less than 15,000 were registered, so I know a little something about domains. I bought $30,000 worth of domains in 1995 alone. I even got a bunch when they were free to anyone's asking. So, don't even begin to put yourselfs on a pedastal and try to berate me. I sure don't own lame domains like like ARCO - thank God - I would be freaking out too b/c that money won't last a lifetime. Lame domains : that is why you final stats are depressing you at Parked. Remember only SEDO can take total trash domains and make money "grow" from them. It's almost like they make really lame clicks turn into gold.

I'll pose the same question to you as ARCO - who do you recommend for parking then?

How 'bout some positive light from you guys then, if Parked is so bad.

I know that Parked sucked for me and that should put a cork in your little mouth. This is my thread about my experience with Parked's lack of delivering what they claim they do.

You're a shitty little troll; maybe one of Donny's many outfits.

Outta my face or I'll spit you like a pit. You picked the wrong thread to waltz your bare-ass outfit at.

All bow to the all-mighty thread owner.

Is there anyone you do not address in this manner?

No recommendations? Just mild threats from a fly-weight?


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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My name is not "ARCO" but I am sensitive towards people with dyslexia, Kelly. Really, weren't you picked on at school for having a girl's name?

More proof that you have MAJOR ADD (attention deficit disorder) and you just blow stuff out of your ass: I don't own shitty names and I don't own "". That was Donny acting as if he were protecting me from not listing my domain "" which made a nice earning with keywords related to Kennedy Space Center. Then Donny said the clicks were illegitimate. Funny, because Sedo thinks otherwise.

Now, piss off Kelly because I am running out of nice words to say.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2004
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DOC COM - talk about just going out on a tangent. You really are not even making points.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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I just bought you some red lipstick Kelly. Goes well with that red dress Donny bought you. Maybe Focus can buy you the panties but then he will want some.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2004
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My name is not "ARCO" but I am sensitive towards people with dyslexia, Kelly. Really, weren't you picked on at school for having a girl's name?

More proof that you have MAJOR ADD (attention deficit disorder) and you just blow stuff out of your ass: I don't own shitty names and I don't own "". That was Donny acting as if he were protecting me from not listing my domain "" which made a nice earning with keywords related to Kennedy Space Center. Then Donny said the clicks were illegitimate. Funny, because Sedo thinks otherwise.

Now, piss off Kelly because I am running out of nice words to say.

Like I said Sedo make Gold from Dog-Doo. Give me a break - go find a real domain.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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List your domains here, sweet-cheeks. Or tell Donny hi from me, while he's groping your tush (metaphorically of course).

I'm sooooo sorry Parked get's debunked in this thread. You really are so pathetic as to bash Sedo now?

As I said, you picked the wrong thread to blast crap out at. I will rip your little ass to stripes.


Account Terminated
Feb 28, 2004
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LMAO is parked at

I rest my case. LOSER!

PS I clicked on one of the ads on - I hope Donny gives you a buck or two for kissing ass :D


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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I'm at home, in shorts and t-shirt, listening to jazz while sipping some white wine (red is good but makes me gassy). Browsing some DNF threads, checking the FOREX, chatting with a friend on Yahoo.

No cruising allowed on DNF.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2004
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I just bought you some red lipstick Kelly. Goes well with that red dress Donny bought you. Maybe Focus can buy you the panties but then he will want some.

That is your response as to what company is good for parking?

You have absolutely worthless input apparantly.

With that intellect, it does not surprise me your domain blow and suck at the same time, which is theoretically impossible - but you pulled it off - only at SEDO. LMAO :smilewinkgrin:

What does that have to do with anything?

You really are so pathetic as to bash Sedo now?

What the hell does that mean. I have spoken to you for eons about SEDO. Do you not remember me?

You guys insults are not even making any insults, or sense. C'mon, I thought you were professional insulters.

LMAO is parked at

I rest my case. LOSER!

PS I clicked on one of the ads on - I hope Donny gives you a buck or two for kissing ass :D

So. What is the point where it is parked - I follow the money. Just like you.

Trash domains go to Sedo. Good ones go to Parked/Fabulous/Skenzo etc... or get developed, instead of me lambasting everyone else for my problems.

What you are doing here is no different than what you have done to SEDO on this board and NamePros. Also, nothing new from you other than "gay" insults and insulting everyone's mother.

I have agreed with you many times about SEDO, but you are wrong here - unless he was intentionally trying to make you leave Parked b/c you only attack on a personal level.

The world owes you nothing ARCO. You got to make it on your own instead of acting like a crying, bleeding liberal, steet corner beggar. A "parking beggar", if you will. "Give me more than I deserve! We're all being screwed." It was the same Anthem Cry about SEDO as well - nothing new here with Parked. You can't deny you had/have the same attitude about SEDO, as all your posts prove it.

I could give a rats ass if Donny gave me a raise or not. My life is not dependent on that, like yours is with SEDO sales, flipping domains, eeking it out between "underperforming" paking companies on expired traffic domains.

Best of luck with that lame business plan angle.


Dances With Dogs
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 3, 2006
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One day someone unstable, or just plain angry, would eventually split your genitals across your broken face.
Not going to happen in your or my lifetime. Perhaps some think that is the way I am or should be, as well as my two brothers.

That’s what Vietnam has to do with your pitiful post. Want you and anyone else who may read this to realize that not everyone on this forum is a snot nosed teen. So before you go to blasting at someone and making comments as such, you might want to know who is on the other side of this screen.

And you are certainly not the one to do it. Talk about hiding behind a screen and the veil of a forum. Actually, if someone tried, it would just piss me off. And then I would have to turn around and do CPR on them. That would suck.

Funny how a the veil of a forum or email allows you to be a dirty little cuss. You're much, much worse than ACRO. Actually you make ACRO look tame.
Wow, dirty little cuss. You are from the south. Yet that same "veil of a forum" protects and enables you to confront me in this manner…adding you own commentary to a thread that is almost a month old. Nice of you to come out of the closet.

I find all of you strangely attractive and want to have a big orgy...
Some of the nurses here want you to pm me a pic. I told them you ARE the beast.

Doc Com - You act like someone is stepping on your right to free speech. It seems to me you have made every point you wanted to make.
No, I am acting like someone who logged onto the computer and was checking recent posts only to find myself blindsided by some puss who has no real significant value to the thread other than praising Donnie and the almighty parked dot com empire. And all of this from the last post on the thread of 4/12? Took nearly a month of you to grow the balls to actually have something to say? Gee, sorry you don’t get out much. Found it odd that you or anyone would want to revive a dead thread. Personally, Donnie would probably have wished this too would pass. And you know what? The issue I had with Donnie is done, over, ended. You made this about you. So that has got to make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside or perhaps just warm on the outside from peeing yourself.

As for your Bio: Boring, boring, boring. I understand, and this is NOT a criticism, that domaining is a livelihood to many people…much in the way that “day trading” on the stock market is. But that bio…if that is you claim to fame and your life’s mark and legacy…then no pedestal is necessary. Not putting myself on a pedestal at all. I am simply informing some jackass that I am not one to cower and hide from any insignificant threat…real or perceived…from any insignificant person. Not my style, not my life. Just wanted to make it very clear of what I am not, more than what I am.

DOC COM - talk about just going out on a tangent. You really are not even making points.
What’s it going to be, Kelly? Point or no point…first I am making my point…then it’s not making a point.

Looks like you are a tad confused. Your point is not even about Parked. Your point is your disdain for Acroplex and Doc.

If you point is about Parked, then perhaps you should start your own Parked thread and praise their name and you hallowed portfolio.

Seriously, if that is where you value most in life and that is your living legacy then you do need to get out more. Perhaps volunteer for Habitat for Humanity or assist in a Soup Kitchen or deliver meals to the indigent or the infirmed or elderly. Good for the soul.

That's the real me. The one on here cussing and ranting is just me having fun. That is also good for the soul. Fun, humor, the ability to laugh at one's self and others.
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