- Joined
- Aug 16, 2005
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Yup, that was me. I'm pretty pleased with that catch!
Nice one! So have you started the ball rolling on getting hb.ca?
Yup, that was me. I'm pretty pleased with that catch!
Happy with what I got for reg fee today.
Nice one! So have you started the ball rolling on getting hb.ca?
Sit back and enjoy your coffee.
I'm still not completely sure how sibername works exactly but from what i can tell out of 12 names i was bidding on, 11 of which i was high bidder on the only one sibernames caught was the one i was outbid on. Not too impressed. If we're up against upteen registrars trying to get these domains its pretty discouraging.
Here's a little trick I learned for dealing with long lists of domains. I get tired of hitting the page down etc etc etc. This creates a scrolling list nicely double spaced (or can be single). The speed can be adjusted to your liking.
Sample: Open with notepad and copy the following script.
You can adjust the spacing by using a <br> (single) instead of a <p> (double)
Speed can be adjusted by changing the window.scrollBy(0,1)
setTimeout('myScroll()',30); section. Experiment with it till you get a comfortable speed.
Position can be adjusted by removing the center tag. It will then revert to the left side of the page.
Take your list of domains and open in excel. In the column beside it input either the <p> or <br>. Copy and paste the result in the notepad section where you see the domains. Save the file on your desktop with whatever file name you like but make it an html extension "domains.html". Some of the popup blockers or explorer may block the script from running but you just need to authorize the content. Sit back and enjoy your coffee.
<title>Scrolling Domains</title>
<body bgcolor="#aaaaff">
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
function myScroll() {
setTimeout('myScroll()',30); // scrolls every 30
if (document.layers || document.all)
<p> 02plus.ca
<p> 080.ca
<p> 101destinationservices.ca
<p> 146rhodes.ca
<p> 153kortright.ca
<p> 153kortrightwest.ca
<p> 1866vitamin.ca
<p> 1877vitamin.ca
<p> 1949.ca
<p> 1972.ca
<p> 20road.ca
<p> 2211club.ca
<p> 24hourssecurity.ca
<p> 2bay4u.ca
<p> 2bseen.ca
<p> 346winston.ca
<p> 4040steeles.ca
<p> 4fun.ca
<p> 4metal.ca
<p> 4salebyus.ca
<p> 4starproductions.ca
<p> 5-starhost.ca
<p> 5elsley.ca
<p> 5starhotelwithin5km.ca
<p> 5stars.ca
<p> 5thavedesign.ca
<p> 7771000.ca
<p> 905ingit.ca
<p> 999alterationdryclean.ca
<p> 99web.ca
<p> 9d.ca
<p> a-pluscourier.ca
<p> a1studiosmontreal.qc.ca
<p> aartwork.ca
<p> abbotsfordrealty.ca
<p> abcprojet.ca
<p> abdank.ca
<p> abeautifulhome.ca
<p> abled.ca
<p> abovetheboardosoyoos.ca
<p> absolumentmoderne.ca
<p> accurateappraisals.ca
<p> aceofspaces.ca
<p> achil.ca
<p> achille-tanguay.ca
<p> acreage4sale.ca
<p> acrodyn.ca
<p> acsrll.qc.ca
<p> activegrid.ca
<p> adamsit.ca
<p> adaptechmedia.ca
<p> adaptex.ca
<p> addlink.ca
<p> addyourlink.ca
<p> adnimal.ca
<p> adorapix.ca
<p> adsar.ca
<p> adslbroadband.ca
<p> adssecurite.ca
<p> adulttoystore.ca
<p> affari.ca
<p> affiliatecenter.ca
<p> affiliatemall.ca
<p> afterhourstoys.ca
<p> afticapromo.ca
<p> agent-o.ca
<p> agentjudylin.ca
<p> agilerfi.ca
<p> agilerfp.ca
<p> aikidoatlantic.ca
<p> aiohcs.ca
<p> airchime.ca
<p> airmille.ca
<p> airo-connect.ca
<p> akmachine.ca
<p> alberta-investments.ca
<p> albertainvestments.ca
<p> albertamedia.ca
<p> album-photo.ca
<p> alexlaberge.ca
<p> alexshepherd.ca
<p> allenguitar.ca
<p> alli.ca
<p> alnash.ca
<p> aloe-vera.ca
<p> alpharealty.ca
<p> alterbridge.ca
<p> altimagroup.ca
<p> altonvillage.ca
<p> ambianceunique.ca
<p> amcsopus.ca
<p> amigomedia.ca
<p> amiweb.ca
<p> anaura.ca
<p> andrewli.ca
<p> angusgray.ca
<p> anigen.ca
<p> annacityliving.ca
<p> annexblog.ca
<p> anotec.ca
<p> anticus.ca
<p> antiks.ca
<p> aplusgoods.ca
<p> apostropheband.ca
<p> appc.qc.ca
<p> appelfamily.ca
<p> applausevideo.ca
PS there has to be more than a page of domains for it to scroll.
PPS if any of you are building story/new article sites this is an ideal way to make the stories or content scroll
Sibername also has a system whereby they assign the most resources to their largest customers. :undecided:
DropWizard, This is very nice of you to be sharing your secerets with all of us, which is very commendable. I wish many are like yourself, in that they enjoy and get a satisfaction, in coaching others..
I never knew that, and I just signed up yesterday for a new account... and no wonder I did not get any.. might take me ages before I get anything at all then. Sad.
In theory, if you bid higher, you're still a higher priority.
That said, I've also seen that this doesn't always work out in practice. I suspect that's partially due to the nature of TBR - sibername sends out several TBR requests in the first fraction of a second and it's hard to predict which request wins first. But in other cases I've seen some strange re-ordering take place too - I think (perhaps, no proof) that they might occassionally re-jig things based on their view of how likely they are to grab something... TBR works in mysterious ways
But all strange priority rules aside, if you bid high Sibername is still one of the best places to get a hotly contested name, or a $15 name for that matter too.
In theory :lol:
We ran the original auction system so I've got a pretty good idea how things should be and when they are wrong. And the difference between a scripting issue and an admin issue.
Pretty much anything (wrong?) you see now is just the luck of the draw! :smilewinkgrin:
So were you with Sibername before?? Wow.. that should have been very interesting and makes me wonder why you left them. May be too many domains already..... just kidding.
Thanks for the update though
Sibername also has a system whereby they assign the most resources to their largest customers. So if I bid $300 for a domain and there are other domains that are bid to $300 the largest domain (sibername) holder's order is given priority. And then they also assign priority to the size of the bids.
If you're just starting out that kind of a system probably sucks. :undecided:
Too bad, i was ready to spend 1000's there but pretty hard when others are given priority before i even get a chance. oh well.
Uh no..... Sibername was working for DropWizard until I got out of the retail drop business.
As for Sibername, ... they also mentioned they were offering registration/renewal discounts for larger portfolio owners - did anyone follow up with them on that?
Well, anyone followed up?? I didn't know about that.. but what is considered large?? 100+ or 500+??
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