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To Parked:I regret that my account has been suspended though I don't know why you do

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Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
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Jan 24, 2003
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According to my wife:

没有了就算了啊 哎

"If you don't have it, it doesn't matter".

Please post in English in this thread.

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
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Feb 21, 2004
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Decided to change my post after we found a correct translation of the phrase.



Level 1
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Mar 21, 2004
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aZooZa said:
According to my wife:

没有了就算了啊 哎

"If you don't have it, it doesn't matter".

Please post in English in this thread.
No. He is let out a sigh:
"Hopeless,Let's get away."


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Jul 23, 2006
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Your account has been suspended for sending us bad or fraudulent traffic. Your account will not be reactivated, as our Abuse Departmen found that you violated our terms of service.

Why not stop domain name, the account stops


Donny Simonton

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Feb 21, 2004
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gdwb4600 said:

Your account has been suspended for sending us bad or fraudulent traffic. Your account will not be reactivated, as our Abuse Departmen found that you violated our terms of service.

Why not stop domain name, the account stops


One of our employees was validating some additional information on your account this morning. It's turned off again.



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Sep 20, 2005
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futurecoast said:
没有了就算了啊 哎

Direct Translation:

没有了 : No more already

就算了 : Let's leave it be

啊 哎 : *sigh*

I have been looking through the chinese forums and this is my observation as a whole (judging from the few threads I read so the accuracy of my observation is limited to and solely based on those threads)

1) There are some that cheats and blatantly post in forum to brag or to exchange clicks.
2) There are also replies to these cheats lambasting them for cheating and implicating the rest.
3) Majority of them owns .cn domains (judging from the domains they list out)
4) Many posted that their parked accounts got deactivated, some blamed those that cheated exobitantly, some posted they never cheat but have no idea why account got deactivated (my guess is that for those that didn't cheat; they are holding on to the wrong portfolio - .cn domains, which obviously gets mainly traffic from china, and got deactivated for non-converting traffic)

5) There is a language barrier. Check out this thread where the thread starter is promoting parked.


Look at the english portion, seems like he misinterpreted the faq..

then look at the last line:


translated as

"PS: Please observe the parking rules, if you use cheating methods, to increase your traffic, your account will be terminated in double-quick time"

oh well... :greensighw:


David Ausman
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 15, 2005
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Maybe all of us should also try to understand the situation that DonSimon is facing. All the decision is not made by him alone. Yahoo also has the right to ask parked.com to terminate member's account when they don't like the traffic. In this case, parked.com can't do anything except do what they say. Yahoo is the PROVIDER.

Donny, if you could concisely give us some understanding how does parked.com or Yahoo actually define "Fraudulent" would wipe away the intimidation your clients is facing!
For example:
1) Is a traffic with a clear HTTP referer without conversion would be considered as fraud?
2) Would a traffic coming from some non-developing countries considered as fraud?
3) How does Parked.com or Yahoo actually define a legitimate traffic? If you say as long as it is not a bot, then .. .. is traffic from traffic exchange program be considered as legitimate?
4) Will a member still get paid for those traffic that isn't fraud?

I believe that alot of members fear or perhaps haunted by those issues that arise here in DNF.

Dale Hubbard

Formerly 'aZooZa'
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Jan 24, 2003
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veryfine said:
Hi, Moderator,

Your wife is Chinese?
Correct. Not really relevant however, other than trying to interpret people that insist on posting in Chinese.


Level 1
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Mar 21, 2004
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Putao said:

Now,I know the cause of your doubt:pls check my domain" worms.com.cn ", It is a Official website of a Game before I buy it —— "Worms World Party",The domain has a great deal of traffic.

Are these real traffic?

I had got your only message is:
07-09-2006 Re: Why am I not received payment?
08:15 AM donsimon
You must fill out your tax forms. You are required to fill out a W-8 Form. We reserve the right to delay any payment due to you until the W-8 Form has been completed by you an ... (more)

It's one and only. So I cannot but writed the thread. Really,All Chinese members of Parked have broil for you in forum of China all along.(http://www.eachnic.com/club/ShowForum.asp?ForumID=44)

I think there are some misconstrue in the thing.If we try hard clear the atmosphere? OK?

Yours Faithfully
Putao/Wang Jun/Jun Wang/danrongwang and whatever other names...
Mr.Donny Simonton,
Have you see it?

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
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Feb 21, 2004
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Putao said:
Mr.Donny Simonton,
Have you see it?

I'm not exactly sure what I am supposed to see. That worms.com.cn is about "worms world party"?

Or all of the fighting on the chinese forums about whether people should cheat or not cheat?


aboutwhat.org said:
Donny, if you could concisely give us some understanding how does parked.com or Yahoo actually define "Fraudulent" would wipe away the intimidation your clients is facing!
Yahoo didn't give me a manual on what is fraudulent and what is not fraudulent. I am starting to like Google's concept of calling fraudulent clicks, invalid clicks, because it sounds more polictically correct. So let's see what I can and can't answer.

aboutwhat.org said:
For example:
1) Is a traffic with a clear HTTP referer without conversion would be considered as fraud?
If you send a hit that has a referrer, that is much better than sending a hit without a referrer. I don't know how it will convert, since I don't have those numbers.

aboutwhat.org said:
2) Would a traffic coming from some non-developing countries considered as fraud?
NO. And what's a non-developing country?

aboutwhat.org said:
3) How does Parked.com or Yahoo actually define a legitimate traffic? If you say as long as it is not a bot, then .. .. is traffic from traffic exchange program be considered as legitimate?
I define it as natural traffic. Banners, Link Exchanges, Circle Jerks, and Pay Per Read are just a few that are not considered valid. But it does depend on the situation. We never terminate accounts in mass based on one criteria.

aboutwhat.org said:
4) Will a member still get paid for those traffic that isn't fraud?
How do you know what's fraudulent and what's not? If you generate $100 in revenue during a pay period and we find that you clicked on $99.00 of it, should I pay you the $1.00 that's not fraudulent?

I hope this helps.



Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 21, 2004
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1、You see this:
There are many "worms" game in it involve" worms.com.cn"
2、and see this:
This is Chinese language search "百战天虫官方网站”(Game name+Official website) All search content are just about "worms.com.cn" !
So,I had setup Keyword "Game"to my account of Parked.I think it is right.
But,I shall be no do any action if I know it made your misapprehend.

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
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Feb 21, 2004
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Putao said:
1、You see this:
There are many "worms" game in it about" worms.com.cn"
2、and see this:
This is Chinese language search "百战天虫官方网站”(Game name+Official website) All search content are just about "worms.com.cn" !
So,I had setup Keyword "Game"to my account of Parked.I think it is right.
But,I shall be no do any action if I know it made your misapprehend.

The shutting down of your account had nothing to do with worms. I think I stated that many times now.



Level 1
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Mar 21, 2004
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donsimon said:
The shutting down of your account had nothing to do with worms. I think I stated that many times now.

You tell me the reason just about traffic's false origin. You said prime doubt domain is "worms.com.cn".Now I explain why the domain has a great of traffic's to you. But,You no listen.Why you can censure anybody cheat ad arbitrium but no assumed liabilities?


Level 3
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Sep 14, 2005
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Imm said:
Direct Translation:

5) There is a language barrier. Check out this thread where the thread starter is promoting parked.


Look at the english portion, seems like he misinterpreted the faq..

then look at the last line:


translated as

"PS: Please observe the parking rules, if you use cheating methods, to increase your traffic, your account will be terminated in double-quick time"

oh well... :greensighw:

The following is from the above forum,is it correct?

"以下節錄自 Parked.com 的 FAQ

[A landing page is a web page that a user is taken to when first visiting your domain. They may get to your domain via typing it in, or an advertisment, or a link on another web page. A landing page will typically attempt to provide relevant information to the user, based on the domain name.]"

Because I saw the rules as below:
"Wrongful Acts" means the following actions:
searches from banner or other advertisements (other than any Banner Advertisements that may be provided under Rider C, if applicable);
"Permitted, compensated traffic can originate from two sources only:
type in (direct navigation) traffic and
existing search engine results/expired traffic. "

I'm confused.

Donny Simonton

DNF Regular
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Feb 21, 2004
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Back a long time ago this is what I said....

Since you started this thread what seems like years ago now, I will explain again what I have explained in email, in trouble tickets, and in PM's. Since you obviously either don't check any of them or you just don't listen.

I have checked your account, now about 20 times.

On 7/5/2006 we removed your access to modified the keywords on your domains based on you choosing very high priced keywords for domains that were not related to those keywords. And at this time your domains were reset to what our system said they should be, not what you said they should be.

On 7/10/2006 your account manager re-enabled your access to change the keywords on your domains, because the person who shutdown your access forgot to document the reason in our system why they removed your access, but they had emailed me about it. So your account manager re-enabled your access and you or whoever started modifying domains again, but not to the extreme you had originally had done.

You didn't get paid the first pay period, because you forgot to fill out your tax forms. And you would have thought that you would have seen the big warning about filling out your tax form since you have I think 5 accounts with us. You did created them all from the same ip within 2 hours of each other and some instead of having Wang Jun, have Jun Wang, and you even have one name putao, which is the same name as your dnforum account. But for some reason none of them have been terminated, maybe because they are getting natural traffic.

Then your account came across my desk as being potential fraudulent case. I ran my normal tests, you passed some and you failed some. I did laugh about your most popular clicked term, worm. I guess most of your Chinese traffic likes worms.

I checked over a 7 day period to see where your traffic was coming from and noticed that about 65% of it was from traffic that we could not verify the referrer, this normally means pop-up traffic. About 55% of the referrers you were sending could be verified, which is rather low. But what hurt you the most is what I will only example as clicks across multiple domains. Everyday about 20% of your clicks crossed domains. Not just some domains, many crossed all domains.

At this point, because of the volume involved I contacted Yahoo to verify the conversion rate, when I received the numbers back your account was terminated.

Wang Jun/Jun Wang/Putato/Danrong Wang/Tizi.com and whoever else you want to be. There is the information that I have sent you before. Except for now it's available for the public to see.


As you can see I did not say you were terminated because of worms. I thought it was funny that you had traffic that liked worms. You see my grandmother owned a worm farm when I was little.

I will let my previous post explain everything as before.



Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Sep 14, 2005
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according to the post,

"å›*æ*¤æ‚¨å¯ä»¥æ*¹æ“šæ‚¨çš„域名所對應的關鍵å*—或廣告內容,在網站或其他地方刊廣告。例如 http://BigBoss.com.tw 這個域名,一進去之後顯示很多的汽車廣告,å›*æ*¤å°±å¯ä»¥åœ¨ç¶²ç«™æˆ–其他地方告訴人家,如過您需要汽車相關的資訊,可以到這個網站來。

這樣的作法,一來對使用者來說,您所提供的資訊對他們是有益的,而對廣告主來說,這些客戶也æ*£æ˜¯ä»–要的,對 Parked.com 或是 Overture說,這樣的流量就是符合他們的遊戲規則。"
translated as:
So you may ad your domain in other web or somewhere else,according to the implication of your domain name.for example,the domain bigboss.com.tw,in the web there are a lot of ad about cars,so you can inform others to visit this web in other webs if they need the info about cars.
This meaning,because the info is useful to users,and for ad providers,the clients are what they need,so to park.com or overture,these traffic are accordant to the game rule.


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2006
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This thread has been a hoot to follow.

Click fraudsters need to be exposed and shunned, they do detriment to the entire internet market place.

Donny I applaud your amazing patience. Personally I think all scammers should be hung - what is punishment for theft in China?
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