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Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 10, 2006
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1. MY domain is in my account, yes.
2. As John Berryhill pointed out, the "agreement" does not apply.
3. Check your IP logs, I never went near your URL.

Now, here is my advice to you and you would be wise to take it on board.
Never EVER contact me again and don't try any funny business.
I reserve the right to file charges and seek damages.
If I decide not to do so, you will have gotten out of this very very lightly.
Know when you've been lucky, walk away and stay very quiet.

Your IP was logged in the theft. Your credit card was used to renew. If you continue to insist that you used a service, the only explanation that can accommodate all 3 things is that you run the service. I don't think you want THAT to be proven.

For now, I'm pleased to have my domain back and IF YOU TAKE THE ADVICE ABOVE that's how this should end between us. As for all the other trouble you've gotten yourself into with Susan etc, I can't say how that will end and it seems now that the FBI will be involved. I wouldn't like to be in your shoes right now.

As for being prepared to offer me back the domain weeks ago, please allow me to quote you on the subject from one of your emails:

"If the name meant a big deal to you, you would keep your eyes on it and never let it expire. In fact, you didn't renew it and you accepted the expiration of the name voluntarily. You gave up the name, and now you regret for your own mistake. We warn you, you are potentially engaged in a REVERSE DOMAIN HIJACKING attempt!"

"We are extremely aggressive in pursuing charges for reverse domain hijackings. We have no objection for you to file a UDRP against us. However, we are sure that you will deeply regret for doing so."

I do appreciate your promise. I don't want this thread to draw any more of your time, so I don't want to talk about everything. Just to clarify with you, I was indeed trying to work it out when I contacted you over Myspace. My laptop broke so I couldn't get access to the first email you sent me. I only read it briefly before my laptop died and was sent to the manufacturer for repair. You know, I only asked you to email me your request again so I could read it again as I was not able to access it. I made those statement after getting the C&D and exchanging several emails with you. But in any case, I would not bother to contact you if I was thinking otherwise. Just to let you know.


Lost @Space
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 6, 2007
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I would not pay him anything, he messed up as well here and better had learn some thing from it. Letting your name get with in one day of expiring is not good, if he had not taken it the register would have pretty soon. Using a known hackable hotmail email is bad, and no one ever does that just because of that reason.

He could of had the domain back, some time ago but let his hot head stop him. Anyone that is into domains, know if some one takes your domain. Then send it's back to you, you take it back then charge your accounts password fast. I think both should of learn some thing from this, well let us hope they did as most of us was reminded of it just reading it.

You mustn't have read this thread very well. VC is NOT a domainer, he's NOT "into domains" as you put it. This domain just happened to be his long time business.
Additionally, even if AlienGG didn't steal the name himself but the "mystical service" did it, he was made aware a long time ago that the name was stolen. (But considering that Network Solutions say that the domain was taken by someone using AlienGG's IP address, I can't see how the "magical service" could be involved at all.)
Getting a C&D shouldn't stop him from giving it back knowing that it was stolen, but instead he offered it for sale here, already knowing it was stolen, even if (but I don't believe that) it wasn't by himself. He know he was in possession of stolen goods, and to sell it to someone else here would also be a crime.
The buyer here, (it could be YOU!), would then surely lose the domain to it's rightful owner, AND the money to AlienGG.


Level 11
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May 21, 2006
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Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 23, 2004
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( AlienGG commited a crime. If someone doesn't lock his front door, it doesn't give a thief the right to break into his house. )

Yes he did but so do 1000's of others online, ebay had 100,000 taken from buyers right out rip offs. They will not go after them or do anything, it's to much trouble to have other states in it. The fact is the FBI is not going to do anything, they get 1000's of reports all the time it's just that simple.

No he should not have taken it, just because he left his door open. But how many of us let the door open, when no one is home to watch the house. If he wants to deal in domains, he needs to learn fast or get some one that can take care of them. He did not ask for it, but he did play apart in it just the same.

I hope that GG learned not to try pulling this stuff, as there is no way it will pass water. As soon as the owner find outs, they will have it tracked down back to them. And don't lie about it, because the more you lie the worst it gets. Stealing is not a very good thing I know, and it would be nice if the law handled, it as if they broke into some ones house and took stuff.

But lets face it they are not going to, about 4 years some one smash my car window. Parked in a parking lot, where many people could see and hear such things living there. I called the cops and they come, my stereo was taken but the cops did not ask anyone if they seen anything at all. I was upset about the window, as I knew it would be a real pain replacing it and it was.

The answer is good people like in this forum, taken people to task about stuff like this. And hopefully others see this, and will help the next time and after a while, people learn they can not get away with it and will be taken to task. And people will learn to not make it easy, for them to take their domains. Shut the door and lock it, and take people to task that may have taken a domain it's that simple.
I really suggest you read through the WHOLE thread before criticizing any "hot heads". As someone already pointed out, AlienGG has been caught red handed. I don't know how much proof could be required to prove anything otherwise, but it would have to be an awful lot, until that proof exists though, we will have to go with what is right in front of us, and it clearly points ALL the fingers at AlienGG.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2006
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How is Grant Gao still here?
I too get a minimal amount of enjoyment from watching him dig himself deeper and deeper into the bullsh!t, but there comes a point that you have to put a wounded beast out of its misery. He has changed his story more times than I can count, used a service where the term (Crudely translated) "Rush Violence" (If we are even to believe that the service was not made up by Grant Gao himself) is used as the "go" button, and tried to force victims to play stupid games in order to get their names back.
Anyone here could write a novel on the idiocy that Grant Gao has displayed in this forum and his dealings with all involved - his further posting only serves to discredit the industry, as it brings out the apologists (As recently seen).


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2007
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Wow, it took me one hour to read this thread, and I had a deja-vu. This guy is the Charlie Wenzel of domain industry (for more info search google for that guy - you won't regret it)

Though after one point it was not funny, and I think it should just be very domain board.

And I think that an investigation should be made, no matter that he returned the stolen property. People like him make the domain industry (and the online trading) risky. Are we sure there are only 4 domains he had stolen? Those involved should take further measures to stop this guy, as we are need to keep the industry clean, and protect further victims.

- Alex


Level 8
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Allan, I said something different about, and that was it. The domain was in Susan's possession. I said those only wanted to mess with JP because he said Susan was dead, and also wanted to make it less complicated since the name had been with Susan all along.
The Google translator doesn't really translate well. Such terms are common on Chinese sites, but the translation is another story.

Alex, I'm sure I will not use that service ever again. It's been a hash memory for myself alone. I won't want to deal with anything similar any more.


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 15, 2007
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>>>I do appreciate your promise.>>>

aliengg, let's be completely clear about this.

I still reserve the right to file charges and seek damages.
I WILL DECIDE whether to do go down that road at MY DISCRETION.
What I'm telling you is that YOUR BEHAVIOR will influence that decision.
I'm advising you not to push your luck. Leave me alone and leave my domains alone and things should be ok. Right now, I'm prepared to leave it like that.

However, if I ever get so much as a sniff of you messing with me again I will not hesitate to bring the full force of the law down.

I've said what I want to say, I'm not going to repeat it and I'm not going to add to it. End of story.


Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 3, 2006
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Stop attacking each other point ..lesson learned ..move on ....or this thread will go forever


Level 2
Legacy Platinum Member
May 15, 2007
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>>>>>>>>>Stop attacking each other point ..lesson learned ..move on ....or this thread will go forever>>>>>>>>>

I'm done.

PS: You should now remove from anywhere else you might have listed it for sale.

I saw it a sedo and snapnames and digital point forum for starters.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 11, 2006
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I really don't understand you.
Why do you keep posting on this thread?

This thread already got...
21 pages
409 replies

Seems like this thread is getting about 100 views per hour:eek:

More reply you post, more members will reply back and more members and visitors will see this thread. And no matter what you say, no one will believe you at this point anyway.

So, why are you keep posting to draw more attention to yourself?
Best sensible thing for you to do right now is stop posting on this thread.

One thing is clear, though.
This "service" should be shut down if it really do exist:upset:

Donnacha, it's bad that you had this experience, but, you got your domain back. On the brighter side, your domain got great exposure that money can't buy ;)

Now may be good time to add 9 more years to your domain, huh?


Making Everything Click
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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so,...back to domaining, how much you want for it? :eek:k:


Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 3, 2006
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The thread starter or whoever started can request this thread closed

by the way , great job from everyone who got this resolved...i know who to contact for assistance in the future ..


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Allan, I said something different about, and that was it. The domain was in Susan's possession. I said those only wanted to mess with JP because he said Susan was dead, and also wanted to make it less complicated since the name had been with Susan all along.

Ok lets clear this up. And Grant I speak with Susan so kee that in mind.

I called you the DAY you STOLE it from her account...
You told me over the phone you simply called her whois phone number and bought it...
I knew this was complete BS as it wasnt even an active number due to myself trying to contact her in MANY ways and for good sums of money...
My investigater mentioned maybe she's dead, I thought about it and said let me get this guy in a corner as I am sure he stole it....
I DID email you saying she was dead, that was to get you to give up info you MORON !!!! How can you buy something from a dead lady ?????
You didnt beleieve it and stuck to your story and I quickly mentioned I knew you stole it and called you out, so enough of this playing with JP bullsh*t, you stole it , I knew it, played with you for a day and then told you flat out I knew and was waiting for the right time and more proof. You did nothing but call me names and were very arrogant in your replies, that only made me mad and more determined. I hate nothing more then a thief with an attitude...
You also stole all of Susans other names, comprimised her email , and by the way Grant you admit to stealing her email when you admit opemly here you had these exchanges with me...RETARD, you dont think things through very well do you. " Ya JP told me she was dead via an email of her's I stole " ....lmao How stupid can you be. I would have told you I was Martha Washington as long as you replied via her stolen email. And if you stole her email and that email was used to transfer the names your BS magical service doesnt exist or need to exist. But I think we all here see you are just a THEIF.
If you returned these names to Susan not long after ( I can ask her exactly when ) and that is why you replied to me so arrogantly via the email then GOOD my pressure worked, knowing someone was onto you worked...
So I should be thanking you for exposing YOURSELF and admitting you had control of her domains and her email.

At the end of the day you are a THEIF and bad THIEF. There are NO EXCUSES, my emails, unagreeed contracts, UDRP's, hot heads, other people offers names for sale too etc. NO EXCUSES for the fact you STOLE Susan's and Donnacaha domain(s). You admit to having email access, you tried to weasel out with agreements to cover yourself because you know you are in trouble. So quit the act. Fess up here you are a theif and stole the names and how and maybe a little pitty may still be shown.

Back from 6 pages ago, the proof and I have more exchanges, that Grant was in control of Susan's email and had NOT returned it to her when this thread started and had NOT replied just to screw with me. Grant openly has admitted here to having these exchanges....with her stolen email. He even tried to lie first to say tt was a different address, maybe he realized he screwed HIMSELF by admitting this ???

1. I'm not sure if you forgot or not. You sent email to domainadmin@q****.com as Nancy and we exchanged emails from there.

1. You did in fact reply to Nancy from Susans email, please dont lie. You clearly were in control of her email and replied from it.

from Nancy Sevenpifer <[email protected]> hide details Apr 30
to [email protected]
date Apr 30, 2007 11:22 PM

"Curious, did you sell the domain to Grant Gao and if so with no contact information available how did he contact you? Nancy "

from "[email protected]" <[email protected]> hide details May 1
to Nancy Sevenpifer <[email protected]>
date May 1, 2007 9:23 PM
subject Re:

" none of your business. "


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 19, 2003
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On a positive note for AlienGG, Sedo confirmed the sale of in November to him.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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tas38, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe read the whole thread and think about what you said. If you stand by your original observation I can only shake my head.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 9, 2006
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Does anyone know how to reach Grants parents? They probably have no idea what he's been doing with that computer in his bedroom. He needs to be put on computer restriction for at least a couple of weeks after all this mess.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Does anyone know how to reach Grants parents? They probably have no idea what he's been doing with that computer in his bedroom. He needs to be put on computer restriction for at least a couple of weeks after all this mess.

Well, he answers the listed number in whois contacts so....

As for his parents, I did find an " AlienGG " posting on a porsche forum and bragging about his dads Porsche Cayan. I also found 2 more replies on youtube from an " AlienGG " in response to what else, porsches.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2006
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Does anyone know how to reach Grants parents? They probably have no idea what he's been doing with that computer in his bedroom. He needs to be put on computer restriction for at least a couple of weeks after all this mess.

He needs to be put into prison - that's what he needs.

MODS - BAN HIM PRONTO - he is a blight on the industry to say the least.
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