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opinion What is a "Struggle Session" and why we should avoid them at DNForum

This is an opinion held by the original poster regarding the material discussed in the first post of the thread, be it domain name related or not.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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These gab types that Rob attracted to namePros all seem to bring their alt-right agenda to namePros, and with it usually comes hurtful language.
LOL. It's Rob's fault derek is deranged and attacking people on namepros.

What a joke.

Will namePros ever take a stance on the alt-right behavior that has caused many highly contributing nP members to no longer feel comfortable on the forum?

What is alt-right? Loving America? The nuclear family? Christianity? Men not using the women's shower? Objecting to months of destructive riots by anarchist and communist?


Level 1
Nov 20, 2016
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LOL. It's Rob's fault derek is deranged and attacking people on namepros.

Would Derek be on namePros if not for Rob/Gab? Pretty clear YES if you ask me, but if you disagree, I'd love to hear your reasoning.

What is alt-right?

C'mon Mr-X... I know you have made thousands of posts, and wasted days if not year(s) heavily consumed in namePros political dumpster fire thread, and you full well understand the term alt-right.

Here is the Wikipedia entry to refresh your memory:

The alt-right, an abbreviation of alternative right, is a loosely connected far-right, white nationalist movement. A largely online phenomenon, the alt-right originated in the United States during the early 2010s before establishing a presence in other countries and declining after 2017. The term is ill-defined, having been used in different ways by alt-right members, media commentators, and academics.

In 2010, the American white nationalist Richard B. Spencer launched The Alternative Right webzine. His "alternative right" was influenced by earlier forms of American white nationalism, as well as paleoconservatism, the Dark Enlightenment, and the Nouvelle Droite. His term was shortened to "alt-right" and popularised by far-right participants of /pol/, the politics board of web forum 4chan. It came to be associated with other white nationalist websites and groups, including Andrew Anglin's Daily Stormer, Brad Griffin's Occidental Dissent, and Matthew Heimbach's Traditionalist Worker Party. Following the 2014 Gamergate controversy, the alt-right made increasing use of trolling and online harassment to raise its profile. In 2015, it attracted broader attention—particularly through coverage on Steve Bannon's Breitbart News—due to alt-right support for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. On being elected, Trump disavowed the movement. Attempting to move from a web-based to a street-based movement, Spencer and other alt-rightists organized the August 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which faced significant anti-fascist opposition. After this, the movement declined.



If Alt-right Derek had his way...



Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2009
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We're surely doing something right if we're up 325% from a year before.
And for the folks who say Alexa metrics are BS, while that may be an opinion, Alexa also contains metrics (take them as a grain of salt unlike epiks MD5) such as Audience Overlap. Below is the Audience Overlap of namePros. 3 domain news sites, 1 domain appraisal site, and one registrar -- epik.
Taken with a grain of salt.

Speaking of salt, it sounds like everyone is salty that Epik is still standing.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Would Derek be on namePros if not for Rob/Gab? Pretty clear YES if you ask me, but if you disagree, I'd love to hear your reasoning.

Derek is on NP because a criminal / terrorist enterprise illegally obtained private information, proprietary computer programs and made it public. The overwhelming narrative on NP is from the far-left who can't tolerate different view points.

You're here, using a different handle because why?

C'mon Mr-X... I know you have made thousands of posts, and wasted days if not year(s) heavily consumed in namePros political dumpster fire thread, and you full well understand the term alt-right.
I wan't you to define it, I pretty sure we have different definitions.

Here is the Wikipedia entry to refresh your memory:

View attachment 5470


If Alt-right Derek had his way...

I doubt derek would define himself as alt-right. WikiPedia is a bastion of alt-left intolerance.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Derek is a lunatic out for revenge in my opinion. He's not alt-right, he's just nuts but even a broken clock is right once a day.


Level 1
Nov 20, 2016
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Speaking of salt, it sounds like everyone is salty that Epik is still standing.

Everyone is salty with epik's password storing procedure. And lack of salt there. But clearly, not everyone is salty Epik is still standing.

If that were the case, we wouldn't have moved close to 50 domains to epik this week, and we wouldn't be considering fully taking advantage of epiks $6.99 transfer promo, and transferring even more domains to epik.

So while you, or the folks in your circle may be salty that epik is still standing, folks like myself are more salty with epiks bullying of a wikipedia editor, and epiks apparent precedent of prioritizing marketing over security.

Taking this this a little further, and to unfounded territories some of us think this may be a ploy to get a higher company valuation. How else do you stop the epik madness? Buy out the CEO, and take the reigns of a registrar that has been heavily marketing to the alt-right for the last few years.


Level 1
Nov 20, 2016
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Derek is on NP because a criminal / terrorist enterprise illegally obtained private information, proprietary computer programs and made it public

Derek joined namePros on April 20th, 2019, and as previously mentioned, went straight to Rob.

Are you suggesting a criminal/terrorist enterprise illegally obtained private information, proprietary computer programs, and made it public way back in 2019? If so, wow. I didn't know about a 2019 breach.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Derek joined namePros on April 20th, 2019, and as previously mentioned, went straight to Rob.
Are you denying derek has a vendetta?

Derek defines himself as a fundamentalist Christian but he has lost touch with reality. Nothing in the Christian faith prohibits women from entering politics, working outside the home, leadership, prophesying or proselytizing.

The Bible does compare marriage to the relationship between mankind and God and each member has a position of authority and responsibility and those rolls are clear.

Are you suggesting a criminal/terrorist enterprise illegally obtained private information, proprietary computer programs, and made it public way back in 2019? If so, wow. I didn't know about a 2019 breach.
Of course not, how active was Derek at NP before the hack by anonymous? Does he post anything but attacks on Epik and conspiracies?

You have a point that Epik has solicited far-right companies that many think should not be allowed a platform to express their opinions, right or wrong as they may be. Epik has become the go-to company for political dissidents.

That doesn't justify the crimes and blackmail committed by the anarchist group anonymous.

The political left has a way of creating narratives about people who disagree with their orthodoxy that is mostly unfair and untrue. Stereotyping people by association.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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If someone's opinion makes you uncomfortable you have two choice, express your own or ignore them. Letting them speak isn't a endorsement.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
Reaction score
These gab types that Rob attracted to namePros all seem to bring their alt-right agenda to namePros, and with it usually comes hurtful language.

Will namePros ever take a stance on the alt-right behavior that has caused many highly contributing nP members to no longer feel comfortable on the forum?

Can you point me to an alt-right / white nationalist post or account on NP? That's why I asked you to define the term, I could be wrong but can' think of any.


Level 1
Nov 20, 2016
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You're here, using a different handle because why?

FWIW, I attempted to create an account using my epik credentials, and nP username, but the system blocked it for security? reasons....

Then I remembered I had created this account some years ago, and decided to sign on as Fried to send Rob a message on what I deemed a potential security concern to epik customers.

As others have mentioned, Rob didn't seem to care, and seemingly disregarded the security concern I brought forth. Perhaps being the CEO of a registrar, he can discern security concerns better than the amateur I am. Though, when Namesilo was presented with a similar concern, unlike epik, namesilo acted on the concern, not necessarily to protect the registrar, but to protect their customers from a known phishing technique.

As you may have already pieced the connections together, I closed my namePros account. Due in large part to the creepy alt-right type of behavior that was quite off-putting. And in small part because I needed a timeout, not a slap on the wrist restriction. Thus, with my nP account self-closed, I no longer had access to DM Rob on nP.

I looked into signing up for BugCrowd to report what I saw/see as a vulnerability, but upon signing up, I was unable to find an epik listing to detail my report. In the livestream, Rob mentioned you can send emails to [email protected]. But upon googling "[email protected]" there was only 2 mentions of such an address, one on nP, and the other in Molly White's transcript of the livestreamed prayermeeting. So I didn't feel to comfortable sending an email there, ands since I don't feel comfortable emailing rob directly, I thought it best to sign in / sign up for DNForum, to reach Rob and report.

I signed my message to Rob with my full name, and my namePros username. I mentioned to him I tried unsuccessfully to create a DNForum account using my epik account credentials. While I initially wanted to respect something I think I heard Rob mention (that he prefers folks use their full name in forums) and sign up with my full name, I'm growing quite fond of Fried, and if it's OK with you, I think I'd like to continue posting as Fried.


Level 1
Nov 20, 2016
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If someone's opinion makes you uncomfortable you have two choice, express your own or ignore them. Letting them speak isn't a endorsement.

The opinions were directed to somebody else. I felt the need to inform the person being harassed that nP has an ignore feature, and with that, you can shield your experience from baseless attacks, or overall nonsense some members tend to post.

I was slapped on the wrist for this advice. Meanwhile, I saw greater concerns festering, and thought it best to leave then, rather than stay engaged and participating in a shit show.

I look forward to rejoining namePros again soon. But for now, I'm trying my best to stay out of the drama and focus on domains. And yet, I find myself here, back in drama, and away from domains again.

Looks like I need a time-out from DNF as well. I'm sure the DNF member base will appreciate my absence.


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Oct 12, 2003
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The opinions were directed to somebody else. I felt the need to inform the person being harassed that nP has an ignore feature, and with that, you can shield your experience from baseless attacks, or overall nonsense some members tend to post.

I was slapped on the wrist for this advice. Meanwhile, I saw greater concerns festering, and thought it best to leave then, rather than stay engaged and participating in a **** show.

I look forward to rejoining namePros again soon. But for now, I'm trying my best to stay out of the drama and focus on domains. And yet, I find myself here, back in drama, and away from domains again.

Looks like I need a time-out from DNF as well. I'm sure the DNF member base will appreciate my absence.

I believe you are a reasonable person. We have political differences but I respect your work on behalf of others at NP and believe you're an asset to the community.
..., I'm growing quite fond of Fried, and if it's OK with you, I think I'd like to continue posting as Fried.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯works for me.

Tom K.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 15, 2005
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I'm going through this thread. Arrived late. Only on page 2.

Thank you for proving my point: There's that wordsmithing I'm talking about.

His faith is brought up a lot to discredit him.

@amplify, can you provide examples? If his faith is brought up a lot to discredit him, then is should be easy to find examples.

Tom K.

Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Nov 15, 2005
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Really? No replies? I guess it is true that this forum is nothing more than an echo chamber for Epik/Rob Monster talking points. Neutral and opposing views are shot down. Have fun playing in this sandbox of opinions that reinforce your own. I'm outta here. Only 4 members are online? LOL. I'm one of them. It will be 3 when I leave.

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