The last thing Sedo will want is to be hauled up in front of an American court, every little last detail of their business will be disected for the whole industry to see. Can you imagine if you are a Sedo witness and you are asked a series of questions like:
'Have you ever known an event or events where Sedo acted unethically in your experience?'
'Have you, or to your knowledge, any other employee or member of the Sedo company deliberately misled someone who parks their domains at Sedo about the earnings on their domains?'
'Is there in your experience at any time been occassion when emails from clients have purposfully not been replied to?'
I mean the list just goes on and on. Also of course Sedo would have to provide paper copies of financial dealings, etc.. Now how long do you think it would take for copies or links to copies to appear on here and other forums? This is going to crucify Sedo, whilst they beat up the small fry (like me) they could get away with it in reality with impunity, but their mistake was treating the big guys (those with money) with the same contempt they treated the smaller guys.
Of course the longer it goes on the more harm it is also doing Sedo's reputation in the parking business as a whole. Even now Sedo's prestige will have been harmed and they will not have the same power as before because hanging over their heads is the possibility of a catastrophic civil case against them.