You failed in your task to read, many times now.
I've read, but you're still failing to comprehend. I cannot take you by the hand to do this. Either do it, or don't, and stop. It's just getting old.
"parting ways from payroll (permanently)" When were you paid staff? Doing what? And they banned you for breaking rules. You admitted that.
Yes, I needed to point out that I was on payroll there, and that I was a paid staff member and not just a moderator. The lines are blurred between the two. I was paid to write, moderate, and bug test. It's telling that you have a reading and comprehension problem now because I gave you my username on NamePros (N-A) previously, and again, where you can see my contributions to the NamePros blog when it was first introduced. If they take them down, they will forever be achieved on the early pages (1-5ish).
About the ban, they permanently banned N-A without my knowledge. I tried to reappear as ExcellentPicks and that account was banned for having more than 1 account (which is allowed here) and because I was permanently banned.
Because the other forum is active, this one isn't. It doesn't help that @amplify lets people come and post 30 posts in a row.
Would you like me to disable replying to threads for a "cool down" period as they're doing there?
I don't like that approach because this gives everyone the chance to speak at once, and as a forum, refresh and reply to everyone at once by multi-quoting. Stopping the discussion stops the dialogue that can be helpful because people get bored of waiting.
Rethinking this... it might be the way that NamePros closes the thread that makes me not think it's fair. I'm thinking they manually do it so that moderators can catch up, even though members still want to engage. I'm thinking for a small side project, as DNForum will emerge and once again have activity, and hopefully, very engaging and active threads again, that we should develop an automated tool to take the bias (corporatism) out of the equation.
Instead of locking threads for staff members to catch up and cherry-pick, I'll try to design a system that detects multiple posts and then locks the thread for an automated cool-down period, reopening it when the time is up. Innovative and takes the bias out of it.
Thanks for kind of giving this community a suggestion,
@DapperJohn .