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To Parked:I regret that my account has been suspended though I don't know why you do

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Donny Simonton

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Feb 21, 2004
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I have no idea what any of that means. I'm not going to go to another site to try and translate our rules.

But if you are sending traffic to a domain, that is about cars, the traffic better be looking for cars. Not fishing poles. If you have a porn site and you are sending traffic to your parked porn site, I could care less. But if you are sending it to a parked site about basket weaving, you will be shutdown.

If that's what you were asking.



Level 3
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Sep 14, 2005
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donsimon said:
I have no idea what any of that means. I'm not going to go to another site to try and translate our rules.

But if you are sending traffic to a domain, that is about cars, the traffic better be looking for cars. Not fishing poles. If you have a porn site and you are sending traffic to your parked porn site, I could care less. But if you are sending it to a parked site about basket weaving, you will be shutdown.

If that's what you were asking.

Thanks,I understand.


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
May 20, 2006
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It depends who your robbing, if your robbing someone outside of China then its lenient but if your robbing from China then your brown bread. Remember those hacker brothers, 1 stole over $100,000 from a US bank and got 6 months and the other brother stold about $10,000 from a Chinese bank and got beheaded.


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Sep 14, 2005
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hunnam said:
It depends who your robbing, if your robbing someone outside of China then its lenient but if your robbing from China then your brown bread. Remember those hacker brothers, 1 stole over $100,000 from a US bank and got 6 months and the other brother stold about $10,000 from a Chinese bank and got beheaded.
No,it is reverse.The goverment of China is very sensitive about their "international impress".


Level 2
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Sep 20, 2005
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minebay said:
The following is from the above forum,is it correct?

"以下節錄自 的 FAQ

[A landing page is a web page that a user is taken to when first visiting your domain. They may get to your domain via typing it in, or an advertisment, or a link on another web page. A landing page will typically attempt to provide relevant information to the user, based on the domain name.]"

Because I saw the rules as below:
"Wrongful Acts" means the following actions:
searches from banner or other advertisements (other than any Banner Advertisements that may be provided under Rider C, if applicable);
"Permitted, compensated traffic can originate from two sources only:
type in (direct navigation) traffic and
existing search engine results/expired traffic. "

I'm confused.

The forum faq is wrong, however based on the way the person wrote it he actually thought it's correct (misintepreted during translation perhaps). I was just making an observation that apart from all these things going on, that language barrier is a problem.

Donny Simonton

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Feb 21, 2004
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I think the other problem may be that they sent something to their account manager and he just responded from the hip, not with a stock answer.



Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2006
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minebay said:
No,it is reverse.The goverment of China is very sensitive about their "international impress".

Unless it has anything to do with counterfeiting or other intellectual property crimes.

Beheading for click fraud. Sounds like a great idea to me!!


DNF Addict
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Feb 9, 2006
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There are some issues being discussed here that should be of interest to all domainers who use parking companies:

1) Is there a minimum conversion rate that can get your traffic cancelled and your domains suspended. That should be of interest to anyone who buys traffic domains.

2) Why are we hearing about this only from Were they the target of Chinese fraud or is there some other reason? Does it have to do with using Yahoo vs. Google?

3) Does's system of early payments make them a magnet for fraud because people expect to get paid out a few times before they get caught?

4) Does (or any parking company) have a right to withhold payments for any reason other than fraud or violation of TOS? Does Yahoo have the right to withhold payments from for any reason other than Fraud or violation of TOS?

5) Are the domainers correct when they claim that suspended their accounts on the final day of a pay cycle, just when they would have gotten paid?


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Parked only seems to be affected with this conversion rate issue. Yahoo did state that they operate a pay per click program and they would not comment on any individuals comments to the contrary.

All the parking programs are affected by fraud, and its not just from china, Parked seems to be getting all the attention because its the easiest target due to the twice monthly payments and because donnie starts these crazy posts :p that seems to wind them all up.

Yes all parking programs reserve the right to withold payment if they even suspect fraud and no they dont have to prove it. Each of the programs I use state this in their Terms and Conditions

The fact is that most other parking programs terminate hundreds of accounts every month for fraud and most do on a daily basis.


If the parking programs were to terminate the accounts of individuals just because they didnt want to pay them and pocket the money themselves, then it would be detrimental to their whole business, as if a parker were to be earning $20k a month then the program would lose out on that revenue stream.. I believe that the parking programs termination of accounts is acceptable, after all this is their business and we are only guests. If it was my business I would do the same as would most.

If Yahoo were to claw back Parked for fraudulent traffic then parked would have to get the money from somewhere, and that would have to be from us all by ways of lower percentages.


Level 1
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Mar 21, 2004
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"About 55% of the referrers you were sending could be verified, which is rather low. But what hurt you the most is what I will only example as clicks across multiple domains. Everyday about 20% of your clicks crossed domains. Not just some domains, many crossed all domains. "——— Is it the real cause?
Do you know about much domains batch settings ?

First:all domains——
* (other) CNAME a my domain.
@ (none) CNAME a my domain.
www CNAME a my domain.

Second:a my domain——
* (other) A(Address) Parked IP
@ (none) A(Address) Parked IP
www A(Address) Parked IP

This is the way of setting for a lot of domains.I don't believe that you do not understand it.

Donny Simonton

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Feb 21, 2004
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I don't really remember posting anything crazy lately, or at least what I will admit to posting. But namestrands did a very good explanation of everything.

I will give quick short answers on some of the specifics.

1) Is there a minimum conversion rate that can get your traffic cancelled and your domains suspended. That should be of interest to anyone who buys traffic domains.
Yes, but I do not know the exact numbers that will cause any cancellations. I'm not told what the exact numbers are. I have been doing some checking on all domains that Yahoo told us to cancel because of low/no conversions and a large percentage of them were bordering on my current fraud/invalid checks.

2) Why are we hearing about this only from Were they the target of Chinese fraud or is there some other reason? Does it have to do with using Yahoo vs. Google?
Actually I think SiteParker was the target as well, they just don't respond to anybody anymore. But I think in our case or in most cases most of the people who are trying/playing with us have already attempted to game the other guys and either don't get in the door or don't like the results they get. So we were new, so they came our way. But this doesn't just go for China, there are many other countries and people who have attempted to defraud us. Every day we are getting better and quicker at stopping them. I won't go into details how, because I don't want to give them any tips.

3) Does's system of early payments make them a magnet for fraud because people expect to get paid out a few times before they get caught?
Potentially. One of our owners brought it up about 2 weeks before we launched and I thought it was a good idea. Some people have mentioned that we should make people wait at least a month before getting paid the first time. We are looking at many different ideas, but as of today I am comfortable with everything the way it is.

4) Does (or any parking company) have a right to withhold payments for any reason other than fraud or violation of TOS? Does Yahoo have the right to withhold payments from for any reason other than Fraud or violation of TOS?
Yes. I will not comment any further as I am not a lawyer, but we have lot of them at our office, and one who sits next to me.

5) Are the domainers correct when they claim that suspended their accounts on the final day of a pay cycle, just when they would have gotten paid?
I terminate people on the first day of the pay cycle, the last day, the day they are supposed to get paid, even 30 minutes after we paid them. I don't care what day it is, what time it is, or in some cases who it is. We have a lot of processes that automatically terminate people, and some that are more manual. Today, my automated system terminated 43 accounts so far today, I terminated 31. We had some other ones done by other people, but those are just some numbers I have handy. Most of the ones today were guilty by association.

But we don't specifically go after people close to the end of the pay period or after the pay period. We are looking for fraud 24 hours a day.

Hope this helps to explain some things.



DNF Addict
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Feb 9, 2006
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I appreciate your response. I completely respect your right to suspend any account at any time for any reason. I also understand that as a business person there is really only one logical reason by which you would suspend accounts.

The only thing that concerns me is the separation of business relationships. A domainers relationship is with the parking company. The parking company's relationship is with Yahoo and Yahoo's relationship is with the Advertiser. The domainer has no relationship with Yahoo or the Advertiser.

The domainers only job has historically been to bring clicks to the parking company in a non-fraudulent way. If they did that job, they should not be held accountable retroactively for the relationships between PC/Yahoo and Yahoo/Advertiser.

That's all I will say on the issue because I do believe there is a real racket out there of fraudulent/worthless clicks and I'm sure you guys got burned by it.

Donny Simonton

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Feb 21, 2004
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Putao said:
"About 55% of the referrers you were sending could be verified, which is rather low. But what hurt you the most is what I will only example as clicks across multiple domains. Everyday about 20% of your clicks crossed domains. Not just some domains, many crossed all domains. "——— Is it the real cause?
Do you know about much domains batch settings ?

First:all domains——
* (other) CNAME a my domain.
@ (none) CNAME a my domain.
www CNAME a my domain.

Second:a my domain——
* (other) A(Address) Parked IP
@ (none) A(Address) Parked IP
www A(Address) Parked IP

This is the way of setting for a lot of domains.I don't believe that you do not understand it.

Do you know anything about DNS? Do you know which version of BIND onlinenic is using? If you don't, which I assume you don't please don't ask a CNAME question when you are referring to a quote from me about referrers and multiple clicks across domains that only you owned.



Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2005
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I think it is a easy way to monito all domains,especially ones with big traffic,when detect abnormal traffic,for example very big traffic without convertion,just delete this domain from your parked system.

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
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Feb 21, 2004
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You said:
Duckinla said:
I completely respect your right to suspend any account at any time for any reason.

I have not and will not just terminate an account for any reason. If I did that everybody would have my head on a platter. I wouldn't have a forum on dnforum either.

Whenever somebody terminates somebody at our office, in most cases they ask me for approval before they do it. I do the same thing sometimes if I am not sure about something. It just makes everything easier in the long run.



Level 2
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Sep 20, 2005
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LucidPhoenix said:
Unless it has anything to do with counterfeiting or other intellectual property crimes.

Beheading for click fraud. Sounds like a great idea to me!!

That's a little too extreme, imagine if someone wants you dead all they need to do is just click on your domains several times lol

namestrands said:
Parked only seems to be affected with this conversion rate issue. Yahoo did state that they operate a pay per click program and they would not comment on any individuals comments to the contrary.

All the parking programs are affected by fraud, and its not just from china, Parked seems to be getting all the attention because its the easiest target due to the twice monthly payments and because donnie starts these crazy posts :p that seems to wind them all up.

Yes all parking programs reserve the right to withold payment if they even suspect fraud and no they dont have to prove it. Each of the programs I use state this in their Terms and Conditions

The fact is that most other parking programs terminate hundreds of accounts every month for fraud and most do on a daily basis.


If the parking programs were to terminate the accounts of individuals just because they didnt want to pay them and pocket the money themselves, then it would be detrimental to their whole business, as if a parker were to be earning $20k a month then the program would lose out on that revenue stream.. I believe that the parking programs termination of accounts is acceptable, after all this is their business and we are only guests. If it was my business I would do the same as would most.

If Yahoo were to claw back Parked for fraudulent traffic then parked would have to get the money from somewhere, and that would have to be from us all by ways of lower percentages.

Actually we get to know of this conversion rate issue only because Donny takes the time to explain the hard facts to us. You don't see many (if any) other parking company head comes to dnforum and share what is going on behind the scene. If something happens, some parking companies will just give templated PR replies and you don't really know what's going on. With Donny you get straightforward, no-nonsense, no PR replies. So let's give Donny much credit for that.


The Bishop
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 16, 2005
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I do give Donnie Credit for it.. but sometimes he gives away more than what is needed, and I think he would admit that himself.

The other parking programs dont comment on specifics due the fact that they dont want to further expose a weakness, which in business is only to be expected.

If you actually talk to your account manager personally on any of the other programs like NameDrive, Trafficz and Mike from Fabulous, you will get a straight and honest answer, they just wont do it on a crawlable public forum.

Comments like. "Its better to send a referer" is only giving the fraudsters more information. So instead of direct type in traffic that the parking programs could detect more easily the fraudsters will now simply fake the referers, which is easy as 4 lines of php.

Now I know donnie's intention was not to give that away to them, but the end result is the same.

I can not disclose the converstion rate conversation I had with Yahoo, but I would encourage anyone who really wants to know the situation to contact yahoo direct.

I do admire donnies obvious restrain at times and I would not want his job for love nor money. I have a mental image of him right now as a 30 year old Bald man Smoking 300 woodbines a day, even after 3 heart bypasses.

However 2 months ago he had a head of hair like that of Bon Jovi, and looked 25. :p


Level 8
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Apr 2, 2003
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minebay said:
No,it is reverse.The goverment of China is very sensitive about their "international impress".

the government of china could care less about how the world looks at them, why do you think so many knockoffs come from china they dont care about trademark infingements , copyrights etc its all about bringing dollars into china


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2005
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The most hateful is they have not a standard for being criminal or innocent,they said you are criminal,you must be criminal,for example the difference of art and porn,they refuse give a standard in advance.when somebody uploads a nude picture,sometimes they say that is art,sometimes they say this is porn,(porn is criminal in China).
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