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Daily Diamond

New Way to Sell Domains that work.

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Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 16, 2003
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I totally agree, and I have only been targeting the search results, however I did set up a another campaign with "HIGHLY TARGETED" phrase and let it loose on the content site. 0 clicks but MASSIVE Exposure.

Another option is Press Releases. This can be somewhat of a hard task, but stick at it.

I say this because I was involved with a press release on another subject for my company, and it got picked up by BBC, SKY and a few others requesting more information. I was so shocked by its success and by the mere fact that it was free.

I have noticed some unknowns stating that they were selected to broker off some premium domains (during my Press Release Research), however looking at the whois of the domains for sale it all resolved to the company releasing the press release, I googled the domains and found out that the PR was picked up by Hundreds of websites including www.forbes.com.

The press release was well written and really was inspiring.

I still continue to have success with selling domains on AfterNIC via adwords, this month saw another 2 domains purchased at reg fee being sold.. granted the sales were both for $XXX, after commission fees and adwords fees I still managed to turn a profit of 2500%

I have a sale out there now for €7500, it may come in, fingers crossed and an enquiry on a domain for £3000 ($5.5k)

This thread is not a guarantee of success, meerly meant as a guide and to inspire you all to think outside the box. Make it your own, change it, and cater it to your own requirements and when you have a success please post it.

We tend to get tunnel vision of our own methods of searching for domains to buy and sell, but we are not all alike and hence the reason to share the knowledge.

success is not a door, its a stairway and unless you're willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won't happen

Can you pm the info/link of your press release and strategy if you don't mind please?

I wish we can all have this kind of success.



DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 10, 2005
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What about using TrafficZ.com's parking service as the landing page and link? You can customize the text on TZ's landing pages, where you describe the domain and why the visitor should buy.... using the very ads on the page to show why bidding on the keyword or doing a typein on that domain shares the traffic with all their competitors, as opposed to just owning the domain and taking all the traffic that comes with it, including the prestige of owning the keyword domain of their product/service.

Would adwords allow a link to a Trafficz landing page? hmmm

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I have tried the Adwords method with 5 names and no success at all after some time has gone by and much effort.

IMO, a problem with this is for best results the keywords you are targeting need to be both relatively popular words and best if the keywords are within the domain name.

For example, the Adwords campaign targets "word1 word2" or 'word1word2' and the domain name is word1word2.com with the 2 words preferably being popular keywords.

It's likely you will not get sufficient searches done to see any results unless you are using the method with high value typein names where the searches for the 2 words combined will result in a good number of targeted ad impressions.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 13, 2006
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well, I try it too (still), my experience is, that, because the domains I try to sell this way have very common keywords and no small niche, many people just are curious and click without even wanting to buy, so I had quite a few clicks, but no sale yet. Anyway, I'll let it run and who knows, maybe some day somebody will buy - if you don't try, you can't win ;)


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2006
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That's the perfect plan I have to try it sometime! I don't have much money in adwords so I will have to save I only have around $10 left and I am using it on my sites.

David G

Internet Entrepreneur
Legacy Exclusive Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Do not want to rain on this parade but unfotunately IMO this adwords sales plan is considerably over-rated and not nearly as good as everyone thinks with odd exceptions such as assuming your keywords are very popular when used together and also priced low by adwords.

Mostly you need lots of targeted impressions and also a good ctr, which are tough to get for many word combinations. Sometimes this will also work by chance if you get good luck as I feel Namestrands probably did with his initial success reported.

I did 5 different campaigns with dismal results of about 200 impressions but zero visits and zero clicks.

p.s. just to make clear, the stats above are coming from the Afternic landing page, not the Adwords stats which of course are much higher.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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that is a shame trader, I was getting around 18,000 impression with few click throughs.

The thing is about adwords and domain selling is that there is no confusion as to your intent.

I had fixed prices on my domains and I feel that they were reasonably priced for their respective markets. Personally I am always reluctant to "Make Offer" and therefore I park list my domains with prices.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2006
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That's a REAL good question... I was wondering that myself.



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2005
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With adsense I got only impressions but no clicks at all. Then I gave MSN Adcenter a try and I got more impressions and a few clicks, but then adcenter blocked my keywords. It was nothing but the two words my domain is consisted of(job related).


DNF Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 2, 2006
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The Afternic landers update their stats every 24 hours I believe.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 28, 2005
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With adsense I got only impressions but no clicks at all. Then I gave MSN Adcenter a try and I got more impressions and a few clicks, but then adcenter blocked my keywords. It was nothing but the two words my domain is consisted of(job related).

I also tried Adcenter, since they are offering a free $100 credit for new signups. They keep rejecting my keywords though. I made an ad for ExtensionMobility.com with the keywords Extension Mobility. While the ad was live, a search for Extension Mobility on live.com did not pull my ad up, but a search for "Extension Mobility" did. After a couple of days, they rejected my keywords. I've appealed, but I'm not too impressed with their control panel, it's very buggy.

I may try adwords when I get some more valuable names, but my portfolio is pretty slim right now, and it's just not worth it to me.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2005
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I dont believe you guy. I started this technique sometime mid last year and posted a huge thread about this technique on Name Pros. Even I did not have those kinds of responses. If you are then that's great and all good. But please do not try to mislead people here. Btw all of my domains were extremely generic in origin, I even threw a couple of creative ones in there, once again I did not have those kinds of hits. I maybe averaged about 2 sales a month. The way you're coming off is as if daily you get inquiries. I dont believe you, you need more people!


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Not sure who "Guy" is but I will assume the negativity is directed at me.

I have completed the sale of 4 domains in around 7 weeks, so I am unsure as to how you read this as daily, the thread is a month old.

There is no absolutes in this business, I may have got lucky, but it doesnt change the fact that it worked for me.

Sharing experience is what this forum is about.

Ask yourself what would I have to gain from this? before you start calling me a liar. By all means share your experience and offer constructive comments.

You claimed yourself that you averaged 2 sales a month, surely that statement suggests that done right selling via adsense works. I am not sure of the Hits your referring to, if however you are talking about advert impression as I was above, I mentioned I got about 18,000.

2 Campaigns this month have shown similar results, just for you I will post a screenshot of my adwords account:


If I could maintain selling 2 domains a month like you I would be happy as I am sure most would.


Level 9
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2005
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Congradulations on the impressions some ctr, but the sales, come on.
Any how whatever works for you. Although you are using some tricks I've never thought of ie., Afternic, sedo. I have my whole technique outlined on Webmasterwold and some on namepros. I sold allproblems.com like this as well as dietsoda.us, I have some others, but like many my goog costs were a bit high. I guess that maybe my niches weren't specific as they couldve been.

Good post namestrands!


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
The keywords are that of the domain name, keeps the costs low while increasing the exposure of the domain itself. Even if they do not buy my domain they may by another while having my Cookie still on their browser. Can you say Commission. :)
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