It is funny how some compare .cn to .info
.cn is a regulated, strictly government controled TLD, which a lot of the times, the people within the country can not even see (until the country breaks up to 100 different nations as I have told D before
), of course even google doesnt show up many times from within China, not to mention other sites. It is funny how some people think in this age of information, such a made up society can last and not implode.
.info is an international GLOBAL TLD that means .information (isnt that what the internet is about????) in a dozen of languages.
I can listen to arguments for and against .info , all is fair.
But when people start comparing it to .cn, well, that is like comparing a Lamborgini to a Yugo.
It is beyond ironic that I see people 'worrying' about .info and yet supporting .cn
.cn is wortheless IMHO, and in comparision to .info, it is about 10% of its price (with reasonable comparison).
But that is the beauty with opinions, we are all free to say whatever we like.... ,
In most parts of the world, and in most tlds, certainly not all in all of them.